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DLB+TD Forever
Dustin Lance Black and Tom Daley fell in love at first smiley.
TUE, 2016-01-05 09:47
One was an Olympic diver who loved Nerf guns; the other was an Oscar-winning screenwriter who made great burgers. A chance encounter at a dinner in Los Angeles—and a smiley face—set the scene for a procession of foiled wedding proposals.
达斯汀·兰斯·布莱克(Dustin Lance Black)与汤姆·戴利(Tom Daley)一见倾心。
撰稿人:亚伦·希克林(Aaron Hicklin)
撰稿日期:2016-01-05 9:47,星期二

IP属地:黑龙江1楼2016-05-04 16:02回复

    Black: Truly, it was hours and hours of sharing and talking about things that really mattered to us. Pardon the pun, but we dove right in. I remember the moment clearly when I thought, Uh-oh, I’m in trouble. Because not only is he unbelievably attractive to me, and that goes beyond just how he looks, but he gets me. He understood my competitive spirit. We both had been to the top of our fields — he’d been world champion, I had an Oscar — and neither of us felt we were done. More importantly, he understood the chaos I was in, having lost my brother and having a very sick mother. I had to get on a plane the next day to go to the Supreme Court to hear the case I had been working on for years, and I knew he was leaving for England. I remember sending a text, wondering if he would answer, and he did — right before I boarded the plane. We made a commitment that we would keep talking, and I tell you: If we’re not together, there’s a text message every couple of minutes. It’s been like that for years now. We’ve kept it up.
    Daley: We spoke every day, non-stop. My phone would buzz, and we’d just be in constant communication, it was kind of insane, like there was nothing else around me. We’d met in March, and it was about eight weeks later that we saw each other again, for my 19th birthday party. It was all a bit of a blur, because I had just flown in, Lance had just flown in, we were jet-lagged, and then we went to the party. But then the next day, we went on our first real date. That was the night he said, “Tom will you be my boyfriend?” when we were drunk in the hotel, and then he said, “Actually, you don’t have to answer that.” When I woke up the next morning, I turned to him and said, “Yes.” And he said, “What do you mean, ‘Yes’?” And I said, “Yes, I’ll be your boyfriend.”
    布莱克:没错,连续好几个小时我们彼此掏心掏肺地谈论及分享了那些对我们意义重大的事情。毫不夸张地说,当时我们真的是完全投入到一种忘我的境界当中了。我清楚地记得那一刻我的内心活动:啊喔... 我有麻烦了!因为他不光对我有着致命的吸引力,而且还远不止我对他外貌上的喜爱,更多的则是他给我的那种感觉。他能理解我的好胜心,我们都曾站在各自领域的最顶端,也都体会过高处不胜寒的苦楚。他曾经是世界冠军,我获得过奥斯卡奖——我们都不满足止步于此。更重要的是,他明白我的生活陷入了怎样混乱的处境:哥哥刚病逝不久,目前母亲又病重。第二天我必须赶飞机去最高法院听审几年来我一直在持续关注且为之倾付努力的一件案子,我知道他也要飞回英国。我记得过后我给他发了短信,然后一颗心就七上八下的想着他是否会回我啊什么的,他果然给我回复了——刚好赶在我登机前。我们相互许诺会一直保持联络。这么跟你们说吧:只要我们两个不在对方身边,我们就会每隔几分钟互通一次短信。我们已经这样好几年了。这个惯例往后还会继续保留。

    IP属地:黑龙江4楼2016-05-04 16:09

      IP属地:黑龙江6楼2016-05-04 16:13

        IP属地:黑龙江14楼2016-05-08 20:00
          7 Things We Learned From Dustin Lance Black & Tom Daley

          It was love at first sight for our Love Issue cover couple.
          TUE, 2016-01-05 11:20
          Photography by Harry Borden. Styling by David Bradshaw. As told to Aaron Hicklin.
          Together, they make one of the cutest gay celebrity couples, and their love story is full of fun anecdotes. Here, our favorite excerpts from Dustin Lance Black andTom Daley's cover story. Read the full interview here.
          从对汤姆·戴利(Tom Daley)和达斯汀·兰斯·布莱克(Dustin Lance Black)访谈中提炼出的7点小细节
          2016-01-05 11:20 星期二
          本期刊的摄影师为哈里·伯登(Harry Borden);造型师是大卫·布拉德肖(David Bradshaw)。由亚伦·希克林(Aaron Hicklin)根据口述汇编整理。

          IP属地:黑龙江43楼2017-01-18 00:48
            Dustin Lance Black gave Tom a barbecue as a birthday gift, and then wooed his family with his grilling skills.
            Tom Daley: "He came back to Plymouth, and he was originally going to stay for four days, and then he extended his trip for another week, and I told my mom (we were dating) in that time while he was making burgers in the back garden, on the barbecue. I said, 'Oh, what do you think of Lance?' And she was, like, 'Oh yeah, he’s really nice; he makes great burgers.' And then I was like, 'Yeah, Lance and I are in a relationship,' and she was like, 'What do you mean? Of course you’re in a relationship.' And I said, 'No, he’s my boyfriend.' And she said, 'Oh, you’re in a gay relationship with him?' And I said yes, and she said, 'Well, Tom, he is lovely, and whatever makes you happy makes me happy.' And that was that."
            They talked about marriage within two weeks of meeting.
            Daley: "Quite honestly, we talked about marriage within the first two weeks after seeing each other the first time in L.A. That was the weird thing: that it came up in conversation so many times. I always knew it was going to happen at some point."
            达斯汀·兰斯·布莱克(Dustin Lance Black)组织了一场露天烧烤来为汤姆(Tom)庆生,并且以其高超的烧烤技能迅速博得了对方家人的好感。
            汤姆·戴利(Tom Daley):“他回到普利茅斯来了,他原本计划只在这儿呆4天,后来他又把这次旅程多延长了一周时间。也就是在那期间,当Lance正在后花园的派对上忙着做汉堡时,我向母亲坦白了(我俩正在约会)的事实。我先是问我母亲说,“哎,你觉得Lance这人怎么样啊?”她回答说,“噢,他人挺好的呀;而且还很会做汉堡。”然后我又说,“是啊,我和Lance在交往。”她当时的反应就像这样,“你这话是什么意思?你们两个可不就是在交往嘛!”接着我说,“跟那种不一样的,他是我男朋友。”她恍然大悟说,“哦,你是说你与他是同性恋人关系?”我说,是这样没错。之后她说,“好吧,Tom,老实说他很可爱,只要你开心那我也就开心。”事情经过就是这样。”

            IP属地:黑龙江44楼2017-01-18 00:53
              On their first real night together, Daley taught Black how to enter the water from a diving position.
              Daley: "It was one of the first times that I felt, Oh my God, this isn’t just a thing where I am attracted to someone. This is someone that I’ve connected with on a whole new level. It was new for me, and that was when I thought, Shit, I’m in trouble here. And we just kept talking and talking. I taught him how to do a hand grab, which is how you enter the water correctly from a dive, and the rest of the night was the rest of the night, if you know what I mean."
              When they're not together they text every few minutes.
              Dustin Lance Black: "I remember sending a text, wondering if he would answer, and he did — right before I boarded the plane. We made a commitment that we would keep talking, and I tell you: If we’re not together, there’s a text message every couple of minutes. It’s been like that for years now. We’ve kept it up."
              They like to spend time sketching pictures of the house they'll build together. It will be on a cliff overlooking the ocean.
              Black: "We were so busy making all these plans — we both wanted to have children; we both wanted to build a home of our own someday. I draw, so I was sketching little plans for houses on cliffs overlooking oceans, while Tom watched over my shoulder — it was a very grown-up version of playing house."
              戴利(Daley):“有生以来第一次我强烈地感受到:噢,天哪!这已不仅仅是我被谁吸引那么简单的事儿了。这个人是我在一个全新的层次和高度上与之共联的。这种完美的契合感对我来说还很新奇,也就是在那时我发觉,糟了... 我有麻烦了!我们就这样一直聊啊聊。我还教他如何做hand grab,就是入水时怎样压住水花。那天晚上余下的时间就是休息时间了,如果你知道那意味着什么的话。”
              达斯汀·兰斯·布莱克(Dustin Lance Black):“我记得那晚过后我给他发了短信,然后一颗心就七上八下的想着他是否会回我啊什么的,他果然给我回复了——刚好赶在我登机前。我们相互许诺会一直保持联络。这么跟你们说吧:只要我们两个不在对方身边,我们就会每隔几分钟互通一次短信。我们已经这样好几年了。这个惯例往后还会继续保留。”

              IP属地:黑龙江45楼2017-01-18 00:56
                They each attempted to propose to the other a minimum of eight times on several continents before finally giving up on finding the perfect place.
                Daley: "It turns out that we had both asked each other’s parents, and we both had rings ready to go. I took mine away with me to America after my final diving competition last year, and I planned on doing it in San Francisco, because it’s his favorite city. There were so many points when I thought that I was going to do it: We went out on a boat in the bay, but there were too many people around. And then we went to Lands End near the Golden Gate Bridge and again, there were a lot of people around. We went to dinner, and I thought, You know what, after this dinner, we’ll go to Dolores Park, we’ll sit down, and then I’ll propose, and it will be somewhere we can go back to and relive that moment. Well, we got to Dolores Park and it was full of construction, and the first thing he said was, “Oh, it looks awful here,” and I just thought, Great, I’ll just have to save it for another time. So, I ended up bringing the rings back to London."
                When Daley finally proposed to Black they were both in their underwear.
                Daley: "I had the ring box in my underwear, and when he came out of the bathroom, I just went down on my knee and proposed. Then he ran off to the bathroom to get his rings, and he had this whole speech prepared, but he’s a writer so his was quite extravagant. But looking back, all I can remember is being completely overwhelmed, like, Oh my God, we’re now engaged. Who do we have to call? So I called my mom, and he called his stepdad."
                戴利(Daley):“结果证实我们都曾就此事征询过彼此父母的意见,而且各自都准备了戒指。去年跳水赛季结束后,我把戒指带到了美国。我打算在旧金山(San Francisco)向他求婚,因为那是他最喜欢的城市。其间不知有多少时候我都决心要行动了:起先我们去海湾坐船,但那边实在太多人了,所以我就只好先摁下这股冲劲儿。随后我们去了金门大桥(Golden Gate Bridge)附近的兰兹艾德(Lands End),又一次因为人太多而耽搁了。接着我们去吃晚餐,我一边吃饭一边就琢磨:管他的呢!饭后我们将会去多洛里斯公园(Dolores Park),届时我们会安坐下来,到了那我再求婚也未尝不可。至于在地点的选择上,我想怎么也应该是可以供我们日后再回来重温和回味的那么一个地方吧。好吧,当我们终于来到多洛里斯公园,那里却到处都在施工!他迎头跟我说的第一句话就是,“嗷,这里看起来糟透了。”于是我有些泄气地想,真是‘好’极了!这下又泡汤了... 我看我还是下次再找机会求婚吧。所以,最后我只好揣着戒指回伦敦了。”
                戴利(Daley):我把戒指盒藏在了内裤里,当他从浴室出来时,我就跪下来求婚了。接着他又马上跑回浴室,把他的那枚戒指也拿了出来。他还准备了一整套台词,但谁让他是个作家呢... 所以尽管夸张了一些,那也是情有可原。但过后一回想起来,我只记得当时我完全惊呆了,一心只想着:哦,天哪!我们现在订婚了!我该通知谁好呢?所以我给我妈妈打去了电话,他打给了他继父。

                IP属地:黑龙江46楼2017-01-18 00:58