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IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端1楼2024-01-09 14:18回复
    Darksaber said:
    "It will be crewed by close to a million officers, support personnel, and stormtroopers. It may be enormously expensive to build," Tarkin continued, "but this single Death Star alone will be worth a thousand Star Destroyers. The mere threat of this battle station will make any populace quiver in terror, for they can have no defenses against it.None.暗剑提到死星相当于一千艘帝国级

    IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端2楼2024-01-09 14:19
      Lando Calrissian And The Starcave Of Thonboka said:
      The next few days were bedlam, exactly as Whett had expected. The navy appeared at the fringes of the system, close enough to be fully detectable by Renatasian defense sensors.
      They even let the local military lob a few primitive thermonuclear weapons at them to demonstrate the utter futility of, resistance. The fleet's shields glowed briefly, restoring energy consumed by the voyage out, and that was that. Almost.歼星舰护盾可以吸收核能,给歼星舰充能

      IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端3楼2024-01-09 14:20
        The Balmorran designers of the six-limbed X-1, who nicknamed the droid "Automadon," gave the machine speed, ferociousness, and a lethal arsenal of weaponry that could match even the Empire's AT-AT walkers.毒蛇机器人爆能炮匹敌主力舰涡轮激光,毒蛇机器人对标AT-AT

        IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端4楼2024-01-09 14:20

          IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端5楼2024-01-09 14:28
            IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端7楼2024-01-09 14:32
              A black void, like space without stars. Then lightning flashed, revealing cracked ground. The barren landscape shook, then shattered. A mountain erupted onto the surface. Dirt and chunks of soil fell away, revealing a metal hull, striped with red. Around it, more mountains broke the surface, resolving into massive Star Destroyers, half again the size of the Destroyers from the days of the Empire. A single, giant obelisk erupted also, a navigation tower that would coordinate their final ascension. It unfurled like a metal flower, exposing its petal-antennae to the violent sky.
              More ships rose—and more and more—until tens of thousands hovered in the atmosphere.
              "For a generation, my disciples have labored," Emperor Palpatine said, his voice dark and deep.
              Kylo's heart was racing. So much power. A starfield of Destroyers. The largest fleet the galaxy had ever known. The rumors were all true. Exegol was a world populated by the Sith Eternal, true believers in the dark side of the Force, devoting their lives to this.
              "They've built a fleet that will bring an end to the galactic rebellion once and for all."
              The vision was whisked away, replaced by hundreds of thousands of stormtroopers, shining in crimson armor. Thunderous marching filled his ears, and with it came the barest hint of a scent he recognized…blaster-seared blood长矛级的数量有几万

              IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端8楼2024-01-09 14:57

                IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端11楼2024-01-29 17:13
                  ——出自《The Essential Atlas》

                  IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端13楼2024-01-31 13:12