十里店大学吧 关注:6,856贴子:284,113



王雪莹,女,1995年生,研究员。2023年博士毕业于电子科技大学,电子科学与技术专业。近5年在《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》、《Ceramics International》、《Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials》等期刊上发表论文20余篇,主持省部级教改项目1项。
1. Wang X, Zhang D, Wang G, et al. Synthesis of V2O5-Doped and low-sintered NiCuZn ferrite with uniform grains and enhanced magnetic properties[J], Ceramics International, 2020, 46(8): 10652-10657.
2. Wang X, Zhang H, Shi L, et al. Synthesis of low-temperature sintered M-type barium ferrites with enhanced microstructure, magnetic and dielectric properties[J], Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 899: 163146.
3. Wang X, Zhang H, Li J, et al. Effect of sintering temperature on microstructure and magnetic and dielectric properties of M-type barium ferrites[J], Ceramics International, 2022, 48(19): 27712-27717.
4. Wang X, Zhang H, Shi L, et al. Synthesis and magnetic properties of low-temperature sintered, LMZBS glass-doped dense NiCuZn ferrites[J], Ceramics International, 2022, 48(13): 19011-19016.
5. Wang X, Zhang H, Li J, et al. Investigation on adjustment effect of V2O5 on the microstructure, magnetic and dielectric properties of M-type barium ferrites[J], 2022 23rd International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT), Dalian, China, 2022: 1-4.
6. Wang X, Zhang H, Li J, et al. Influence of Bi2O3-Nb2O5 additive on microstructure and magnetic properties of LiZn ferrites[J], Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2022, 564: 170165.
7. Wang X, Lei Y, Shi L, et al. Microstructures and gyromagnetic properties of low-sintered M-type barium hexagonal ferrite with various Ga3+ ions substitutions[J], Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 983: 168262.
8. Shi L, Wang X, Peng R, et al. Crystallographic characteristics and microwave dielectric properties of Ni-modified MgTa2O6 ceramics[J]. Ceramics International, 2021, 47(16): 22514

IP属地:重庆来自Android客户端83楼2024-03-18 14:26
    姓 名 :胡传皓
    学 历 :研究生
    学 位 :工学博士
    职 称 :副教授
    1. 2021年四川省科技进步一等奖,排名第9,《先进核探测信号处理关键理论、技术与应用》
    2. 2022年中国发明协会发明创业奖成果奖二等奖,排名第2,《信号链自适应最优匹配核辐射探测技术及应用》
    3. 2021年成都理工大学中青年骨干教师发展资助计划,排名第1
    1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,11905020,用于现场X荧光分析的硅漂移探测器读出电路及数字处理算法研究,2020.01~2022.12 ,主持
    2. 四川省重大科技专项项目(课题),2020ZDZX0007,高分辨X射线探测核心部件研发,2020.01~2023.06,主研
    3. 国家重点研发计划项目,2017YFC0602100,高分辨率航空伽玛能谱测量及机载成像光谱测量技术,2017.07~2021.06,主研
    4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41774147,高分辨航空伽马阵列探测器群能谱响应研究,2018.01~2020.12,参研
    (1) Chuanhao Hu*, Chengyang Li, Miao Deng, Nan Wang, Guoqiang Zeng, Min Gu, Xiaofeng Yang and Jian Yang, Development of a novel high-performance readout circuit for αand β energy spectrum measurement, Journal of Instrumentation, 2022.17(10): P10039.
    (2) Chuan-Hao Hu; Guo-Qiang Zeng*; Liang-Quan Ge; Shi-Long Wei; Jian Yang; Qiang Li; Hong-Zhi Li, Analog rise-time discriminator for CdZnTe detector, Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2017.3, 28(4): 52.
    (3) 胡传皓; 曾国强*; 葛良全; 喻明福; 魏世龙; 张开琪; 杨剑; 陈川, Si-PIN与CdTe探测器应用于X射线荧光能谱测量的研究, 光谱学与光谱分析, 2017.1, 37(1): 262~266.
    (4) 胡传皓; 曾国强*; 葛良全; 容易; 卿松, 采用源级复位的电荷灵敏前置放大器研制,第十九届全国核电子学与核探测技术学术年会论文集, 2018.10.
    (5) Wenwan Ding, Chuanhao Hu*, Yang Cao, Xuegang Li, Tao Yue, Kunling Zhao, Song Zhang, Wenbing Zhang and Yi Gu, Implementation of digital constant fraction timing based on field programmable gate array, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1941 (2021) 012068.
    (6) 张松, 胡传皓*, 李承洋, 王楠, 严磊, 李雪刚, 曾国强, 顾民, 小波包软阈值降噪法在航空γ能谱中的应用, 核技术, 2022.9, 45(9):090501.
    (7) 曹杨,胡传皓*,喻川,李雪刚,胡世敏,胡瑶函,段志强,白彬,曾国强, BGO闪烁体电流前置放大器设计, 核电子学与探测技术, 2022, 42(1):94-99.
    (8) Guoqiang Zeng*; Chuanhao Hu; Shilong Wei; Jian Yang; Qiang Li; Liangquan Ge; Chengjun Tan, Research and development of a high-performance differential-hybrid charge sensitive preamplifier, Applied Radia

    IP属地:重庆来自Android客户端84楼2024-03-18 14:28
      2017.09—2021.06 清华大学 核科学与技术 博士
      2015.09—2017.06 成都理工大学 仪器仪表工程 硕士
      2009.09—2013.06 成都理工大学 电气工程及其自动化 本科
      [1] J. Yang, Y. L. Li, G. Q. Zeng*, et al. Direct measurement of electron drift parameters in pixelated cadmium zinc telluride semiconductor detectors [J]. Measurement, 2023, 10: 113128.
      [2] J. Yang, Y. L. Li*, Y. Tian, et al. Performance optimization of pixelated CdZnTe detector readout by analog ASIC using cathode waveform[J]. Journal of Instrumentation, 2020, 4: P04005.
      [3] J. Yang, Y. L. Li*, Y. Tian, et al. Identification of single-pixel incomplete charge collection events by using cathode waveform in pixelated CdZnTe detector[J]. Journal of Instrumentation, 2020, 9: P09017.
      [4] Jian Yang, Yulan Li, Yang Tian, et al. Improvement of count rate for pixelated CdZnTe detector array[C]//IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS/MIC), IEEE, 2020.
      [5] Guoqiang Zeng, Jian Yang*, Tianyu Hu, et al. Baseline restoration technique based on symmetrical zero-area trapezoidal pulse shaper[J]. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 2017, 858: 57-61.
      [6] Guo-Qiang Zeng, Jian Yang*, Ming-Fu Yu, et al. Digital pulse deconvolution method for current tails of NaI(Tl) detectors[J]. Chinese Physics C, 2017, 41: 155-159.

      IP属地:重庆来自Android客户端85楼2024-03-18 14:30

        [1]刘晓辉,周四春,王亚栋,韩若浦,樊新胜. 地气测量在茶卡北山锂铍矿勘查区深部含矿性预测中的应用[J]. 物探与化探,2023,47(6):1643-1648.
        [2]周四春,王登红,刘晓辉,胡波. 关键矿产深部找矿的技术方法与示范[M]. 北京:地质出版社,2023.
        [3]金益帆,刘晓辉,张庆贤,文春华,曹创华,刘钧,张利军,张立平. 湘东北仁里矿区西侧X荧光异常特征及找矿意义[J]. 地质论评,2022,68(3):955-964.
        [4]周四春,刘晓辉,曾国强,杨强. X荧光勘查技术及其在地质找矿中的应用[M]. 北京:科学出版社,2020.
        [5]周四春,刘晓辉,胡波,左建国. 南岭重点矿集区深部成矿信息的地气、放射性探测技术与实验[M]. 北京:中国原子能出版社,2018.
        [6]周四春,刘晓辉,王广西,杨强. 核测井原理及应用[M]. 北京:中国原子能出版社,2016.
        [7]周四春,刘晓辉,童纯菡,胡波. 地气测量技术及在隐伏矿找矿中的应用研究[J]. 地质学报,2014,88(04):736-754.
        [8]刘晓辉,周四春,童纯菡,胡波. 地气模型中元素迁移规律[J].物探与化探,2012,36(06):1050-1054.

        IP属地:重庆来自Android客户端86楼2024-03-18 14:32

          司绍博,女,1994年生,讲师。2023年博士毕业于重庆大学,仪器科学与技术专业。近3年在《Nano Energy》、《Nano Research》、《Advanced Functional Materials》、《Applied Materials Today》等期刊上发表SCI 1区论文6篇,参与国家自然科学基金1项,省部级科研项目1项。
          1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 51675069, 融合声表面波技术的可穿戴自供电无线传感器研究, 参与.
          2. 重庆市基础研究与前沿探索项目, cstc2018jcyjAX0076, 柔性可穿戴无源无线压力传感器研究, 参与.
          3. 华为2012实验室, 横向项目(经费200余万), 体表脉搏波******研究, 参与.
          1. Si S, Sun C, Wang H, Wu H, Chen L, Xia Y, Qin J, Wu Y*, Yang J*. Unconstrained Blood Pressure Monitoring Based on a Neural Network-Assisted Multistage Pressure Textile Sensor. Nano Energy, 2023, 115: 108730.(一作,SCI一区,IF=17.6)
          2. Si S, Sun C, Wu Y, Li J, Wang H, Yang J*, Wang Z L*. 3D Interlocked All-Textile Structured Pressure Sensor for Accurately Measuring Epidermal Pulse Waves in Amphibious Environments. Nano Research, 2023.(一作,SCI一区,IF=9.9)
          3. Si S, Sun C, Qiu J, Liu J, Yang J*. Knitting Integral Conformal All-Textile Strain Sensor with Commercial Apparel Characteristics for Smart Textiles. Applied Materials Today, 2022,27: 101508-101508.(一作,SCI一区,IF=8.3)
          4. Sun C, Si S, Liu J, Xia Y, Lin Z, He Q, Wang H, Chen L, Wu H, Liu J, Wu Y*, Yang J*. Flexible, Ultra-Wideband Acoustic Device for Ultrasound Energy Harvesting and Passive Wireless Sensing. Nano Energy, 2023, 112:108430(共同一作,SCI一区,IF=17.6)
          5. Lin Z ; Zhang G; Xiao X; Au C; Zhou Y; Sun C; Zhou Z; Yan R; Fan E; Si S; Weng L; Mathur S; Yang J* ; Chen J*. A Personalized Acoustic Interface for Wearable Human–Machine Interaction, Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 32(9): 2109430. (SCI一区,IF=19)
          6. Liu J, Liu M, Sun C, Lin Z, Feng Z, Si S, Yang J*. Triboelectric Hydrophone for Underwater Detection of Low-Frequency Sounds. Nano Energy, 2022, 99, 107428.(SCI一区,IF=17.6)

          IP属地:重庆来自Android客户端87楼2024-03-18 14:34
            2012.09-2016.06:大连理工大学 工学学士 电气工程及其自动化
            2016.09-2022.06:西安交通大学 工学博士 电气工程
            2020.11-2021.10:莱布尼兹等离子体科学技术研究所(德国) 联合培养博士生
            2022.07-2023.07:中航工业陕西航空电气有限责任公司 所长助理
            2023.09-至今:成都理工大学 讲师、师资博士后
            [1] Ze Yang, Lijun Wang, Zhefeng Zhang, Jieli Chen, and Sergey Gortschakow, Numerical investigation on transient arc characteristics and anode surface temperature considering the electrode movement. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55, 415201 (2022.08.08).
            [2] Ze Yang, Lijun Wang, and Sergey Gortschakow, Numerical simulation and experimental investigation of transient anode surface temperature in vacuum arc. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 505201 (2021.09.22).
            [3] Ze Yang, Lijun Wang, Ming Luo, and Jiagang Li, A Magnetohydrodynamic Model of a Low Current Vacuum Arc Jet with a Deuterium-Impregnated Zr Cathode. J. Appl. Phys. 128, 073303 (2020.08.21).
            [4] Ze Yang, Lijun Wang, Jie Deng, and Shenli Jia, Modeling of vacuum arc plasmas in anode spot or anode plume mode taking into account multiple ion components. J. Appl. Phys. 126, 193306 (2019.11.20).
            [5] Ze Yang, Lijun Wang, Yuan Wang, Xiao Zhang, and Shenli Jia, Modeling of macro-particles in vacuum arc jet before current zero with axial magnetic field. Phys. Plasmas. 26, 073508 (2019.07.19).
            [6] Lijun Wang, Ze Yang, Jing Jiang, Yuan Wang, and Shenli Jia, Study of vacuum arc behavior under anode spot and anode plume modes. Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 014101 (2019.07.01).
            [1] Z Yang, LJ Wang, M Luo, ZF Zhang, J Jiang, SL Jia, S Gortschakow, D Uhrlandt. Numerical simulation of transient vacuum arc with active anode[C]. 28th ISDEIV, Padova, Italy, 2021, 278-281. (获得Chatterton最佳青年研究者奖)
            [2] Z Yang, LJ Wang, Y Wang, X Zhang, SL Jia. Simulation of the interaction between high current vacuum arc and macroparticles in small-size trigatron[C].

            IP属地:重庆来自Android客户端88楼2024-03-18 14:36
              成都理工大学地球与行星科学学院邹灏教授课题组在国际地学顶级期刊《Earth-Science Reviews》发表研究成果
              作者:地科院 时间:2024-03-18 点击数:39
              近日,我校地球与行星科学学院、油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室固定研究人员邹灏教授以论文第一作者及通讯作者,在国际地球科学顶级期刊《Earth-Science Reviews》(影响因子12.1)上发表了题为《An oxygen isotope perspective on the break-up of the Rodinia supercontinent》的学术论文。共同作者还包括中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所李献华院士、澳大利亚西澳大学Pirajno Franco教授和我校曹华文副研究员、博士生黄长成等

              IP属地:重庆来自Android客户端89楼2024-03-18 14:52
                姓 名:Bamisile Olusola
                系 别:电气工程系
                学 历:研究生
                学 位:工学博士
                职 称:研究员/硕士生导师
                2012年毕业于Graduated from Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta(联邦农业大学,奥贝库塔,尼日利亚),物理学学士
                2016年毕业于Cyprus International University(塞浦路斯国际大学),能源系统工程理学硕士
                [1] O. Bamisile, D. Cai, M. Adedeji, M. Dagbasi, Y. Hu, Q. Huang (2024). Environmental Impact and Thermodynamic Comparative Optimization of CO2-Based Multi-Energy Systems Powered with Geothermal Energy. Science of The Total Environment (Elsevier). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168459
                [2] O.Bamisile, D. Cai, M. Adedeji, M. Dagbasi, J. Li, Y. Hu, Q. Huang (2023). Thermo-enviro-exergoeconomic analysis and multi-objective optimization of a novel geothermal-solar-wind micro-multi-energy system for cleaner energy production. Process Safety and Environmental Protection (Elsevier). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psep.2022.11.068
                [3] O. Bamisile, D. Cai, H. Adun, M. Taiwo, J. Li, Y. Hu, Q. Huang (2023). Geothermal Energy Prospect for Decarbonization, EWF Nexus and Energy Poverty Mitigation in East Africa; The Role of Hydrogen Production. Energy Strategy Reviews (Elsevier). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2023.101157
                [4] O. Bamisile, X. Wang, H. Adun, C. J. Ejiyi, S. Obiora, Q. Huang, W. Hu (2022). A 2030 and 2050 Feasibile/Sustainable Decarbonization Perusal for China’s Sichuan Province: A Deep Carbon Neutrality Analysis and EnergyPLAN. Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2022.115605
                [5] O. Bamisile, D. Cai, J. Li, M. Mukhtar, X. Wang, J. Duo, R. Cao, Q. Huang (2022). An Innovative Approach for Geothermal-Wind Hybrid Comprehensive Energy System and Hydrogen Production Modelling/Process Analysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Elsevier). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.02.084
                [6] O. Bamisile, H. Jing, M. Adedeji, J. Li, P. O.K. Anane, M. Dagbasi, Q. Huang (2021). Towards Cleaner/Sustainable Energy Consumption in Agriculture Farms: Performance Assessment of Two Innovative High-Temperature Solar-Based Multigeneration Systems. Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2021.114507
                [7] O. Bamisile, A. Babatunde, H. Adun, N. Yimen, M. Muhktar, Q. Huang, W. Hu (2021). Electrification and Renewable Energy Nexus in Developing Countries; An Overarching Analysis of Hydrogen Production and Electric Vehicles Integrality in Renewable Energy Penetration. Energy Conversion and Management. (Elsevier). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2021.114023
                [8] O. Bamisile, Q. Huang, M. Dagbasi, V. Adebayo, H. Adun, W. Hu (2020). Steady-State and Process Modeling of a Novel Wind-Biomass Comprehensive Energy System: An Energy Conservation, Exergy and Performance Analysis. Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2020.113139
                [9] O. Bamisile, Q. Huang, J. Li, M. Dagbasi, A. D. Kemena, M. Abid, W. Hu (2020). Modelling and Performance Analysis of An Innovative CPVT, Wind, and Biogas Integrated Comprehensive Energy System: An Energy and Exergy Approach. Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2020.112611
                [10] O. Bamisile, Q. Huang, X. Xu, W. Hu, W. Liu, Z. Liu, Z. Chen (2020). An approach for sustainable energy planning towards 100% electrification of Nigeria by 2030. Energy (Elsevier). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2020.117172
                [1] Bai Mingjin (Olusola Bamisile), Huang Qi, Li Jian, Lu Chaoqun, Zhang Guangdou, Cai Dongsheng, Hu Weihao, Zhang Zhenyuan, Yi Jianbo, Jing Shi (2022). A CO2-based integrated energy system. (CN115234332A).
                [2] Bai Mingjin (Olusola Bamisile), Li Jian, Huang Qi, Lu Chaoqun, Cai Dongsheng, Zhang Fengyu, Hu Weihao, et. al. (2022). A concentrated photovoltaic thermal system for polygeneration. (CN114623608AA).
                [3] Peng Yuchuan, Bai Mingjin (Olusola Bamisile), Huang Qi, Liu Shunlin, Cai Dongsheng, et. al. (2021). A thrust adjustment device for a helical wave plasma electric thruster. (CN113090484A).
                [4] Li Jian, Huang Qi, Zhang Guangdou, Lu Chaoqun, Bai Mingjin (Olusola Bamisile), et. al. (2022). A load frequency control method and system considering network attacks and time-varying delay. (CN114244605A).
                参与过许多研究项目,包括国家、省级和私营公司项目,还参与Imperial College London, King’s College London, University of Dundee, and University of York院校顶尖科学家参与的国际项目。

                IP属地:重庆90楼2024-03-19 15:51
                  王婷,女,四川成都人,副教授,硕士生导师,第八届中国科协青年托举人才,四川省峨眉计划青年学者,四川省海外高层次人才。主要研究方向包括:闪烁体材料开发及其X射线性能研究、压力发光材料、特种玻璃光学材料研究。2019年9月获得博士学位后,继续在香港理工大学应用物理系从事助理研究员工作(Research Assistant)。迄今在ACS Energy Letters, Angewandte Chemie,Advanced Functional Materials, Nano Letters, Advanced Science, Advanced Optical Materials, Chemical Engineering Journal等国际顶级期刊上发表SCI检索论文90余篇,其中第1或通讯作者论文60篇,获授权国家发明专利10。论文引用次数超过1500次。教学方面带领学生团队获得2021第七届四川省互联网+创新创业大赛省银奖、2022挑战杯四川省创业计划大赛省银奖、2022第八届四川省互联网+创新创业大赛省金奖、全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛国家级三等奖。2023年荣获 四川省留学回国人员创新创业大赛 三等奖。
                  [1] 成都理工大学科研启动基金,主持 (2020)
                  [2] 云南省新材料制备与加工重点实验室创新课题项目,主持 (2020)
                  [3] 稀土掺杂微晶玻璃为介质的深紫外激光增益性能研究,国际港澳台科技创新合作,主持(2022)
                  [4] 基于稀土调控钙钛矿微晶玻璃的微纳激光研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持(2023)
                  [5] 光热敏折变玻璃中Ag原子分布与团簇形成机制研究, 国家自然科学基金“叶企孙”科学基金,主研(2023)
                  [6] 中国科协青年人才托举工程项目 主持(2023)
                  1. Lin Nie, Ting Wang*, Xue Yu, Wei Gao, Qingpeng Peng, Zhiguo Xia, Jianbei Qiu, Siu Fung Yu, and Xuhui Xu,Multicolor Display Fabricated via Stacking CW Laser-Patterned Perovskite Films,ACS Energy Letters, (2023), 8, 4, 2025–2032 (IF=23.101)
                  2. Longchao Guo, Ping Xia, Ting Wang,* Alexey Nikolaevich Yakovlev, Tingting Hu, Feng Zhao, Qingyuan Wang,* and Xue Yu*, Visual Representation of the Stress Distribution with a Color-Manipulated Mechanoluminescence of Fluoride for Structural Mechanics, Advanced Functional Materials,(2023), 2306875 (IF=19.924)
                  3. Ya Liu, Shuangpeng Yan, Tianchi Wang, Qingshan He, Xiaodie Zhu, Chao Wang, Daiyuan Liu, Ting Wang,* Xuhui Xu, Xue Yu*,Achieving Color-Tunable Long Persistent Luminescence in Cs2CdCl4 Ruddlesden-Popper Phase Perovskites,Angewandte Chemie,(2023), 62, 37, e202308420 (IF=16.823)
                  4. Xuanyu Zhu, Tingxiang Gu, Lei Zhao, Wei Gao, Haozhe Liu, Lin Nie, Feng Zhao, Yang Yue, Qingshan He, Xin An, Puyan Hao, Alexey Nikolaevich Yakovlev, Tingting Hu, Siufung Yu, Xuhui Xu, Xue Yu*, Ting Wang*, Small, (2023), 2306299 (IF=13.3003)
                  5. Lan Lu, Songcheng Peng, Lei Zhao, Meiguang Zhang, Jianqiang Xiao, Hongyu Wen, Peng Zhang, Alexey Nikolaevich Yakovlev, Jianbei Qiu, Xue Yu, Ting Wang*, and Xuhui Xu*, Nano Letters, (2023), 23(18): 8753-8760 (IF=10.7997)
                  6. Haihong Guo, Ting Wang*, Xuanyu Zhu, Haoze Liu, Lin Nie, Longchao Guo, Tingxiang Gu, Xuhui Xu, Xue Yu, Dynamic anti-counterfeiting and information encryption of Sr3Y2Ge3O12: Tb3+, Er3+ phosphor via carriers filling and release processes,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 640 (2023): 719-726. (IF=9.965)
                  7. Xuanyu Zhu, Ting Wang*, Haozhe Liu, Lin Nie, Feng Zhao, Siufung Yu, Jianbei Qiu, Xuhui Xu, Xue Yu*,Achievement of full-visible-spectrum lighting in Bi3+-activated strontium gallates via lattice site occupancy engineering toward WLEDs applications,Materials Today Physics, 31 (2023): 100968. (IF=11.021)
                  8. Haozhe Liu, Ting Wang*, Yicen Ge*, Xuanyu Zhu, Lin Nie, Feng Zhao, Jianbei Qiu, Xuhui Xu, Xue Yu*, Temperature dependent luminescence properties of Mn2+ ions for site preference of NaCa2GeO4F: Mn2+, Fe3+ phosphor,Ceramics International (2023). (IF=5.532)
                  9. Lin Nie, Xue Yu*, Yicen Ge, Dongxu He, Xuanyu Zhu, Haozhe Liu, Haihong Guo, Feng Zhao, Siufung Yu*, Jianbei Qiu, Xuhui Xu and Ting Wang*, Highly stable and controllable lasing actions from PVDF encapsulated CsPbBr3 perovskite microcrystals, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, (2022), 10 (43), 16301-16308 (IF=8.067)
                  10. Ziyang Li, Yajing Yan, Ting Wang*, Shaoqing Wang, Longchao Guo, Wei Feng, Lei Zhao, Ziqi Wang, Feng Zhao, Jiaqi Chen, Zhanhui Zhang, Xuhui Xu, Xue Yu*, Multi-color mechano-luminescence of LaGaO3: Sm3+, Tb3+ via trap sharing for anti-counterfeiting and encryption, Journal of Rare Earths, (2023) (IF= 4.632)
                  11. Ting Wang, Weiqing Chen, Hok‐Leung Loi, Wei Gao, Xuhui Xu*, Longhui Zeng, Ping Kwong Cheng, Safayet Ahmed, Xue Yu, Feng Zhao, Jianbei Qiu, Feng Yan, Siu Fung Yu*, Yuen Hong Tsang*, Stable Single-Mode Lasing from a Hybrid Perovskite–Polymer Fiber, Advanced Optical Materials, (2022), 2200439 (IF=10.050)
                  12. Xuanyu Zhu, Xue Yu*, Wei Gao, Haozhe Liu, Lin Nie, Haihong Guo, Feng Zhao, Siufung Yu, Ting Wang*, Optical enhancement of nonstoichiometry-induced heterojunction in lanthanide doped double perovskite phosphors for WLEDs and scintillation applications, Chemical Engineering Journal, (2022), 442:136235 (IF=16.744)
                  13. Longchao Guo, Ting Wang*, Qingyuan Wang, Wei Feng, Ziyang Li, Shaoqing Wang, Ping Xia, Feng Zhao*, Xue Yu*, Temporal @ spatial anti-counterfeiting with Mn2+/Bi3+/Er3+ doped BaZnOS phosphors, Chemical Engineering Journal, (2022), 442:136236 (IF=16.744)
                  14. Tao Ji1, Ting Wang1, Hao Li, Qingpeng Peng, Haitao Tang, Song Hu, Alexey Yakovlev, Yang Zhong, Xuhui Xu, Ce3+-Doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Transparent Ceramics for High-Resolution X-Ray Imaging, Advanced Optical Materials, (2022), 2102056 (IF=10.050)
                  15. Wei Gao, Ting Wang, Jiangtao Xu, Ping Zeng, Wenfei Zhang, Yunduo Yao, Changsheng Chen, Mingjie Li, Siu Fung Yu, Robust and Flexible Random Lasers Using Perovskite Quantum Dots Coated Nickel Foam for Speckle‐Free Laser Imaging, Small, (2021), 17(39): 2103065 (IF=15.153)
                  16. Mengfeifei Jin, Wei Gao, Xiaojuan Liang, Ying Fang, Siufung Yu, Ting Wang*, Weidong Xiang*, The achievement of red upconversion lasing for highly stable perovskite nanocrystal glasses with the assistance of anion modulation, Nano Research, (2021), 14(8), 2861-2866 (IF=10.269)
                  1. 王婷,余兆丰,深紫外微腔激光器及其制备方法,ZL-2019-10827798.X
                  2.余兆丰;徐旭辉;王婷, 一种原位透射电子显微镜观测纳米颗粒生长的方法-109668911A
                  3. 余雪;王婷;徐旭辉;邱建备, 一种红色荧光材料及其制备方法 - 201410393991.4
                  4. 余雪;王婷;徐旭辉;张新;邱建备.一种光激励荧光粉及其制备方法 - 201310518875.6
                  5. 余雪;黎千跃;徐旭辉;王婷;邱建备.一种红色发光玻璃材料及其制备方法 - 201410394060.6
                  6. 余雪;张步豪;徐旭辉;王婷;邱建备.一种绿色光激励荧光粉及其制备方法 - 201410352420.6

                  IP属地:重庆91楼2024-03-19 15:58
                    姓 名:瞿广宇
                    性 别:男
                    系 别:电气工程系
                    学 历:研究生
                    学 位:工学博士
                    职 称:副研究员/硕士生导师
                    [1] G. Qu, Y. Fan and Q. Chen. Suppression of torque ripple in a new consequent-pole permanent magnet machine by segmented structure. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2022, 58(8): 1-6.
                    [2] G. Qu and Y. Fan. Design of a new consequent-pole segmented dual-stator permanent magnet machine. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2022, 58(2): 1-5.
                    [3] G. Qu, Y. Fan, Z. Wu. Design and analysis of a new hybrid-excited permanent magnet machine with unequal teeth. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2019, 55(7): 1-5.
                    [4] Y. Fan, G. Qu, C. Tan, Q. Zhang and W. Wang. Design and analysis of a new five-phase dual-stator consequent-pole brushless hybrid excitation machine. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2019, 55(1): 1-10.
                    [5] G. Qu, Y. Fan and R. Cui. Design and analysis of a new consequent-pole interior permanent magnet synchronous motor. 21st International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2018), Jeju, Korea, 2018.
                    [6] Y. Mei, Y. Fan, Q. Zhang, G. Qu and C. Mao. Design and analysis of a new consequent-pole permanent-magnet servo motor based on field modulation. 22nd International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2019), Harbin, China, 2019.
                    [1] 基于交替极的模块化永磁复合自减速伺服电机基于交替极的模块化永磁复合自减速伺服电机,2021-07-09,中国发明专利,CN201910453412.3
                    [2] 一种基于转子互补结构的内置式交替极永磁电机,2020-06-30,中国发明专利,CN201711324059.6
                    [3] 基于三段式定子轴向互补结构的混合励磁永磁电机,2020-03-31,中国发明专利,CN201811533384.8

                    IP属地:重庆92楼2024-03-19 16:15
                      系 别:电气工程系
                      职 称:副研究员/硕士生导师
                      学 历:研究生
                      学 位:工学博士
                      (1) 国家电网公司, 国家电网公司总部科学技术项目, 52199923000L, 基于电磁传感阵列的架空输电线路非接触状态感知技术研究, 2023-01 至 2026-01, 540万元, 在研, 参与
                      (2) 四川省人力资源和社会保障厅, 留学回国人员科技活动择优资助(重点类), 2022182, 新型电力系统中构网型变流器同步稳定性分析研究, 2022-10 至 2024-10, 10万元, 在研, 主持
                      (3) 欧洲地平线联盟(Uropean Unions Horizon), 欧洲地平线2020研究和创新计划基金项目, 883985,POSYTYF – POwering SYstem flexibiliTY in the Future through RES, 2020-07 至 2023-07, 800万元, 参与
                      (4) 四川省科学技术厅, 四川省科技计划项目(重点研发), 2021YFG0098, 清洁能源外送系统频率动态因素耦合机理与精确调控关键技术, 2021-04 至 2023-03, 100万元, 参与
                      (5) 四川省科学技术厅, 四川省科技计划项目, 2020YJ0251, 网络攻击下广域电力系统分析与控制关键技术研究, 2020-01 至 2021-12, 40万元, 结题, 参与
                      (6)中船重工719所,军科委国防重点实验室基金子课题,JYQY23005-50W001,XXXXXX机器人,2022-10 至 2024-10,39.9万元,参与
                      [1] Yankai Xing; Jinpu Liu; Fuchao Li; Guangdou Zhang; Jian Li ; Non-Contact Voltage Reconstruction Method Based on Dual-Pin Type Probes Structure and Measuring Point Optimization for AC Overhead Transmission Lines, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2024 (SCI)
                      [2] Yankai Xing; Jinpu Liu; Fuchao Li; Guangdou Zhang; Jian Li ; Advanced Dual-Probes Noncontact Voltage Measurement Approach for AC/DC Power Transmission Wire Based on the Electric Field Radiation Principle, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023, 72: 1-11 (SCI)
                      [3] Yankai Xing; Guangdou Zhang; Jian Li; Olusola Bamisile; Dongsheng Cai; Qi Huang; Vulnerability analysis and modeling false data injection attack against voltage source converter in renewable generation power system, ISA Transactions, 2023, 143: 492-502 (SCI)
                      [4] Yankai Xing; Guangdou Zhang; Baolu Wang; Jian Li; Olusola Bamisile; Dongsheng Cai; Qi Huang ; Modeling and Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Control Parameter Tuning for Voltage Source Converter in a Renewable Energy Generation System, Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, 2024, (2024) (SCI)
                      [5] Yankai XING; Elkhatib Kamal; Bogdan Marinescu; Florent Xavier ; Advanced control to damp power oscillations with VSC‐HVDC links inserted in meshed AC grids, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 2021, 31(12) (SCI)
                      [6] Yankai Xing; Zhengtong Yang; Guangdou Zhang; Jian Li; Olusola Bamisile; Qi Huang ; Power Electronics Impedance Enhancement Based on a Supplementary Damping Control of Virtual Synchronous Generator, 2023 8th International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy (ICPRE), shanghai (EI)
                      [7] Yankai Xing; Elkhatib Kamal; Bogdan Marinescu; Florent Xavier ; Robust H∞ Dynamic Output-feedback Control of Power Oscillation Damped via VSC-HVDC Transmission Systems, 2020 IEEE Electric Power and Energy Conference (EPEC), Edmonton, AB, Canada (EI)
                      [8] Yankai Xing; Mohammad Pourmahmood Aghababa; Bogdan Marinescu; Florent Xavier ; Analysis and Control of Non-Minimum Phase Behavior in Nonlinear AC Grids Equipped with HVDC Links, 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), Bucharest, Romania (EI)
                      [9] Yankai Xing; Bogdan Marinescu; Florent Xavier ; Robust Research of Power Oscillations Damping Controller for HVDC Inserted in Meshed AC Grids, 2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech, Milan, Italy (EI)
                      [10] Yankai Xing; Bogdan Marinescu; Mohamed Belhocine; Florent Xavier ; Power Oscillations Damping Controller for HVDC Inserted in Meshed AC Grids, 2018 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (EI)

                      IP属地:重庆93楼2024-03-19 16:18
                        汤戈,男,1992年生,副教授。2020年博士毕业于重庆大学,光学工程专业。近5年在《Applied Physics Letters》、《Journal of Materials Chemistry C》、《IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science》、《Applied Physics Express》等期刊上发表论文20余篇,主持国家自然科学基金1项,省部级科研项目1项,校级教改项目1项。
                        1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金, 12205028, 核辐射环境下硅双极型晶体管瞬态协同损伤机制研究, 主持.
                        2. 四川省自然科学基金青年基金, 2022NSFSC1235, 硅基器件瞬态协同损伤的激光模拟技术研究, 主持.
                        3. 成都理工大学2022年中青年骨干教师资助计划, 10912-JXGG2022-08363, 主持.
                        4. *****研究所, 横向项目(经费500余万), 瞬时剂量率激光模拟实验平台, 主研(排名第二).
                        5. 军委科学技术委员会, 创新特区主题项目, 21Y****ZT002***06, **器件****的原子尺度效应, 主研(排名第二).
                        6. 军委科学技术委员会, 创新特区主题项目, ***-cxcy-****-02-01-10, 辐照****效应与****抗辐照研究, 主研(排名第三).
                        1. Tang, Ge; Xiao, Yao; Sun, Peng; Liu, Jingrui; Zhang, Fuwang; Li, Mo. Laser-assisted Simulation of Dose Rate Effects of Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Devices, Atomic Energy Science and Technology, 2023, 57(12): 2314-2325.
                        2. Zhang, Yanming#; Tang, Ge#; Feng, Peng; Kang, Kaijin; Tang, Xiaosheng; Li, Mo; Hu, Wei. Neutron Radiation-Resistant Aluminum Nitride Memristor, Applied Physics Letters, 2022, 121:163502.(# 共同一作)
                        3.Tang, Ge; Sun, Peng; Kang, Jianbin; Wang, Lei; Li, Mo; Laser-Assisted Simulation of Dose-Rate Effects of Neutron-Irradiated NPN Transistors,IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2022, 69(5):1167-1175.
                        4. Tang, Ge; Li, Mo; Sun, Peng; Wang, Lei; Peng, Kexin; Zhang, Jian; Feng, Peng; Wei, Biao ; A Charge Collection Equivalent Method for Laser Simulation of Dose Rate Effects With Improved Performance, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2021, 68(6): 1235-1243.
                        5. Tang, Ge; Pam, Mei Er; Zhang, Hui; Shu, Zhiwen; Feng, Peng; Wei, Biao; Ang, LayKee; Yang, Hui Ying; Li, Mo; Fast-neutron irradiation effects on monolayer MoS2, Applied Physics Express, 2019, 12(5): 056001.
                        6. Tang, Ge; Li, Mo; Sun, Peng; Huang, Feng; Wang, Xiaofeng; Wei, Biao; Surface Metallization Influence on Equivalence of Laser Simulation of Dose-Rate Effects, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2018, 65(12): 2852-2861.
                        7. Tang, Ge; Wei, Biao; Wu, Decao; Feng, Peng; Liu, Juan; Tang, Yuan; Xiong Shuangfei; Zhang, Zheng; The Optimal Wavelengths for Light Absorption Spectroscopy Measurements Based on Genetic Algorithm–Particle Swarm Optimization, Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 2018, 85(1): 109-118.
                        8. Lu, Wei; Wang, Lei; Yuan, Yong; Zhang, Ting; Tang, Ge; Liu, Mingzhe; Tuo, Xianguo; Ning, Jing. Monte Carlo simulation for performance evaluation of detector model with a monolithic LaBr3(Ce) crystal and SiPM array for γ radiation imaging, Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2022, 33, 107.
                        9. Fu, Xiang; Kang, Jianbin; Tang, Ge; Chen, Feiliang; Li, Qian; Li, Mo; Wei, Biao; Fast neutron irradiation effects on AlGaN deep ultraviolet light emitting diodes, Results in Physics, 2021, 27: 104532.
                        10. Zhang, Hui; Lan, Mu; Tang, Ge; Chen, Feiliang; Shu, Zhiwen; Chen, Fengxiang; Li, Mo; Discrete color centers in two-dimensional hexagonal boron nitride induced by fast neutron irradiation, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019, 7(39): 12211-12216.
                        1. 一种面向混合辐射场景的激光模拟系统. 2022,发明专利,ZL202210707926.9. (第一发明人)
                        2. 半导体器件的激光模拟剂量率效应等效系数计算方法. 2021,发明专利,ZL202110244054.2. (第二发明人)
                        1. 半导体器件剂量率与单粒子效应激光模拟试验关键技术,中国辐射防护学会,2022年度科学技术奖(科技进步奖)一等奖.
                        2. 激光模拟半导体器件剂量率效应的物理模型与实验系统研究,中国工程物理研究院电子工程研究所,2016年度科学技术奖 一等奖.

                        IP属地:重庆94楼2024-03-19 16:24

                          IP属地:重庆95楼2024-03-20 13:07
                            1. 用于相控阵雷达的自偏置六角铁氧体材料研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2019.01-2022.12,参与;
                            2. 用于自偏置微波环行器的W型六角铁氧性能研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2017.01- 2017.12,参与。
                            [1] Qian Liu, Yulin Li, Hang Jiang, et al. Short-term photovoltaic power forecasting based on multiple mode decomposition and parallel bidirectional long short term combined with convolutional neural networks[J]. Energy, 2024, 286: 129580.
                            [2] Qian Liu; Hang Jiang; Jiang Zhang, et al. Highly c-axis oriented W-type hexaferrites SrNi2ScxFe16-xO27 (x = 0.70, 0.75, 0.80 and 0.85) for the design of self-biased circulator at Ku band, Ceramics International , 2023, 49(2): 2359-2365.
                            [3] Qian Liu; Tong Ben; Long Chen, et al. C-axis oriented polycrystalline BaNi2GdxFe16-xO27 (x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5) for the application of self-biased circulator at K band, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2021, 41(15): 7717-7722.
                            [4] Qian Liu; Chongsheng Wu; Yu Wang, et al. Microstructure and electromagnetic properties of oriented strontium W-type hexaferrite with rare-earth Gd3+ substitution, Ceramics International, 2019, 45(9): 12205-12210.
                            [5] Qian Liu; Chongsheng Wu; Yu Wang, et al. Textured M-type barium hexaferrite Ba(ZnSn)xFe12−2xO19 with c-axis anisotropy and high squareness ratio, Ceramics International , 2018, 45(4): 4535-4539.
                            [6] Qian Liu; Chongsheng Wu; Yu Wang, et al. Microstructure and magnetic properties of low-temperature sintered M-type hexaferrite BaZn0.6Sn0.6Fe10.8O19 for LTCC process, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2018, 475: 223-228.
                            [7] Qian Liu; Yingli Liu; Chongsheng Wu, et al. Investigation on Zn-Sn co-substituted M-type hexaferrite for microwave applications, Journal of Magnetismand Magnetic Materials, 2017, 444: 421-425.

                            IP属地:重庆96楼2024-03-20 13:08
                              阴明,男,1986年生,博士,教授,硕士生导师,成都理工大学电子信息工程系主任,电子信息工程省级一流建设专业负责人。中国通信学会高级会员,成都理工大学优秀教师,成都理工大学中青年骨干教师培养计划入选者,成都理工大学优秀创新团队培育计划成员。于四川大学获得学士、博士学位(硕博连读),师从周寿桓院士。以第一作者或通讯作者发表中科院1区期刊在内的SCI论文13篇,担任自然指数期刊《Applied Physics Letters》等SCI期刊审稿专家;主持国家自然科学基金、四川省自然科学基金等项目6项,参研国家自然科学基金重大项目、国家科技支撑计划等项目9项;以第一发明人授权美国发明专利1项、中国发明专利1项;主持校级教改项目1项,指导学生获得“全国普通高校大学生竞赛榜单”竞赛国家级一等奖6项、二等奖10项、三等奖4项,指导本科生保送清华大学等知名高校,指导研究生获研究生国家奖学金、四川省优秀毕业生等荣誉称号。

                              IP属地:重庆97楼2024-03-20 13:09