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西方研究中国史的学者对《史记》还是十分看重的,其中代表著作有耶鲁大学博士Grant Hardy(中文名:侯格睿)的WORLDS OF BRONZE AND BAMBOO:SIMA QIAN'S CONQUEST OF HISTORY(《青铜与竹简的世界:司马迁对历史的征服》),这本书向西方读者介绍了太史公及其著作,并与西方史学家的著述进行了对比,其中对史公的一些很有意思。

IP属地:江苏1楼2021-06-26 22:48回复
    My efforts will join those of earlier interpreters, may have some slight impact on the way the Shiji is read, and perhaps, in the very best case, may even provoke some discussion of comparative historiography, but Sima Qian’s book became a foundational text in Chinese civilization. Sima wrote a universal history, an account of the entire world (which to him was China and its neighbors) from earliest legendary times to his own age, and in doing so, he defined what it meant to be Chinese. Not only do standard surveys of Chinese history and historiography include a chapter on the Shiji, but such chapters also are common in surveys of Chinese literature and Chinese philosophy. In fact, I would argue that after Confucius and the First Emperor of Qin, Sima Qian was one of the creators of Imperial China, not least because by providing definitive biographies, he virtually created the two earlier figures.

    IP属地:江苏2楼2021-06-26 23:12
      The Shiji almost presents itself as a book without an author. Obviously,Sima Qian had a role in the production of the text, but he deliberatelytries to minimize his contribution. He relies heavily on earlier documentary sources, which he often paraphrases or copies directly into his history, and preface he rarely offers explicit comments or interpretations. Even the Han dynasty biographies, which Sima was most likely to have written, have an impersonal quality, with generalizations and first-person asides seldom intruding into the narrative. Although most chapters do end with a paragraph or so of personal comments, clearly marked off by the phrase “The Eminent Grand Astrologer remarks,” these passages are brief, inconsistent, and frequently simply cite the judgments of others. In addition, the form of these personal comments is equivocal, for the term Eminent Grand Astrologer can refer to both Sima Qian and his father, Sima Tan, who also had some, rather unclear, role in the creation of the Shiji. The last chapter of the Shiji is ostensibly an autobiography of Sima Qian, but even there he devotes much
      more space to the teachings of his father and Dong Zhongshu than to the sparse details of his own life. Throughout the Shiji, Sima Qian generally refuses to provide an original, narrative reconstruction of the past in his ownvoice, based on his own reading of the evidence, and to Western readers this is a serious deficit indeed.

      IP属地:江苏4楼2021-07-02 22:38

        IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端5楼2021-07-02 22:46

          IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端8楼2021-07-03 22:42

            IP属地:江苏9楼2021-07-03 22:54
              另外,哈代还坚持用“The Grand Astrologer(大占星家) ”而不是西方史学界更常用的“the Grand Historian(大历史学家,太史公)”来称呼阿迁,这可能也是老爷子的一种严谨和倔强吧虽然阿迁看到他这么强扭自己的本意估计会哭笑不得(喂,老子就是要让后人记住我是史官啊!)。在文中,他更是吐槽阿迁“In the Shiji, by contrast, the historian is curiously absent. He does not offer many arguments or narratives in his own voice, and in fact it isnotoriously difficult to derive Sima’s opinions from his history(相反,在《史记》中,作者经常缺位,他发表的个人陈述或看法并不多,而且从他的史书中提取出他的个人观点更是臭名昭著的难搞)”,在读《史记》的一些篇章时,我们或许也很想吐槽这一点吧。

              IP属地:江苏10楼2021-07-03 23:31