蜗牛吧 关注:19,988贴子:349,076



IP属地:广东来自Android客户端55楼2024-03-28 22:13

    b) As above only without using tissue substrate under the food. When no feed plate
    tissue substrate is used the diet needs to be a little thicker to prevent run off.
    b) 基本同上,但食物不抹在纸上(也就是直接抹在食盘上)。当没有纸巾垫底时,饲料糊需要抹得更厚一点以防止其流走。
    There are differing opinions on whether it is necessary to use tissue under the food on the plates, although it probably helps keep the food damper for longer, it also adds time to overall food preparation. Often snails consume quite a lot of the tissue when feeding, which appears to do them no harm, as it is primarily cellulose anyway.

    (被Partula mirabilis高度拒绝过的食物)
    If a large amount of diet is prepared, it is best to remix from time to time, to keep it blended (some elements can start to drop to the bottom of the dish).
    Food plates can be communally soaked in standard Milton solution for sterilisation, then washed in a dishwasher with no detergent at 70° intensive wash. As the plates are re-used in different enclosures each time, this helps minimise potential spread of disease.
    The only other furnishing is the small Petri dish, used to keep the cuttlefish bone off the damp substrate. The shallow lid or deeper base can be used, dependant on the size of snails/container. This can also have a few holes cut into the base to provide drainage.
    食盘可一起浸泡在标准米尔顿溶液中进行消毒,然后放入洗碗机中,不加任何洗涤剂,在 70° 下进行强力洗涤。由于这些食盘会在不同的容器中被重复使用,定期消毒有助于最大限度地减少疾病传播的可能性。

    IP属地:北京56楼2024-04-11 00:45
      2.2.3 Water
      To avoid variable direct mains water quality, it is recommended to use filtered water using a standard domestic water filter unit e.g. ‘Brita’ water filter (a large capacity version e.g. the 8.2 litre ‘flow’ version is recommended) or a dechlorinising carbon filter attached to mains supply. It is best to use freshly filtered water rather than left in any containers for several days in a warm room, where bacteria may multiply. Water should be allowed to reach the room temperature before use in tanks or diet.
      2.2.3 水

      IP属地:北京58楼2024-04-15 15:56


        IP属地:北京60楼2024-04-15 16:06