外国人眼中的中国吧 关注:18,021贴子:125,290
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今天的中国比汉朝和唐朝在鼎盛时期更加繁荣和强大吗? [美国网




1楼2018-04-03 13:42回复
    However, from an individual’s perspective, modern day PRC is unquestionably the best time to be a Chinese ever.
    Infant mortality rates are at an all time low (remember, not even the Emperor of China, who had access to the best doctors, could be blessed with all of his children growing up to be healthy. This was why emperors needed a lot of concubines and sex in order to ensure a lot of sons. Having one son was too dangerous; he was very likely to die in childhood)
    Literacy rates are the highest in Chinese history. What good is having great culture and literature if you can’t read? For 99% of Chinese people for 99% of our history, the sole purpose of our lives were to farm and provide for the rich. Not only could most of us never know the pleasure of reading a good book, but being illiterate also meant that we would have no understanding of philosophies in life. As such, sites like Quora would not exist, and even if they did, none of us would know how to enjoy them without literacy.
    Most Chinese people nowadays have access to flushing toilet. Recently, I went to the countryside of China were the people didn’t have flushing toilets. It was an AWFUL experience. Those of you who have never experienced this would not understand the horror; you might think this is a troll answer. I assure you, it’s not. In addition to smelling bad, you are exposing yourself to diseases like cholera whenever you have to go.
    婴儿死亡率一直很低(请记住,即使是有最好的医生的中国皇帝,也不可能幸运地让他所有的孩子成长为健康的人,所以皇帝需要大量的侍妾和妃子,以确保许多儿子,生一个儿子太危险了,他很可能夭折 )。

    3楼2018-04-03 13:43