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IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端1楼2016-05-06 05:58回复
    黑正原本叫Justice league:Dark(JLD),跟现在拍的那部JL不是一部片

    IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端5楼2016-05-06 06:01
      黑正的标题可能从JLD变更为JL:dark universe

      IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端7楼2016-05-06 06:04
        《环太平洋》导演筹新作 执导“黑暗正义联盟”
        电影网讯 《潘神的迷宫》、《环太平洋》导演吉尔莫·德尔·托罗已经开始着手一部新的大片,名为《黑暗宇宙》(Dark Universe)。该片又名《天堂来客》(Heaven Sent),也就是之前传闻中的“黑暗正义联盟电影”。“黑暗正义联盟”集结了一批DC公司的非著名角色,与即将推出的“正义联盟”有所区别。
        据导演本人透露,该片目前已经有了编剧人选,但尚未签约不便透露。“我是看着这些英雄漫画长大的,Demon Etrigan啊, Swamp Thing啊,还有Deadman等等,都是接近我内心的角色。我会利用上他们的出身背景,那些都是值得挖掘的故事资源”,吉尔莫·德尔·托罗说。早在2009年时,他便打算担任一部关于Deadman的电影的制片人,可惜该计划流产。现在吉尔莫终于有了新的机会,将他心中的英雄们请上大银幕。
        目前这一项目还无法确定启动时间,片方华纳公司的《正义联盟》还迟迟无法开拍。“正义联盟”由超人、蝙蝠侠、神奇女侠、闪电侠、绿灯侠、海王、电子人组成,是DC公司对抗老对手漫威公司的强力阵容,但漫威《复仇者联盟》影史第三的票房成绩令华纳压力不小。而“黑暗正义联盟”则推出一批新的DC英雄,John Constantine将作为影片男主人公集结起一支超能队伍。
        吉尔莫·德尔·托罗即将开拍的新片名为《红峰》(Crimson Peak),为鬼屋题材恐怖电影,之后可能启动《黑暗宇宙》。他刚刚完成的科幻巨制《环太平洋》讲述25层楼高的怪兽大战巨型战甲的故事,定于2013年7月12日在北美火爆开映,该片有望被引进中国。

        IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端13楼2016-05-06 06:17
          DC Rumors: 'Justice League: Dark' Change In Title. Scott Eastwood's Not Dick Grayson or Slade Wilson.by Ricksen Vanclear, May 4th, 2016 at 9:30pm
          We are two movies into the DC Extended Universe and we've already introduced six members of the Justice League team. Though, there are rumors on Green Lantern actually playing a role in the upcoming film, 'Justice League part 1,' portrayed by Dan Amboyer, we are stuck with the previous six for now. Well, this isn't the only team inside of this universe. There has already been talk of Justice League: Dark making its way to us, so here's a rumor on the project from The Daily Planet.
          What I see in the change of name, is WB/DC's way of creating another installment without the brand name of 'Justice League.' We know this movie will come after the first League movie, which is slated to hit November 2017. Dark Universe seems fitting in some aspects. But so did Justice League: Dark.
          It's been hidden from the start on who Eastwood would be portraying in 'Suicide Squad.' Though I have my guesses, things are still up in the air. It's crafted ambiguously well by the team behind the movie. According to The Daily Planet, he will not be portraying neither, Wilson or Grayson. Which gives some sort of light to my theories on who he actually is in the movie.
          In the end, we all just have to wait and see how things will actually play out. Since we got 'Wonder Woman' arriving June 2, 2017 and 'The Justice League part 1' aiming to hit November 17, 2017, I'm certain we will get a slot picked for 'Justice League: Dark' or 'Dark Universe' soon after.
          Source: The Daily Planet
          不知道这个soon after还要多久,当独立宇宙也可以啊,为了区分正联,片名就叫Dark universe也可以

          IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端16楼2016-05-06 06:29