济南算命吧 关注:142贴子:547
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周易跟命理学是完全两个不同的概念,当我们讲周易的时候可能讲的是《周易》这本书The Book of Changes and the Doctrine of Fate are completely different concepts. When we talk about the Book of Changes, we may be referring to the book "The Book of Changes". If we talk about the Doctrine of Fate, it is a statistical science that has been passed down from ancient times. Of course, this statistical technique has been passed down among the people in modern times. So, both the Book of Changes and the Book of Changes we are talking about actually have different meanings, because many netizens may not understand the essence of the Book of Changes itself, so they may confuse the relationship between the Book of Changes and the Book of Changes, but it is not the same thing. If you ask a question about the Book of Changes and numerology, or the Book of Changes and numerology, it is actually about different things.

IP属地:山东1楼2023-10-22 18:24回复