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红迪上go for a punch群组有了新进展



IP属地:山东1楼2023-08-05 04:20回复

    IP属地:山东6楼2023-08-05 05:56
      ·level 4Human-Tale·3 yr. ago
      From what I remember, and I could be wrong, Morroz wanted big money for them and Schnell was prepared to pay despite a lot of the scene warning him against it. A lot thought they were boots. Anyway, the deal went ahead and Schnell received them... and they were boots. Morroz apparently didn’t know this. There was some kind of agreement worked out where Morroz ended up sending Schnell his originals. Again, I’m not sure on the specifics, but that’s the version of the story as I understand it at least.
      Sharelevel 5abaroquehouse·3 yr. ago
      Morroz was cool and too my knowledge the boots were from someone else... morroz I think got his copies from Avery. But yeah Morroz was supposed to send me Blood Sex and never did. I had to get my money back from PayPal

      IP属地:山东7楼2023-08-05 06:14


        “I only heard rumors about an anime adaptation of the Lady in The Sea of Blood but nothing confirmed yet,easiest way to check would be to access Film Corps catalog but since it was a low budget B movie company that no longer exists its almost impossible to do it now unless you contact someone who used to work there.”
        ”What I did note was, my friends, Sea of Blood tapes have 5 different catalog numbers (#1 in the series has no sleeve, thus no identifiable cat no.”“However, there looks like there is a minimum of 14 released by the label at the time which leaves around 9 tapes remaining that are unknown to me.”
        “I looked at the back of the Sea of Blood boxes my buddy has and the only connection to the Dream Film Corps I can see is the last part - Film Corps. I believe these are two separate labels: Dream Film Corps and Film Corps. The word "dream" is no where on the Sea of Blood artwork. I checked as well with an Adult Video Store in Japan who also has the Sea of Blood titles filed under just Film Corps. They are very thorough but do not stock hentai/anime/etc. Could be related somehow but I'm leaning towards not unless one of the labels is a sub-label/companion label to other. Pretty common to see that in adult titles from Japan. There are thousands upon thousands of Adult labels in Japan, usually each with specific focus. Still leaves 9 unknown movies in the Film Corps catalog however.”

        IP属地:山东8楼2023-08-05 06:50
          Current State of the GFAP Community : SakisanNoBashitsu

          IP属地:山东10楼2023-08-05 07:32
            Posted byu/moncayk1
            3 years ago
            To begin, on Sunday, August 30th, 2020, user D393268 posted a thread on SakisanNoBashitsu about the movie “Lady in the Sea of Blood” as a way to demonstrate that “there is a lot of obscure shit out there, from animation to live action films, waiting to get discovered. Specially in the horror experimental genre, which is not made for everyone and the distribution is limited.” By the next day, such a finding caught the attention of prominent user Chris_Able, who was especially interested in this film’s alleged depiction of a woman’s death in a bathroom. Although this clearly wasn’t “Go for a Punch,” the thematic similarities between this movie and the anime prompted user Charlmarx to purchase the DVD from the distributer Twisted Danger.
            【那么这是目前的主要搜索方向的起源。2020年8月30日,D393268在本版发布了一则有关《血の海の美女》的帖子,事实上他只是想借此表示“像这种看起来压根没什么市场印量也确实很少的奇怪片子多着呢!所以一切皆有可能。”第二天,板块的重要成员Chris_Able注意到了这个帖子,特别是“一名女性死在浴室中”的描述,虽然这肯定不是GFAP,但似乎有什么联系。另一名用户Charlmarx特意去Twisted Danger网站买了翻录的DVD。】
            (这个网站的背景可能造成jump scare。DVD是实体的,需要邮寄。)
            However, even though Charlmarx would not receive his copy until Sunday, September 6th, 2020, giving access to the DVD in full, D393268 actually provided his copy of the film to Chris_Able, which he then shared on Tuesday, September 1st, 2020. In summary, the movie follows a woman for roughly 30 minutes as she brushes her teeth and bathes in blood in a bathroom. Ultimately, that is all that you need to know, as the full content of the movie is not relevant to the rest of this summary, but if you would like to see it for yourself the link is provided. Additionally, for anyone who is interested in this film in particular, it has been confirmed that this is actually the second of five in a series of difficult to find Japanese movies.

            IP属地:山东11楼2023-08-05 08:22
              Now, the true importance of finding “Lady in the Sea of Blood” came when its distributor, Twisted Anger, was successfully contacted through their business email by Chris_Able on Monday, September 7th, 2020. The notion was that their experience in unearthing rare cult, horror, and exploitation films could prove useful in finding this lost anime. Thus, in order to bring in the other researchers, Chris_Able asked the Twisted Anger employee to come to the “Go For A Punch Search” discord server to discuss further. Within 10 minutes this individual agreed, and shortly after joined as user TwistedAnger. Through their conversation with the community, the employee not only relayed that “Lady in the Sea of Blood” had a lost related anime, but also provided them with the following indexed links from their proprietary software.
              【直到2020年9月7日,Chris_Able通过商业邮箱成功联系上了Twisted Anger,发现《血海》的意义才凸显出来。 Chris_Able邀请该网站的员工去GFAP的discord频道讨论,不到十分钟网站一方就同意了,并作为用户TwistedAnger加入。讨论中,网站的员工提到,《血海》有一部未知的动画衍生作,另外贴出了他们通过网站的proprietary software检索到的链接(以4chan贴文的描述作为关键词,耗时不到十分钟)】

              第一个链接在常规的浏览器上打开是404,但Twisted Anger表示网站的文本中包含 “9 Girls stuck in a bathroom while their parents try to find them.” (通过特殊方式抓取到的网站内容);第二个链接无法定位到liveleak上的任何视频,但TA称其中包含“BIZZARE ANIME where 9 girls COMMIT SUICIDE FOR 5 DAYS!” 的内容;第三个链接可以打开,但无关主题,只是刚好有“9” “locked,”两个关键词。
              the fourth link is a deep web site, by Dark Anime, that is no longer active but appears to be the most promising find here. Although no one in the community could access the website, the Twisted Anger employee was contacted the following day to learn more. This individual revealed that the index was from 2013, pre-dating the 4chan original poster, and exported the page so that Chris_Able could host it publicly. The site, which can be viewed below, presents a dead Streamable video link, a brief summary of “Go for a Punch,” and a 1986 origin date for the anime. If real, this is definitive proof of the anime existing.

              IP属地:山东12楼2023-08-05 08:47
                This situation ultimately becomes more complicated, when on Tuesday, September 8th, 2020, the TwistedAnger discord account was hacked, and then banned by Chris_Able. Sadly, this community is familiar with such trolling attempts, the original discord server previously getting hacked and deleted. Nevertheless, all of the findings were provided before TwistedAnger was hacked, and the employee has spoken to Chris_Able, and user Kaiser (Charlmarx), about the situation over a private email given to them over discord. This post-hacking conversation even resulted in recovering the original Dark Anime logo, which is provided below. All in all, this leaves the community with first, the knowledge that content similar to “Saki Sanobashi” does in fact exist, although live action, and second, potential next steps. Many members have been reinvigorated by this discovery, now looking into a surface web Dark Anime website in the Wayback Machine with the same logo for clues and turning to potential sources for the anime like torrent sites or cult anime distributers.
                【但情况不妙。2020年9月8日,TA的discord账号被黑,随后CA封掉了这个账号。事实上,GFAP的discord频道已经被恶意删除过一次了,这次不算新鲜事。TA所提供的信息都被黑掉了,TA向CA和Kaiser (Charlmarx)发私信讨论当前的情况,并最终恢复了第四个链接所指向的网站Dark Anime原本的logo。

                其他许多成员也按照这个方向,在wayback machine上浏览有相同logo的表网Dark Anime寻找证据,尝试从BT站或者某些地下动画发布者那里找到或许存在的资源。

                IP属地:山东13楼2023-08-05 08:59

                  IP属地:河北来自Android客户端14楼2023-08-05 11:28
                    血海美女的第二部可以在web archive上找到

                    IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端15楼2023-08-05 12:59
                      Lidkas通过wayback machine找到的网站首页

                      On Thursday, July 30th, 2020, Chris_Able found an entry in the Wayback Machine from the website Share Your World mentioning “go for a punch” as a video. The site, which is one of the internet’s earliest video sharing services, was archived in 2007 in this case, with the video not saved. This alone was not enough to prove the existence of this anime at the time, as “go for a punch” is a phrase that could easily be attached to something else. Then, on Monday, August 31st, 2020, Chris_Able dove deeper into this finding, as requested by others, examining the source code, where he found that the video was added to Share Your World by none other than “DarkAnime.” Sadly, before this connection could be definitively made with the deep web site and recently discovered surface web Dark Anime site, the entry disappeared from the Wayback Machine, leaving only the following screenshots taken by Chris_Able. Currently, the general consensus from the community is that trolls, which have relentlessly attacked the search process, “mass emailed” the Wayback Machine and got this specific link taken down from the platform.
                      2020年7月30日,Chris_Able曾在Share Your World(互联网上最早的视频分享网站之一)用wayback machine找到了一个提及“go for a punch”视频的页面,而页面存档于2007年,视频并没有被保存下来。当然,只是关键词吻合并不能证明这就是我们要找的GFAP。之后在2020年8月31日,Chris_Able继续往下深挖,有网友建议他检阅一下源代码,他发现源代码中显示上传者是“DarkAnime”。但还没等到表网的Dark Anime被发现,这个页面突然从wayback machine上消失了,原因不明,只有Chris_Able的截图留下来。目前,论坛的共识是一些trolls攻击了搜索进程,向wayback machine发送大量请求并最终使得这一链接被移除(以免为档案馆的服务器带来过多压力)。



                      IP属地:山东16楼2023-08-05 13:05

                        IP属地:山东18楼2023-08-05 13:35
                          再然后是另一个搜索方向,Political_Incorrect提到的“梦幻电影军团”的作品。称为 "mouse pet special"。


                          IP属地:山东19楼2023-08-05 13:58
                            Posted by u/moncayk1
                            3 years ago
                            因为wayback machine上并不能查到Chris_Able截图的页面,社区中开始有人怀疑截图的真实性。discord用户Star因此去问了Chris_Able本人,Chris_Able承认ShareYourWorld的截图事实上来自另一名discord用户,而那个用户如今已经销号了。
                            据CA所言,User bd820a7a最初于2020年6月3日联系到他,说他通过Wayback Machine在ShareYourWorld上找到了GFAP。这个人随后贴出了截图,也就是CA于7月30日发布的那张。

                            由于不确定截图是否可靠以及生活上的杂事,Chris_Able过了一段时间才发布了截图,并且有意无意地没有提到截图的真实来源。Chris_Able表示截图确实很有可能是假的,可能只是有人故意捣乱。这样一来,同样给出了“Dark Anime” 作为根据的discord账户TwistedAnger或许也是假的。
                            之后就是mouse pet special的话题。2020年9月20日,BadUsername25发了一则有关电影军团的帖子,二楼层主在回复中提到了这部影片作为限制级动画的例子。
                            然而,discord用户Maximov指出“Mouse Pet Special”只是一部没有授权的私制录像带,内容是梦幻电影军团从RANOMONTO SOFT正规售出的录像带中截取的部分片段。Maximov从专注于遗失媒体的油管主Innocentious VHS那得知,电影军团以专门从事发布正规动画的非法私制影片而闻名。包括编辑OVA动画并以不同的名称贩卖,也出售同人H片的编集。而“Mouse Pet Special”属于后者(回复中有人提到,“mouse”其实应该是乱马1/2中一名男性角色的名字,也有视频网站标注该片是乱马的同人动画)。所以搜索的重点更应该放在实际的动画制作公司或者个人作者身上,而不是比如电影军团这样的中间人。
                            最后,“Mouse Pet Special”的原出处应该是一部叫做“The Shower”的影片。因为吞得太厉害不发图了。帖子的顺序被吞帖机制弄得有点乱,我想还是在别的网站上再整理一遍比较好。

                            IP属地:山东22楼2023-08-05 16:17
                              3 yr. ago
                              也就是先前找到dark anime主页的人,看起来他是板块的管理员之一。
                              We have all the proof we need that people from Twisted Anger are legit. The archive on the site isnt really something that can be faked so easily, since the source code doesnt give us any red flags, it has actual streameble thing and the company would fire workers who use their brand email just to troll some people. Also one link he sent us wasnt any anime, but an interactive horror game, and the phrase he found about being locked near some gate was in the game and was correct (i played it myself to check) which means that he actually did find all these instead of faking them, its impossible he had this one link prepared to troll us, since he joined seconds after we emailed them and as i said finding links took him like 10 minutes
                              【他认为TA给出的链接很难造假,除开网页的格式(源代码都是可运行的)和设计风格很古老这点以外还有别的根据。视频尽管无法观看,但确实有streameble thing(不知道该怎么翻译,意会)。此外,意外搜索到的互动文字游戏网站经实际游玩验证确实有包括这两个关键词的文本,也就是说TA确实是搜索到了这些链接。况且,几秒之内TA就同意了他们discord的邀请,并在十分钟之内给出了搜索结果。】

                              IP属地:山东23楼2023-08-05 17:48