ai绘画吧 关注:26,321贴子:53,345




IP属地:重庆来自Android客户端1楼2023-06-30 14:22回复
    高达seed Disney(GPT模型生成):
    Create a double exposure artwork combining images of Kira Yamato, Lacus Clyne, and the Freedom Gundam with scenes representing their connection and bond. Overlay the characters with images of space, planets, and symbols of freedom and hope. Experiment with high brightness colors to convey a sense of optimism and strength. Choose an expressive style to evoke the emotions and determination of the characters. Use a first-person perspective to immerse viewers in the world of Gundam SEED Destiny. --ar 16:9 --niji --style scenic

    IP属地:重庆3楼2023-07-02 00:17

      IP属地:福建4楼2023-07-02 01:00

        Illustrate a captivating portrayal of Belle from "Beauty and the Beast" in the enchanting Disney art style. Emphasize her gentle and intelligent expression, with large, expressive eyes that radiate warmth and curiosity. Use delicate lines to depict her flowing brown hair and define her facial features, including her rosy cheeks and captivating smile. Choose a soft and romantic color palette, highlighting her iconic yellow ball gown and the enchanting rose from the story. Place Belle in a picturesque setting, such as a charming French village or the grand library of the Beast's castle. Pay meticulous attention to every detail, ensuring the artwork is of the highest quality and truly embodies the essence of the Disney style. Disney style, 3D, high detail, high quality, 8k --ar 1:1 --v 5.2

        Craft a dreamy and enchanting rendition of Cinderella, capturing her grace and elegance in the renowned Disney art style. Focus on her gentle and kind expression, reflecting her inner beauty. Highlight her flowing hair with soft, cascading lines, and define her delicate facial features with subtle attention to detail. Choose a soft pastel color palette, emphasizing her iconic blue gown and shimmering blonde hair. Place Cinderella in front of her magical pumpkin carriage, surrounded by an ethereal atmosphere of twinkling stars and sparkling magic. Ensure her posture radiates elegance, with a gentle smile that holds a glimmer of hope.Disney style, 3D, high detail, high quality, 8k --ar 1:1 --v 5.2

        IP属地:重庆5楼2023-07-03 12:13

          IP属地:山东来自Android客户端6楼2023-07-04 16:26
            Flat design, capturing a starlit romance on the rooftop, a young woman in a modern QiPao, her silhouette beautifully contrasting with the city's skyline. Rendered by Liam Wong, the image focused on her reflection in a puddle, capturing the sparkle of stars and the city lights. --ar 4:5 --s 180

            IP属地:重庆7楼2023-07-06 23:31

              IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端8楼2023-07-07 04:30
                In a mystical and ethereal realm, celestial beings gracefully soar through the heavens in the enchanting world of "Tian Wai Fei Xian" (Heavenly Flying Immortals). The atmosphere is filled with a sense of wonder and serenity as these otherworldly beings traverse majestic landscapes and celestial realms. Capture this scene with a panoramic view, showcasing the vastness of the celestial world and the breathtaking beauty of the surroundings. Utilize a fisheye lens to create a unique and distorted perspective, adding a touch of surrealism to the image. Set the aperture to f/2.8 to maintain a shallow depth of field, drawing attention to the celestial beings while creating a dreamy bokeh effect in the background. Opt for a shutter speed of 1/250 to freeze any subtle movements and ensure sharpness in the photograph. Photography, Sony mirrorless DSLR --ar 16:9 --v 5.2

                IP属地:重庆9楼2023-07-08 14:55
                  Epic photograph by Kristen Stewart attractive female fashion model standing, armor with transparent blue and pink fluid, cybernetic implants, lean cybernetic crystal, beautiful eyes and lips, LEDs, bright laboratory environment, ultradetailed, photorealistic --ar 9:16 --uplight --q 5 --style raw --s 500 --v 5.2

                  IP属地:重庆10楼2023-07-10 21:45
                    Tech-inspired Icon Set: A collection of modern and sleek icons with a technology-inspired theme. The focus is on a variety of icons representing different aspects of technology, such as computers, smartphones, data, and connectivity. The environment is a digital platform or an interface where the icons can be displayed. The atmosphere is dynamic, informative, and conveys a sense of digital efficiency. Artistic Form: Digital Design. Lighting Effect: Bright and evenly distributed lighting to ensure clarity and visibility of the icons. Color Style: Bold and vibrant colors, enhancing the visibility and recognition of each icon. Perspective: Top-View. Artistic Style: Minimalistic and contemporary. Image Type: A set of visually appealing icons that provide a modern and tech-savvy look to any interface or design project. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2

                    IP属地:重庆11楼2023-07-12 22:51
                      Blind Box Style girl fullbody, chibi, Super cute girl, little girl, smile, Tiger Tooth, tiger translucent raincoat, blind box, bubble matt design exaggerated pressure and movement, bright light, exaggerated pressure and action, bright lights. clay materials, precision mechanical parts shut upintensity, 3d, super detailed, C4D, Octane rating rendering, mixer, 2K --s 750 --niji 5

                      IP属地:重庆12楼2023-07-15 00:36
                        Create a captivating illustration of the enchanting night scenery in Chang'an, where traditional Chinese lanterns illuminate the streets, casting a warm and inviting glow. Highlight the iconic landmarks, such as the Bell Tower and Drum Tower, as they stand proudly amidst the sparkling city lights. Use a medium shot to capture the intricate details and architectural beauty of the buildings. Opt for an aperture of f/8 to maintain a balanced depth of field, ensuring the main subjects and surrounding lights are in focus. Photography, Sony mirrorless DSLR --ar 2:3 --v 5.2

                        IP属地:重庆13楼2023-07-16 14:19
                          Take inspiration from nature and capture a mesmerizing scene with a knolling perspective that emphasizes the symmetrical layout of natural elements. Use the shimmering light and dappled light effects to create an ethereal atmosphere that highlights the intricate textures and shapes of the flora and fauna. Pay attention to the color scheme, and make sure to use a mixed media style that gives a tactile feel to the artwork. --ar 7:4

                          IP属地:重庆14楼2023-07-19 00:31

                            IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端15楼2023-07-20 14:57

                              IP属地:河北来自Android客户端16楼2023-07-21 18:40