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IP属地:澳大利亚来自Android客户端1楼2022-12-18 01:58回复
    New Pokemon anime announced,Ash on longer protagonist
    Ash has 11 special episodes left with Misty and Brock returning
    The Title is “To be a Pokemon Master”
    -They’re really gonna hit us in feels huh
    -Yep,gotta bring lots of tissues!I cried my eyes out when he became champion.Saying goodbye is a whole new level

    IP属地:澳大利亚2楼2022-12-18 01:59
      -I’m genuinely got emotional when he won against Kukui and just collapsed on the ground.That was such a crazy moment.And the time the Alolan crowd was chanting for him.I’m not caught up on Journeys but I can’t even imagine how it’s gonna feel watching him vs Leon now that I konw it’s the end.......
      It just hits different having grown up with him being such a constant.Kinda shocked they’re actually doing this.
      -They NEED to have the OG season 1 opening theme during his battle with Leon.They NEED to.
      -(我们都知道)他们应当在小智与丹帝的决战中放OG(我猜是Originated Generation即无印)第一季的主题曲,他们需要这么做。
      -I’m not sure if they’re actually going to have the dub theme, not many people know that the English anime switched dubbing companies around 2006, so they lost a lot of copyright on the classic dub songs that many people know. I’m betting that it’ll likely be a re-sung version.
      -The dub theme was reused in XY tho, so maybe they could use that version?
      -So "I want to be the very best, like no one ever was" is in licensing rights limbo? Fucking shame.
      -所以像“I want to be the very best, like no one ever was” 这种歌曲是在版权炮的边缘?有一种生草的羞耻感(我去查了一下,这个是英配版无印篇的op曲,现在我明白了,可能外国人没有像我们一样听到我要成为宝可梦大师的那种情怀)

      IP属地:澳大利亚3楼2022-12-18 02:02
        -Oh to be clear like the other comments pointed out, the specific version that everyone knows is likely copyrighted and likely will never be used again, but a newer version of it would be used like how it was used relatively recently (past few years, in the I Choose You movie and I think the Ash vs Alain battle).
        -and in XY
        -“Gotta catch ‘em all” is also in limbo. Not sure if it legally is, but gamefreak dropped the ability to do this back in 2019 and have stated they don’t intend to let people get all the Pokémon in a game ever again.
        -“Gotta catch’em all”也陷入了相同的困境(应该是无印篇另外一个主题曲,我只查了一下是什么时期的歌,没细查是无印还是ag的)。不确定这样(使用歌曲)是否合法,但是gf早在2019年就放弃了取回版权的想法,并且表示他们不想让玩家再次在游戏里获取所有的宝可梦。
        -You can still catch em all just can't use em all in every game
        -I may be misunderstanding what you are saying in your post, but on the surface it sounds flat out wrong. You can’t catch all the Pokémon OR use them all as of Gen 8. There are some Pokémon that people transferred from the last DS game to Pokémon Home on the Switch in 2018 which still cannot be used in any game that has been released on the switch. They are stuck in digital limbo.
        -(补充条,在展开里)Ye you can get them all to home. And other than like 5 evolution lines you can get everything on the switch. I assume these will either be DLC or in the next game

        IP属地:澳大利亚4楼2022-12-18 02:04

          IP属地:澳大利亚5楼2022-12-18 02:05
            -i dunno, cos you can listen to it on pokemon's spotify, so maybe it's all good?
            -我不知道,因为你可以在pokemen’s spotify上听这首歌,大概还行吧?
            -That’s such a shame! I hope it’s feasible that they bring at least that one back, it’s so iconic, but it’s understandable if they don’t.
            -They used a remix though in I Choose You though.
            -他们在决定就是你了!中使用了(I want to be the very best, like no one ever was)的remix版本(应该是英配宝可梦特有吧)
            -Capitalism rocks
            -I actually got to chat with a few of the new voice actors on Serebii when that happened. Cool stuff.
            -They actually use the original English theme in the English trailer for the miniseries. So I'm pretty sure they've obtained the rights to at least the instrumental version of the song.

            IP属地:澳大利亚6楼2022-12-18 02:07
              -Haven't watched this shit since like Y2K, but what happened to Gary? Like I always imagined it would end with those two battling it out. Goku vs Vegeta, Naruto vs Sasuke etc. etc.
              -Gary quit to become a researcher in like 2007
              -honestly good for him
              -Following in his granddad’s footsteps
              -Have they ever used the character since then?
              -Yeah, several times in the current series. Plus, he's in this trailer.

              IP属地:澳大利亚7楼2022-12-18 02:08
                -Or Red vs Blue in the Gen 1 games.
                -What happened to team rocket as well? Is Giovanni still the main antagonist?
                -AFAIK, he’s still referenced a lot, so he’s still in charge
                -They did make a pretty good (for 2007) battle between Ash and Gary in a tournament - go watch it on youtube. It doesn't even compare to the more action packed stuff we've recently seen, but it's iconic.
                -They probably will screw it up and add some random piano bgm or the first intro, might be due to copyright so cant really blame them if thats the case though. If they have full rights and decide to not use it then WTF

                IP属地:澳大利亚8楼2022-12-18 02:09
                  -bro it's not even a question
                  -Not sure how many themes there have been off hand, but minus what I assume would be a rights nightmare they should use a different opening theme for each of the 11 episodes and end with the original theme.
                  -i thought there were rights issues but i just heard the theme play during this announcement so maybe
                  -They had Mezase (the Japanese Indigo League theme) for the final clash when it aired in Japan.

                  IP属地:澳大利亚9楼2022-12-18 02:13
                    -Where do I watch current episodes?
                    -"Gotta catch 'em all" means it's not happening.
                    -"Gotta catch 'em all" 意味着这一切都不会发生
                    -Hey I haven't watched Pokemon since XYZ. Can someone help me figure out how to get caught up so that I can see the end of Ash's journey too? I don't know what Pokemon Journeys is, but I did hear that Ash finally won it all at the Pokemon League.
                    -Imagine we got (ash) Gengar vs. (Brock) Nidorino/onix fight. It would be like a time paradox to the first episode on TV.
                    -It's honestly emotional for me, I've been watching(rewatching) with my sons, it's really weird thinking that this is really the end for Ash... I don't know how I feel about it.
                    -It's insane to think that during the time Ash has been on his journey some of us have finished their schooling, had kids and settled down. He's one of the most recognizable characters on the planet for 2 full generations.

                    IP属地:澳大利亚10楼2022-12-18 02:21
                      -Ohh! I totally feel you, getting goosebumps all over now. Indeed, you worded it well - shocked. I welcome every change but couldn’t they prepare us a little better and have that special with lets say.. 1000 episodes.. or so?
                      -It's gonna hit different in English, but the sub's already covered it. It is indeed the pinnacle of Ash's battles.
                      -The final episode of Ash vs Leon had some amazing animation. Look forward to it!
                      -Wait, didnt the Leon battle already happened? I tought Journeys had just ended
                      -Any idea where I can watch the newest episodes? I've seen all of Netflixs recent seasons as well as what's available on Pokemon TV but I know there's more out there I'm missing such as the season where he becomes champion and rather not wait for it to be released on the streaming platforms I listed above. Appreciate any help you can provide!

                      IP属地:澳大利亚11楼2022-12-18 02:22
                        -The final season of Journeys will probably air next year on Netflix going by their release schedule.
                        -I cried when Mewtwo turned him to stone.
                        -Betcha they'll show a montage of him finally growing up, maybe have Pikachu finally evolve or find a girlfriend...
                        Actually, here's how it might go.
                        Ash and Pikachu are launching and having fun in the present day. Flash forward a few years. Ash had let Pikachu go in the meantime to live out his life. They meet up again with their families, Pikachu with his Pichus and Ash with his kids. Then we get a whole ass Montage of the two growing older and watching their kids grow up. Maybe Charizard appears, idk. Then, the last sequence will show the new protags. Whether Ash will still be alive is unknown. Pure speculation here.
                        -I only cried when pikachu was trying to revive him in the first movie.
                        Every time.

                        IP属地:澳大利亚12楼2022-12-18 02:23
                          -They need to make him into a trainer card for the TCG. Or like bring him back somehow in the games. This cannot be the end.
                          -Lost opp to play the original theme song during that moment but I have a feeling they are going to get us anyway
                          -I was not expecting to be this emotional about a character that I don’t even really watch anymore
                          -Same here - I haven't watched the anime in years yet this still feels so emotional for me. It's like the end of an era.
                          -I know that they're being respectful to the Japanese VA of May, but I'm admittedly a bit bummed she likely won't be given a goodbye by the anime. Grew up with the Hoenn arc.

                          IP属地:澳大利亚13楼2022-12-18 02:24
                            -What happened to May?
                            -Her voice actress was diagnosed years ago with a condition inhibiting speech. (链接)
                            -Get ready to hear Route 1 (Anime Ver.)
                            -准备好去听Route 1(Anime Ver)
                            -Just saying if we get Ash's dad coming back in with a 40lb bag of rice and some cigarettes I'll be happy
                            -Why does Mr. Mime need cigarettes?
                            -Oh you!

                            IP属地:澳大利亚14楼2022-12-18 02:26
                              -I didn’t cry this much since Pikachu's Goodbye (Japanese: ピカチュウのもり Forest of Pikachu). The 39th episode.
                              Edit: wait a minute, they didn’t have to translate it to ‘Pikachu’s goodbye’ but did? Rascals
                              -自从39集皮卡丘的《再见》以后我没有再哭过了(日语版: ピカチュウのもり,皮卡丘之森))
                              -It's Bye Bye Butterfree all over again! I refuse to partake in this wanton massacre of my feelings a second time!
                              -I know they didn't do it, but it would be amusing for a fourth wall joke. Does a Pokemon master have to catch them all? It would be funny for ash to call that a cruel fate as every time he gets close, the universe suddenly brings in another few hundred Pokemon.
                              -If they bring the old school soundtracks.. tears for sure. And I mean the old raps and jams and flute solo track that was I think same title “2B A Master”
                              -如果他们用老的主题曲肯定会引人泪如雨下,我指的是那首老式rap,卡司和长笛演奏的那首“to be a master”(又是英配独有,不是目标是成为宝可梦大师)

                              IP属地:澳大利亚15楼2022-12-18 02:28