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希拉里在高盛的秘密演讲政委灿荣 昨天文章来源:托业帮本文据


政委灿荣 昨天
她称普通民众是“little people”,“the unwashed mass”,而称掌握资本的华尔街精英们是“captains”,“lords”。所有的语境都似乎基于一个常识:世界应该围着资本精英转。
在满满的自信中,我们还是能看出美国衰落的迹象。她称美国可能会成为“serfs for Chinese”;她也认为美国的工业在亚洲国家的工业面前没有竞争力。
如果我们带着看热闹不怕事儿大的心态,不去替美国人民操心的话, 这篇演讲还是有一定的娱乐性的。美国政客都善于演讲,希拉里的水平简直就是美版女郭德纲!

Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you very much, Lloyd [Blankfein], and thanks to everyone at Goldman Sachs for welcoming me today. I’m delighted to be back among friends, colleagues, collaborators, supporters, kindred spirits…
Let me jump right in. You know, over the past few months, there have been popular concerns about an economy that still isn’t delivering for the majority of Americans. It’s not “delivering” the way that they feel it should, that they feel entitled to. Most Americans that you speak to, speak a populist rhetoric that claims it is stacked for those at the top, that those of you here have it too good.
But we know the hopes that the little people have for their future — things like school, job, food, clothing on their backs– all of those little things would not be possible without your leadership and innovation. Since the time of the Medicis, even before, and the financing of the first joint stock companies in the transatlantic slave trade, we know that finance and banking is what makes our capitalist economy not just grow but tick…
但是我们知道这些**对未来的希望 - 比如学校,就业,食物,穿在身上的衣服 - 所有这些小事情如果没有你们的领导和创新就都是不可能的。自美第奇家族(译注:美第奇家族是文艺复兴时期的意大利佛罗伦萨豪门望族,在整个欧洲都有巨大的影响力。)时代或者更早,自第一个从事跨大西洋奴隶贸易的股份公司融资以来,我们知道使得我们资本主义经济不仅增长而且飞跃的,是金融和银行业。
Previous generations of Americans built this economy and a middle class on a collectiveillusion: that they do productive work, this creates wealth, and that this builds the economy. We all know how misguided that is. We know that it’s really due to your investing, credit, and economic stewardship, that they have been able to work at all, that they are able to put food on their tables. It’s due to you and other banking, trading, investment houses that we have an economy that works at all. You are why we are a truly 21st century economic power.
- Applause 掌声 -
You, Lloyd, and your colleagues, have been instrumental in that. People say you are overpaid or even parasitic, parasites on the economic body, and they quote a long line of seemingly “unethical behavior”. They equate with you everything that is wrong and immoral with Capitalism, they charge that you have acted ruthlessly and unethically, “rigging every major market bubble since the Great Depression”.
- Hissing 窃窃私语-
But I—contrary to populist, hysterical demonizing–firmly believe that what you do is essential and critical: you help allocate our investment, direct our economic development, hedge risks, and create power, policies, and alliances in ways that make our country stronger, richer, more powerful, more innovative, competitive, and yes, more “democratic”. You underwrite our elections and our political process—taking on the huge cost of enabling democratic dialogue at its biggest, broadest capacity. Your tireless work adds true value, and without you, we would still be struggling helplessly against industrial powerhouses in Asia and across the world trying to compete with them on the level of industry, technology, innovation, and hard work, at which they would beat us hands down. It’s your financial innovation, your speculative tools, which allow us new ways of creating value without sweat or struggle, that gives us the competitive advantage. It’s this vision, this technological innovation, this financial wizardry, this is what makes America great and powerful.
- Applause 掌声 -
For decades, people have argued that if we give more wealth to t

IP属地:四川来自Android客户端1楼2019-10-06 13:23回复