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IP属地:广东来自Android客户端1楼2019-02-09 00:28回复
    I want to be a Spider-Man.
    Then I'm not scared of the dark.

    IP属地:广东来自Android客户端2楼2019-02-09 00:28

      IP属地:河北3楼2019-02-09 00:49
        everyone could be spider man

        IP属地:上海来自Android客户端4楼2019-02-09 20:01
          No u wont.u dunno how hard it'll be.It's not just overcome the fear of the darkness,but also the pain,the stress,and a lot that you can never imagine.And of course,the most important,responsibility.
          Hey kiddo,You know spider-man from movies,right?That spider-man actually is a simplified version pf him.In comics,he is more complecated.No,not so easy that you thought to be.
          Trust me,don't be him.

          IP属地:广西来自Android客户端5楼2019-02-09 22:50
            You don't want to be confused anymore?Well I'll give you a story not about real life but creating a charater who fits you.Might give you some tips.
            So,Here comes the story,maybe a little strange,but simple and easy-understanding:
            Well at first I tried to place myself into the Marvel Universe.I placed myself into spidey's position.But I started to confuse about what spidey is thinking.You know what?I couldn't get him.I couldn't undertstand what he was doing.For a long time,I couldn't find my position at the Marvel and also the real life.Sounds a little funny,isn't it?
            Then I gave up placing myself at spidey's position.Damn,too hard.I'm not him.If I continue like this,this would only a container,not a real person.Then I gave myself a identity:A anti hero,that would be fitter than spidey---I'm not a rule-follow person,I like jumping out of the borders.Then,give him a name:Scatter.His name comes from nothing,just a chaos thought.Give him weapon:Sniper Rifle:M200.Well I like sniper rifle in real life.Give him a power:Fast healing,though it's the same of Deadpool.Give him a city:Houston,where I want to go.And done.
            You know what?He now not just a person that live in my mind.He has a life now,though in my heart.(Hey,those world-famous writers said before:"If you want a charater success,he must be lived in your heart like a real person").And I find my position in the world.
            What can you learn from it?Find yourself,not to find others.You are the only one who you should become.Others may just some passersby.You should be the hero in your heart,not spidey.
            Now go,find yourself.Don't hesitate.Now is the best time to move.

            IP属地:广西6楼2019-02-10 00:27
              We love Spider-man,
              Because he never give up.
              I miss him very much.

              IP属地:山东来自Android客户端7楼2019-02-11 13:04
                i love Spidey , but i have never thought about being him .

                IP属地:广东来自Android客户端8楼2019-02-13 09:24

                  来自Android客户端11楼2019-02-13 13:14

                    IP属地:广东12楼2019-02-25 18:00