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【League of Legends】League of Legends Vore Tournament


1楼2014-07-09 01:21回复

    2楼2014-07-09 01:29
      嗯。。至于这个。。。请各位同学不要发表在线翻译软件翻译的文章,楼主试过, 效(ma)果(de)不(shen)太(me)理(dong)想(xi)?????

      3楼2014-07-09 01:34
        【League of Legends Vore Tournament】1
        Smoke cleared over the horizon and a large mansion came into view. It was larger than any other place any in the group had been before. Little did they know of what dangers inside awaited them. They came as 5 separate groups from the far corners of Valoran. From Noxus the renowned assassin Katarina and her sister Cassiopia along with Leblanc and Morgana. From Demacia, the elite ranger Quinn and grand duelist Fiora, along with Sona and vayne. From Ionia, captain of the guard Irelia and former Noxian commander Riven, along with Ahri and Akali. From Piltover, police officers Caitlyn and Vi, along with Jinx. From Freljord, the three sisters Ashe Lissandra and Sejuani. All of them had volunteered to come to this tournament of females from Valoran. None of them knew what exactly would happen but all were determined to win, both for their City-State and for themselves.
        As they approached they were in awe at the sheer size of the mansion. Stretching 6 Stories tall and over a kilometer long. Each floor had a distinct colour scheme and theme of their own, Oak Tree Brown on the first floor with leaves painted on the windows and doors, Blood Red and Crimson on the 2nd floor with metal spikes on every window, Blue and Yellow on the 3rd floor with shields of arms on every wall, Pale pink and White swirls on the 4th floor with ivy on every inch, Gold and Silver on the 5th floor with whirling gears and cogs where ever you looked, and Deep Blue and White on the top floor with ice crystals threatening to melt.
        It was obvious at once that each floor represented each City-State with the 1st floor serving as a common area for all the women to gather and eat. Each group felt their floor calling to them and proceeded to run to the mansion at great speed in order to beat all the others there. This was the first test. As soon as they broke into sprint 4 large cages sprung from the ground trapping the girls with each other. “Let us out!” Screamed Katarina, looking around at her cage to find Quinn, Irelia, Caitlyn and Ashe trapped with her. “It’s no use you stupid Noxian” Riven said, seeing she was trapped with Katarina’s sister Cassiopeia, Sona, Vi and Lissandra. “Vight me you coward” Fiora said in her French accent, Lebanc, Akali, Jinx and Sejauni were also trapped in the third cage. “I will get out of here” Ahri exclaimed looking at Vayne and Morgana in her cage.
        “Welcome all you ladies of the League, you Females of fighting, you Women of War. Welcome, to the greatest tournament you will ever compete in.” No one knew where the voice came from or who it was, but they all knew this was the man in charge. “I am sure you all wish to know why you are in cages and not exploring the mansion. It’s simple really, before you can enter you must break all hatred towards others from different City-States. No one shall enter the mansion until everyone in your cage has forgotten the past and is ready to move on to the future.”
        “Forget all the damage done by the Noxian invasion?!” Irelia screamed in anger. “Ignore all the people killed by those science obsessed lunatics?!” Ashe yelled pointing at Caitlyn. “Don’t worry, it’s easier than you think. And by the way, the doors to the mansion seal and lock in 5 minutes. Hope to see you there.” They all turned to look at each other, none making the first move, no one until Sona played the most perfect, dance ensuing chord they had ever heard, they had no choice but to forget and dance their way into the mansion, forgetting everything and preparing for the tournament

        4楼2014-07-09 01:37

          The next morning they were rudely interrupted by a Teemo laugh wake-up call that no one hated more than Sona. Despite her happy and outward attitude, while being mute she had no way to convey her true feeling towards the Satan of the League. They all arrived in the main hall on the first floor and proceeded to the Meeting room. In the center was a giant wooden carved table in the shape of Valoran with seats at each place representing the 5 City-States. At the far end away from all the girls and large television screen was on but nothing was on the screen. Suddenly the voice from before came from the screen and addressed them all. “Welcome to the Hive room. This is where you will receive all information pertaining to the tournament that will be held over the upcoming weeks. I’m sure you’re all wondering how this tournament works, allow me to explain.”
          “Each week the viewers will vote on which female from each City-State will compete that week. They will also select the 2 City-States that they wish to lose the round and which 2 they wish to win. Each round the 5 selected women will be ranked based on how their city-State performed in the overall ranking. Whichever girl is 3rd will be safe for the week and will not compete. The 1st place will fight 5th and 2nd will fight 4th.(For you at home you are to vote for the girl you want to LOSE the battle, NOT who you want to win. You then rank the 5 City-States in order 1st being the City-State you want to be ranked the highest and 5th the lowest. Girl 5 WILL BEAT girl 1, girl 4 WILL BEAT girl 2. So choose carefully.) As they have one less competitor Piltover and Freljord will not compete this week. The winner of each battle will be granted immunity the following week.”
          “Why would we want immunity? Isn’t the point of this tournament to win?” Morgana questioned with a curious look in her eyes.
          “Did I forget to mention that if you lose the battle, you are both eliminated from the tournament, and eaten by your victor whole? Sorry I guess that should have been made public knowledge before you came.” Every single mouth dropped with the exception of Cassiopeia who made a small grin being part naga she was not unaccustomed to swallowing people whole and Vore. “You monster! You can’t make us eat each other!” Quinn exclaimed both in anger and fear. “Well miss Demacian ranger you should have read your contract a little more carefully. And don’t think about not fighting, if you refuse you become dinner for your fellow competitors.” They all glanced around nerviously at each other, everyone except Cassiopeia who was silently assigning taste numbers to her opponents. *….Quinn 6 Fiora 7 Sona Tits ..I mean…6 Vayne 4 and my sister, 10* No one seemed to notice Cassiopeia staring intently at some of them and drooling a small amount only to be wiped away as the serpent left for her quarters. “I wonder who my first meal will be. Hopefully a Demacian or my sister.”
          “Best of luck in voting and get some rest, you will all need it.”

          5楼2014-07-09 01:37
            【League of Legends Vore Tournament】2
            “No! I will have my revenge!” “Not from inside my stomach you won’t”. “You go Riven! Eat that Noxian!” Irelia exclaimed as she watched her friend started to swallow Morgana whole. “Take that you stupid Noxians. Ionia has beaten you once again” she said looking at Katarina and Leblanc. “None of us cared for her. Get over yourself” Katarina replied without a care. “Congratulations Riven of Ionia for defeating Morgana of Noxus in this the first fight of the tournament.” Everyone turned to look at the portal that Riven had left through and saw her slowly waddle in with her massive gut making it difficult for her to walk. “Oh my. Wow. Is she still alive?” Irelia asked her friend as she approached the mass of flash containing Morgana. “Alive maybe, struggling no” Riven said “Could you help me back upstairs old firend?” Riven asked causing her to blush. “Would I ever” Irelia said with joy in her voice. She quickly supported the weight from Riven’s stomach and helped her upstairs to the Ionian floor of the mansion.

            “Who’s going to break the news to those two that they will eventually have to say good bye or eat each other?” Vayne asked after Riven and Irelia were out of earshot. “Will they even get the chance to face each other? I mean, will any of us ever face people from the same City-State as us?” Fiora asked looking at Quinn whom she shared a friendship not unlike Riven and Irelia’s. “I’m sure the voice will change the rules a lot to keep things interesting for the viewers” Cassiopeia said with the thought of eating her sister in mind. “Speaking of where is he? Shouldn’t he be here telling us about the next round?” Ahri asked looking at the screen at the front of the room.

            Almost as if on cue the screen turned on. “So glad you care about me Ahri, I’m sure the fans will vote for you now. That aside, as you know Riven defeated Morgana and has been granted immunity for the next voting session to allow her to digest Morgana. Due to one sided Voting Quinn will also be granted immunity so that the other 3 Demacian’s can have a shot at being a competitor.” This granted Quinn some angry stares from Vayne and Sona, while Fiora gave her friend a small hug. “Freljord, Piltover, you 6 are now eligible for voting so don’t sleep easy tonight. For this round girl ranked 1 will fight number 5, 2 will fight 4 and 3 will not fight at all.”

            “Hey Cupcake, wish me luck out there against Sona.” “What makes you say that Vi? For all we know Jinx will get voted or Piltover will be ranked number 3” Caitlyn said with worry in her voice for her lover. “I just have a feeling is all Cait.” (I am not rigging this at all I just need to throw more relationships in here). “Akali, meet me on the roof tonight. Alone.”


            “What do you want Lissandra?” “It’s Riven and Irelia, I fear their friendship will influence the voting and match Ionia up against Freljord.” “What does that have to do with me? I may be from Ionia too but I can do anything to stop the voters.” “But you can make those two hate each other.” “Impossible, they’ve been together through a lot. Nothing can separate them.” “Do it or a certain green ninja will end up in my breakfast” with that Lissandra was gone, leaving Akali alone wondering what to do. Split Riven and Irelia up, get eaten, or tell the others. “Only truth can restore balance.”

            6楼2014-07-09 01:38
              【League of Legends Vore Tournament】4
              It took Sejuani, Quinn, Ahri and Akali to bring Vi back into the mansion as she was unable to move herself due to emotions. Once back Irelia dove onto Vi’s stomach screaming for Riven to talk to her, to tell her she loves her, to say goodbye. “Riven please don’t go. Let me cut you out of there. Riven please..” Irelia’s voice trailed off as she was not getting a response from her lover. She couldn’t decide if she wanted to hug Vi, or rip her to pieces for murdering her best friend. Irelia’s mind was not where it should be due to the drama that took palce. She reached for her weapon and was about to slice Vi’s head off before Akali talked her to the ground. “Irelia stop. It’s too late. Riven CHOSE to leave us. She CHOSE this to help YOU win. There’s nothing you can do to bring her back. She’s gone”. “You don’t know how it feels. You ninjas never had any friends. None of you know what this feels like!” Irelia yelled as she stormed out of the room. “Someone needs a time out” Katarina said with a cruel grin.

              “Congratulations to Cassiopeia of Noxus for defeating Fiora of Demacia, the same can’t quite be said about Vi of Piltover defeating Riven of Ionia as Riven chose to sacrifice herself. Anyway Cassiopiea and Vi are granted immunity for next week. And if I am correct Katarina is the only champion from Noxus that can be voted for, interesting. We will have to see what the fans want. Good luck everyone, and can someone from Demacia go find Sona wherever she is”.

              “Where is Sona? She was here yesterday” Quinn said looking at Vayne. “She was the last to leave the Hive room I think, her and…..” Vayne realised what may have happened to Sona. She wasn’t sure but if Cassiopiea finished digesting Fiora within a few hours then she would know for sure. “What is it Vayne? Do you know something?” Quinn asked noticing Vayne stop midsentence. “No, just..uhm…going to see if she slept in, is all” Vayne said quickly as she ran out of the room.

              “That treat wassss very tassssty, Lisssssandra. When can I have another one?” Cassiopeia asked her companion after everyone else left the room. “I’m not positive but you might get another one tomorrow. Keep an eye out for Vayne, I fear she knows something that she shouldn’t. And if it comes to it you can have here as a midnight snack”. “Excellent” Cassiopeia said slithering towards the elevator. “No one suspects a thing” Lissandra said with a devilish smile and a small laugh.

              8楼2014-07-09 01:40
                【League of Legends Vore Tournament】6
                “At least I’ll get something”. “Don’t be coy” Cassiopeia said as she lead her partner through the portal back to the mansion. “Congratulations Cassiopeia and Quinn for defeating Irelia and Jinx. As you all know Cassiopeia and Quinn are granted immunity for the next voting session leaving just three pairs to choose from. Good luck to you all” the voice said as the tv screen turned off and the girls began discussing amongst each other.

                “I swear to God I HAVE to know who that is” Akali said looking rather displeased. “More importantly, what will happen to the last pair standing? Do they both win or will one have to eat her partner?” Caitlyn asked glancing first to Vi and then to Akali. “You all worry about nothing for none of you will even make it to the finals against me and Lissandra” Katarina interrupted, “I might as well eat you now. Save you the embarrassment of losing to someone as powerful and gorgeous as me”. Katarina did a good job showing off her body in the exposing dark blue bra and matching low cut panties she was wearing, everyone turned to watch her ass sway back and forth as she left the room with Lissandra. “All in favour of eating the kitten and her snowman tomorrow say ‘Aye”” Sejuani said. “Aye everyone but Quinn responded as she was having an orgasm in the corner with one hand down her ripped pants and the other on her exposed breasts.

                “I wonder what the winner will get? Maybe they’ll get to love here?” Vi asked as she pulled Caitlyn in close by her larger ass. “Isn’t larger breasts and a nice ass enough of a prize for you Vi? I mean look at how huge my ass is and your boobs!” Caitlyn responded slapping her ass and pointing at Vi’s DD breasts. “You know me better than that Cupcake” Vi replied as she lead Caitlyn off for some intimate bonding.

                “Should we follow them?” Akali asked Sejuani. “Why bother when we can have our own fun? We don’t need them to show us how to do things anymore. And besides, I prefer black haired girls over British and pink haired ones any day” Sejuani said coming out to Akali. “I never would have guessed. And I always liked tall strong ones who care about animals as much as I do” Akali said looking into Sejuani’s care filled eyes and she knew she had found her soul mate. “Let’s go, I know where there’s a great spot on the roof by the hottub. We should have some privacy up there” Sejuani said getting up to leave but turned around when Akali didn’t follow her. “What’s wrong? I thought you wanted to hook up?..... Akali?” Sejuani turned to look at her new friend. “Vayne made your ass just so….Perfect” Akali said in a trance-like state getting up to go have fun with Sejuani.

                “Will you ever stop that?” Cassi asked rather annoyed at Quinn. “But it feels sooooo good. I can’t stop myself. I just can’t!” Quinn exclaimed as she rubbed herself on the couch they were on. “Very climax. Much pleasure. Such wow!” Quinn exclaimed as she climaxed all over Cassiopeia’s tail. “You humans, give them a single meal and they go nuts” Cassiopeia said leaving Quinn to play in her juices.

                10楼2014-07-09 01:42

                  IP属地:北京来自Android客户端11楼2014-07-09 01:42
                    【League of Legends Vore Tournament】7
                    “Piltover’s Finest” Vi said as she finished making love to Caitlyn and picked her up walking towards the portal. “Well I am impressed at you two. I never would have thought that you would risk your lives for friendship and love” the voice said, “well done. Congratulations to Caitlyn and Vi of Piltover for defeating Sejuani of Freljord and Akali of Ionia. With that Ionia is the first Faction eliminated from the tournament. Now since there are only two pairs to choose from for the next round, we are going to mix things up again. You will receive another day off to allow for Caitlyn and Vi to finish their meals. As for voting the next round will have everyone by themselves like at the start. But unlike the start this time there will be three girls in the fight” the voice said as confusion set out on everyone’s faces.

                    “Allow me to explain, there will be three competitors in the area at one time, but only two make it out. One girl eats another while the third continues on without eating anyone. Any questions?” No one spoke up and they all glanced at each other until Lissandra spoke up. “Why can’t the winner eat both of her opponents? Or the third girl eats the first one who would be an easy target?” Lissandra asked causing some uneasiness to Caitlyn, Vi and Quinn. “Seeing as Caitlyn and Vi have already gone against my instructions I will not tolerate any violation of the rules. If anyone tries to eat an opponent when one has already been defeated, their meal will be brought back up and then they will be fed to their former meal. Do I make myself clear?!” the voice said with anger. No one made a sound. “Very well, good luck in the voting and see you all in two days.

                    “Cupcake wait up, I want to help out Sejuani and Akali’s homes too”. Vi said catching up to the struggling Caitlyn. “Also you need my help lifting your stomach”. “I guess I could use some help lifting this. At least I’ll get nice tits out of it” Cait responded with a smile. “Don’t worry your ass will be huge too” Vi said as she slapped it and kissed Caitlyn.

                    “Well I guess I get a day to sun bathe” Quinn said to no one in particular as she was no longer partnered with Cassiopeia. “Feel the sssssunsssss embrace, Quinn” Cassiopeia said rather friendly towards her former teammate. Meanwhile Katarina and Lissandra were over by the television looking for something. “Wheres the damm wire? It should be right here!” Lissandra exclaimed in frustration. “It’s no good, this tv is wireless. We can’t trace it to wherever our host is hiding” Katarina replied. “I just want to be able to eat more than once a day, or at all for that matter” Lissandra said looking down at her still unimpressive breasts. “All in good time, all in good time” Katarina said caressing her own Sona filled boobs.

                    12楼2014-07-09 01:43

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