碧波姐姐吧 关注:10,713贴子:417,858

【Bieber Sister】 I am Justin Bieber


Hey guys, I am Justin Bieber. I guess u guys are my hater but why ? I guess u guys just envy me so u hate me、、、、、
I am so handsome, don't u agree? I am good at singing song and I got 7000000000 belibers all over the world. I have so many famous songs like baby、maira、die in your arm and all around the world.......I just do not understand why u guys do not love me! Why?
Maybe I made some mistakes but I am just a child! What? U say I am 19?
Well, though I am 19 but am still a child! I am just a child cause I can show u my underpants in public places!
I know u guys just envy me cause I am a genius! I know it !!!

1楼2012-08-23 09:22回复

    2楼2012-08-23 09:22
      no i love you,i love you but i jealous you are so beautiful and i dont have a pink underwear!!!

      3楼2012-08-23 09:33
        i guess u like (、、、、、、、、、、)
        so ur fans like 、、、、、、this too

        IP属地:浙江4楼2012-08-23 09:54
          Hi sweetheart!I am your boyfriend...i know you can never know who i am for your boyfriends are so much,and i won't tell you i am selena,i come here to tell u that..i won't love you anymore,you the daughter of bitch!Jus give me back my lace panties ,or I'll tell everybody that u got pregnant by Usher...

          5楼2012-08-23 10:07

            6楼2012-08-23 10:22

              IP属地:北京8楼2012-08-23 10:49

                来自iPhone客户端9楼2012-08-23 11:07
                  justina i love u soooooooo much 、、、、、、
                  u r the only diva 、、、、、u r the NO.1 in QQ music、、、、
                  u such a beauty 、、、、、

                  IP属地:山东10楼2012-08-23 11:25

                    IP属地:广东来自手机贴吧11楼2012-08-23 11:56

                      IP属地:广东来自掌上百度12楼2012-08-23 12:17

                        What you want to say

                        IP属地:浙江13楼2012-08-23 12:24
                          just f**k off bitch

                          来自Android客户端14楼2012-08-23 12:24
                            Justine Bieber is the best diva in the world.

                            15楼2012-08-23 12:32
                              Hey my baby belibers、、、or haters, I am here again、、、
                              I’d like to tell u guys about my belibers, they always say most of my belibers are loli but I do not think so. I wanna say that the people who is below 80yers old and above 8months old are all my belibers whatever if they are boy or girl!
                              My fans are the best fans all over te world! Whatever I did,Whatever it is wrong or rigt, the always think I am the best and I have no wrong! When I was young, they alwys say I am just a child. And now I am19,they say I just to show u guys that I am an adult! How clever they are!
                              And my fans love learning English, they love my lace pantise!!
                              I love u too,my baby belibers!

                              16楼2012-08-23 12:49