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1楼2012-07-30 13:58回复

    2楼2012-07-30 13:59
        标题:London Olympics: The Most Embarrassing Opening Ceremony?

      3楼2012-07-30 13:59
          sistawoman 4 hours ago
          Anthony…you are not alone. Is guirky the same as goofy? Can not understand the folks praising the opening ceremonies in Londan. Perhaps I wasn’t watching the same show, cause the one I saw stunk.
          Buckus Toothnail 4 hours ago
          I’m sorry, but this was possibly the worst Olympic Opening Ceremonies for the past 50 years. Perhaps the Brits loved it, but the rest of the world was bored to tears. It was also cringe-worthy at times, such as when the men from the Industrial Revolution and 19th century clothes started break-dancing or all the digging and then the kids in their pajamas…just terrible. The way so much of the presentation was pre-taped too was mind-boggling. Really, you couldn’t pull it off live? And then Paul McCartney, who I love and I adore the Beatles, having those lip-sync issues, oh my God. And we thought Ashley Simpson on SNL was bad, this was truly horrific and played to 4 billion viewers around the world. What a horrible, shameful and embarrassing moment for Sir Paul who did not deserve that. He probably shouldn’t lip sync in the first place or have a backing track, but that miscue was just cringe worthy. To be a Beatle and a living legend and getting truly humiliated like that. And to think of Britain’s rich musical history and most of it tonight were just tracks off the records instead of live performances. Why? Jimmy Page was dying to play the Games and instead you use some British rappper??? Especially when rap is uniquely American. The Stones, Bowie, Brian May, Roger Waters, David Gilmour, The Who, Led Zep, all these classic amazing bands would have played in an instant and yet instead all we get are the Arctic Monkeys? I actually like them but I think Danny Boyle could have done better. What about Radiohead or Blur? Even Oasis are far bigger and more important than the Monkeys and I’m sure they would have reunited for this. Can you imagine “Wonderwall” being played in front of 4 billion television viewers? That would have been magical. Stone Roses are already back together but what Danny should have really done is to get The Smiths back together using this as an excuse and have them play “There Is A Light That Never Goes Out” during the lighting of the cauldron. Now THAT would have been something!

        4楼2012-07-30 14:00
          Andrea Kaur 4 hours ago
            totally agree someone tried too hard to trump Bejing and out trumped himself…….. yawning event… some nice glimpses but overal…… yikes………..
          Steve Bastounas 4 hours ago
            Worst Opening Ceremony ever…no entertainment value, no passion, no organization, boring, boring, boring. I hope the athletes can find their own internal motivation because that sure as hell didn’t do anything for their confidence.
          mary sanner 4 hours ago
            it was utterly AWFUL!!!!
          tyler 4 hours ago
            The Opening ceremonies were the worst I have ever seen. Sooooo boring! What an embarrassment for England. My husband fell asleep and i just changed channels. We actually watched them move the grass thinking something big was about to happen. Never did. Queen was great, the rest indescribably disappointing.

          5楼2012-07-30 14:02
            Benjamin Milstein 4 hours ago
              Your not off-base at all. This was the worst ceremony I’ve ever seen. Was there supposed to be a history involved or was it just the turmoil of the industrial revolution, and on that note.. arn’t things supposed to be happy? It was dark and dreery all the way through, maybe to remind people we were in London. Not doing anything for those murdered in Munich is awful. What was the ending? really? kids and a new generation instead of a star… ok? Btw I love how Costas tried to cover how Paul was choking up from emotion when it was clear that he’s lost his chops. Can post more, but I’m sure others have.
            Srishti Dugar 2 hours ago
              I totally agree…It was so lame, nothing in comparison to Bejing! Had loads of expectations! :(
            Ray Beharry 2 hours ago
              Perhaps the worst ever. Glad I watched something else live and didn’t waste my time. Leave it to the Brits….

            6楼2012-07-30 14:03
              Warren Sheehan 2 hours ago
                I kid you not, but that was just ridiculous.
                I will remember exactly what i was doing on
                “27July 2012〃 in the same way as i remembered
                “September 11th 2001〃 because it was that big a disaster.
              to actually switch channels to the news shows you how boring this was!
                a complete and utter disaster.
              Cafe 2 hours ago
                i am glad that you were willing to speak out to just how bad the opening ceremony was. it lacked creativity, fluidity, and direction. there was nothing awe about it, but awful!

              7楼2012-07-30 14:04
                Christian Rocha 2 hours ago
                  I absolutely agree. The ceremony was dreadfully boring and full of as many references as they could find! The dancing was also quite cringe inducing.
                The ones who should be happy are the Brazilians. This ceremony has lowered the bar, so Rio shouldn’t have any issue outdoing London’s attempt in 2016. I’ll be blunt but well choreograph half nude samba dancers are far more amusing than amateurs playing nurses that stumble around as cheap looking book villains come to life.
                  Thomas Gutjahr 1 hour ago
                  I found the opening ceremony extremely boring too, with few exceptions. Bejing was a totally different story, so much better. I mention this because the Brits said how much better their show would be and to voice my total disappointment.

                8楼2012-07-30 14:04
                  WideEyedLemur 1 hour ago
                    I completely agree with you Anthony. I’ve lived in UK for 22 years now and even in my opinion it was almost a total failure. It didn’t matter whether it was intellectually or historically significant. The real issue was this: from the beginning I waited, I waited and I waited to be captivated, to be thrilled, to be dazzled, to be made proud, over time becoming progressively more and more shocked and bored and that was just it. The wait never ended until I decided to switch off and go to bed. I also only got some of the cultural portrayals; much of it was lost on me. If it hadn’t been for the skeletal audio narration – all of it would have been a mystery. And if I didn’t get such references having lived here for so long, well, the rest of the world was almost certainly completely lost. Most of all, it was visually lifeless and physically unchallenging. Given that the olympics represent and host the greatest physical feats in the world the ceremony failed to bring this into its routine in any way whatsoever. As someone who lives in London I feel ashamed somewhat and embarrassed for the nation. And I can only pray that the games to follow will shine and overshadow this painful memory.
                  Permalink Flag Reply Caroline Muir 1 hour ago
                    As a patriotic Englishwoman, I usually find American derogatory comments about my country infuriating, but on this occasion I can only agree with them.
                    Last night’s opening ceremony was a egregiously embarrassing display of nauseating leftie tosh; amateur night perpetuated by a smug metropolitan elite who are not in touch with the feelings of most people of the UK.
                    I am no conservative, but I am so heartily sick of our public life being hi-jacked by so-called libertarians with a fascist agenda.

                  9楼2012-07-30 14:05
                    Vikrant Singh 38 minutes ago
                      even the commonwealth ceremony of India was much much better….although scarred by corruption
                    Permalink Flag Reply Glen Stevens 25 minutes ago
                      I totally agree with you Anthony. I think this will go down as the worst opening ceremony in the history of the Olympics so far, if not ever!

                    10楼2012-07-30 14:05

                      11楼2012-07-30 14:09
                        I have a running argument with a friend.He prefers the Beijing one to this one. In your own opinion, which one was morepleasing aesthetically (pleasing to the eye)? please give reasons for youranswers. THANKS
                          please, try as much as possible to be impartial and ignoreany biases...i am a great fan of 007, but try to ignore such factors...

                        13楼2012-07-30 14:15
                            If you think London was better than any opening ceremony inliving memory, you must be on crack. It was aweful. I couldn't watch the wholething.
                            London opening ceremony is pure trash. Beijing openingceremony on the other hand, was spectacular.
                            Bejing was 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000… better
                            Beijing , obviously.
                            London's seem so disorganized and while there weresome pretty big names, it just didn't relate well to the Olympics
                            Beijing had some better individual spots, but also had somereally stupid moments. London's was more consistently mediocre overall but forthe most part I didn't completely lose interest in it. I'm not sure why everyoneliked Beijing so much.
                            the beijing one becourse it has more people and it wasexciting than this one in London
                            I thought the London was so much better than Beijing! Theyhad Paul McCartney and James Bond (Well, Daniel Craig, but still) and the freakingQueen! What more do you want?

                          14楼2012-07-30 14:15
                            PrinceBuster21 wrote:
                              5:13 PM UTC+0800
                              So many negative comments. What the hell is wrong with everyone?
                              The Brits did a great job with the opening ceremonies. By definition a show that is meant to have broad appeal while showcasing the culture of a particular country is going have parts that are not everyone's "cup of tea."
                              I know you're on the Internet and all and are thus given to anonymous, xenophobic hyperbole, trolling and dramatic and negative overstatement, but try to show a little class anyway.
                              也许不是你的菜,不过人家也是展示自己国家的独特文化嘛 BLABLABLA。。。。

                            15楼2012-07-30 14:16
                              原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:AbyssFight 转载请注明出处
                                27.07.2012 21:21
                                приняла Королева Елизавета, пустячок, но приятно.
                                Измайлов В.
                                27.07.2012 21:53
                                болеем за наших!
                                27.07.2012 22:58
                                Всем спортсменам удачи!!!
                                27.07.2012 23:42
                                Полный дерибас пока эта церемония. В общем, скучно,как англичане.
                                27.07.2012 23:44
                                Открытие в этом году, и открытие в 2008 году - этоЗемля и Небо. Мне скучно, пойду сделаю кофе...
                                27.07.2012 23:46
                                отравят всех там... предсказваю
                                我预测,所有在场的人都会被毒害…… (译注:好像在吐槽那个工业烟囱)
                                27.07.2012 23:51
                                Ага отравят радиоактивным полонием :))
                                28.07.2012 00:10
                                Открытие реально очень странное
                                28.07.2012 00:17
                                Кошмар! Совершенно бездарная постановка. Какая-тобезумная куча мала. И скучно, скучно, скучно.
                                28.07.2012 00:18
                                Лондон центр Европы - хотя русские думают чтоМОСКВА центр мира - нормальные русские живут в Лондоне а не в России ...
                                28.07.2012 00:41
                                В двух словах ,открытие это скорбь по былой славе,ипорабощение современной UK черными.
                                28.07.2012 00:44К
                                итай идёт как достойный хозяин мира !
                                28.07.2012 00:49
                                А чего китайцам не идти, как хозяевам? Разыграютзолото с америкосами. Россия хорошо, если третье займет.

                              16楼2012-07-30 14:16