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1楼2011-10-07 15:46回复
    Lesson One
    On Becoming a Traditional Crafter
    The Breathing Exercise elcome to the Mini-Course in Traditional Magic. This is Lesson One. This Mini-Course is designed to provide a free basic introduction to the Traditional Magic followed by a tradition, or Trad, of Traditional British Witchcraft, or Trad Witchcraft. This is NOT Wicca; instead, this is pre-Wicca witchcraft, the older version of English witchcraft, a tradition reflective of the heritage of our ancestors and the Traditional Magical Arts. W
    Learning Trad Witchcraft
    I am happy you have decided to learn about true British Witchcraft and the power of magic. For a few select people, Trad Witchcraft allows one to live the "magical life" in the truly traditional manner.
    You may know about Wicca. Wicca is a new religion. While we respect Wicca, nevertheless Wicca has many beliefs and practices that do NOT originate from the traditions of old England. We are not Wiccans. We follow the modern version of the Old Craft of our ancestors, old English Witchcraft.
    If you want to become a true Traditional Crafter (or witch), just follow along, do the exercises and techniques, and you will be on your way. You will receive a Lesson in this Mini-Course each week for 7 weeks. Each Lesson will contain very important basic information along with an exercise, a ritual or a spell.
    Let me be clear, becoming a Traditional Crafter is easier than you think, and it is much harder than you think. Let me explain…
    British Witchcraft is based on a few basic elements. These elements are easy to understand. However, they require determination and a lot of practice and experience to master. However, they are also fun and have loads of benefits. Yes, it is demanding; but it also has tremendous rewards.
    Through the next weeks, I hope to develop your connection to the magical energy that is already inside of you. Each person is born with that sacred energy, the "spark of life" or "the spark of God" that is the very core of our existence. It is that energy that is us, our lives are made possible because we have this energy. Since magic works because of this energy, we can use this energy to alter the world around us. It is so incredible; you will be amazed at the advances you can make. It should be good fun; and we will go through it together.
    I am so happy to be able to share my approach to the Old Craft with you!
    We do not provide a certificate. In studying this Mini-Course, you are learning the sacred tools of a way of life. In my opinion, to offer a certificate would cheapen the traditions of our ancestors and replace the value of this sacred knowledge with a meaningless piece of paper.
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    2楼2011-10-07 16:15
      Anyone Can Become A Witch!
      While few people in our society have the gumption or interest to become a witch, let me assure you that anyone with the desire and determination can become a witch, or as we prefer to say, a "Traditional Crafter." All you need to do is follow
      along. So, read and follow this Mini-Course and you will begin your journey along our Trad's spiritual path of Traditional British Witchcraft!
      Going Within
      I want to first talk about Going With, or what many call, "meditation." For the Traditional Crafter (witch), Going Within is vital. That may sound strange to you, because you may think of meditation as being Asian and has nothing to do with witchcraft. If that's what you thought, then I have a surprise for you.
      Meditation has been in Europe as long as it has been in Asia. Of course it wasn't called "meditation" in Europe in ages past. One term used is " Going Within." Today many call it "meditation" because the word has become so popular. Nevertheless, meditation certainly was in Europe and has always been a key discipline that every Trad Crafter (witch) practices.
      Now, I know that many people think they could never learn to meditate. They picture sitting on the floor in the lotus position with their legs crossed for hours on end chanting "om." Well, don't worry; that is not the way it's done in Europe!
      But first, what is meditation? Meditation is the focus of the mind on one thing.
      That's it. It may sound simple but it requires training to do it correctly. The type of meditation I will teach you is simple. Most people will find it to be very enjoyable when you get use to it.
      But also, keep in mind that it is so important to learn because it will help you in so many ways in everyday life.
      There are many benefits to meditation such as stress relief and greater ability to study.
      People who meditate regularly are much more productive in everything they do. They are much calmer in crisis situations. They are able to stop the "chatter" that normally occurs in the conscious mind. They also have an increased ability to focus on one situation or problem at a time.
      Meditation fosters spiritual growth and self-improvement. Both of these are central to British witchcraft because the Trad Witch is always open to improvement and change. If we are truly in contact with the rhythms of Nature, do we really every stop learning and observing? The world is such an exciting place because of Nature.
      Meditation effects how we view life and the world around us. People who meditate develop sensitivity to other people, to all life forms, and to the Earth.

      3楼2011-10-07 16:16
        Anyone Can Become A Witch!
        While few people in our society have the gumption or interest to become a witch, let me assure you that anyone with the desire and determination can become a witch, or as we prefer to say, a "Traditional Crafter." All you need to do is followalong. So, read and follow this Mini-Course and you will begin your journey along our Trad's spiritual path of Traditional British Witchcraft!

        4楼2011-10-07 16:19
          Going Within
          I want to first talk about Going With, or what many call, "meditation." For the Traditional Crafter (witch), Going Within is vital. That may sound strange to you, because you may think of meditation as being Asian and has nothing to do with witchcraft. If that's what you thought, then I have a surprise for you.
          Meditation has been in Europe as long as it has been in Asia. Of course it wasn't called "meditation" in Europe in ages past. One term used is " Going Within." Today many call it "meditation" because the word has become so popular. Nevertheless, meditation certainly was in Europe and has always been a key discipline that every Trad Crafter (witch) practices.
          Now, I know that many people think they could never learn to meditate. They picture sitting on the floor in the lotus position with their legs crossed for hours on end chanting "om." Well, don't worry; that is not the way it's done in Europe!
          But first, what is meditation? Meditation is the focus of the mind on one thing.
          That's it. It may sound simple but it requires training to do it correctly. The type of meditation I will teach you is simple. Most people will find it to be very enjoyable when you get use to it.
          But also, keep in mind that it is so important to learn because it will help you in so many ways in everyday life.
          There are many benefits to meditation such as stress relief and greater ability to study.
          People who meditate regularly are much more productive in everything they do. They are much calmer in crisis situations. They are able to stop the "chatter" that normally occurs in the conscious mind. They also have an increased ability to focus on one situation or problem at a time.
          Meditation fosters spiritual growth and self-improvement. Both of these are central to British witchcraft because the Trad Witch is always open to improvement and change. If we are truly in contact with the rhythms of Nature, do we really every stop learning and observing? The world is such an exciting place because of Nature.
          Meditation effects how we view life and the world around us. People who meditate develop sensitivity to other people, to all life forms, and to the Earth.

          5楼2011-10-07 16:20
            They have a heightened ability to "connect" with the life forces around us. They gain a sense of belonging and develop an awareness of compassion.
            These are all highly beneficial to everyone and these alone make meditation of great value. But to the witch, meditation has an even greater gift. It allows the ability to access and control the energy necessary to perform magic.
            Let's get started!
            Learning to meditate can be easier than you think. I have a super easy meditation that is not only perfect for beginners but is also used by many people that are much more advanced.
            First, here are some important pointers:
            1) Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Use your diaphragm, which is your stomach, just below your ribs, to draw air in and back out.
            Breathe in deeply FIRST, feeling your abdomen expand and fill your lungs. Then release your breath through your mouth, slowly.
            2) You normally exhale twice as long as you inhale.
            3) Should you begin to feel lightheaded, then you need to exhale longer and breathe more slowly.
            The Breathing Exercise
            Step 1: You need to find a quiet place alone where you know you'll have no interruptions. This should be a room you can darken, but don't make the room dark yet.
            Step 2: You will need:
            • Any regular-height table.
            • One white utility candle (any size, new or partly used) and a candleholder.
            • Incense (this is optional).
            • A comfortable but firm chair placed in front of the table (such as a kitchen table and chair or a dinning room table and chair).
            Step 3: Position the candle directly in front of your chair about 2 - 3 feet away on the table. Light the candle and incense. Now, darken the room.

            6楼2011-10-07 16:21
              Also, take it easy. Don't try too hard. When distracted, gently return to concentrating on your breathing. Remain directed to this and you will ease into meditation well.
              I do hope you liked this Lesson. Remember, Going Within has always been an important part of British Witchcraft from the very beginning. I recommend that you do The Breathing Exercise for a few minutes every day for the next week and you will be amazed at the calm and energy it gives you.
              The secrets of the Traditional Craft (witchcraft) will come to you one step at a time. Don't be in a hurry. Great things come to those who are patient.
              The next lesson, Lesson Two, will tell you about terminology in Traditional Witchcraft, will provide an introduction to visualization, which is an important technique, and The Confidence Meditation. You will receive the next lesson in about seven days.
              Until then,
              In Peace,
              Adrian Eglinton
              P.S. Don't forget to visit the Blue Moon Manor website. There is a lot of information there.
              P.P.S. If you have any difficulties or special concern about this meditation, you can email me at I always respond to sincere seekers and readers.
              P.P.P.S I am a Canadian. Proper spelling form in Canada includes both British and American spellings for most words. That is why you may notice both in my writing.

              8楼2011-10-07 16:22

                9楼2011-10-07 18:10

                  10楼2011-10-20 17:29
                    算了吧= =。

                    11楼2011-10-21 19:19

                      13楼2011-10-21 20:12
                        以上这些 都是转至一个有关魔法机构

                        14楼2011-10-21 20:13

                          15楼2011-10-21 20:14
                            谷歌的错 不关我事。。。

                            16楼2011-10-21 20:15

                              17楼2011-10-21 20:16