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  • 目录:
  • 人文学科
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    音频:全 原版名称El Amor En Los Tiempos Del Colera 原著书名: Love in the Time of Cholera 霍乱时期的爱情 作者:加西亚·马尔克斯 英文有声书:全 英文文本:全 中文文本:全 英汉对照:全 IT WAS INEVITABLE: the scent of bitteralmonds always reminded him of the fate of unrequited love. Dr. Juvenal Urbinonoticed it as soon as he entered the still darkened house where he had hurriedon an urgent call to attend a case that for him had lost all urgency many yearsbefore. The Antillean refugee Jeremiah de Saint-Amour, disabled war veteran,photographer
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    xmyhzkj 10-23
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    在我国的网络环境下玩外服游戏延迟高。 丢包就家常便饭。视频也有限制也可以解决 想要解决只有光电~加……&速软件免费版。 视频也有限制也可以解决
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    经核实吧主胡杨先生在 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 帝国外语吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
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    编号英文品名 中文品名 T01 Engine System 发动机系统 T0101 Engine System 发动机系统 T010101 Belt / Chain 皮带(链条) T010102 Camshaft 凸轮轴 T010103 Connecting rod 连杆 T010104 Crank case 曲轴箱 T010105 Crank shaft 曲轴 T010106 Cylinder 汽缸 T010107 Cylinder gasket 汽缸垫片 T010108 Cylinder liner/ Cylinder sleeve 汽缸套 T010109 Cylinder block 汽缸体 T010110 Cylinder head 汽缸盖 T010111 Engine stopper 引擎脚 T010112 Fly wheel 飞轮 T010113 Piston 活塞 T010114 Piston pin 活塞销 T010115 Piston ring 活塞环 T010116 Pulley 皮带盘(滑轮组
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    灯具中英文对照 烟花灯 firework lamp / light 节日灯 holiday lamp / light 圣诞灯 Christmas lamp / light 椰树灯 coconut lamp / light 卤素灯 Halide Lamps / Halogen Lamps 白炽灯泡 incandescent light bulbs 组合开关 integral switch 专业照明 illumination 舞台灯 stage lamp 应急灯 emergency lamp / light 嵌灯/嵌入灯/埋地灯 recessed light / lamp 车灯 car lamp 车头灯 head lamp 投光灯 spot light / lamp 走线灯 light linear 泛光灯 flood light / lamp 景观灯 landscape light / lamp 电子感应灯 electronic senor light /lamp 灭蚊灯 mosquito kil
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    阿嘎agar 8-23
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    阿嘎agar 8-23
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    原著书名:Beloved 作者:Toni Morrison 英文有声书:全 朗读者:Toni Morrison 英文文本:全 中文文本:全 英汉对照:全 请求各位网友、老师和可爱的书虫们跟贴添加书评,无论您是仅读过其中文版或是英文版,只是希望看到您的观点与感受,谢谢您。 学生时代感到英语学习枯燥往往是由于那些对于你来说毫无兴趣的内容,现在选择你可以百看不厌的内容,就像几日不下麻将桌的牌友,就像废寝忘食的电玩迷,只有你所热爱的你才会不惜一切的投入其中,
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    Pretty Boy - M2m I lie awake at night 夜间,我躺下醒着 See things in black and white看着事物如黑白影片 I've only got you inside my mind 只有你在我的脑中 You know you have made me blind 你知道你使我盲目了 I lie awake and pray that you will look myway 我醒醒的躺下,祈祷你会朝我看一看 I have all this longing in my heart这种渴望充满了我心 I knew it right from the start 从一开始我就知道 Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you 哦,我漂亮的男孩,我爱你 Like I never ever loved no one before you 如同在你之前我从没爱过
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    一、否定句句型 1. 一般否定句 2. 特指否定句 3. 部分否定句 4. 全体否定句 5. 延续否定句 6. 半否定句 7. 双重否定句 8. 排除否定句 9. 加强否定句 句型1〔主语+特殊定式动词+not+行为动词或表语+其他〕 1.China of today is not what it was thirty years ago. 2.“Isn’t that Teddy Thomson out?”—“I think it’s him, but I can’t be a hundred percent sure.” 3.“Oh, sir, he can’t have said such a thing! He can’t have spoken like that to you, sir!” 4.We must not wait for favors from Nature; we must take them from her. 5.I ha
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    编号英文品名 中文品名 T01 Engine System 发动机系统 T0101 Engine System 发动机系统 T010101 Belt / Chain 皮带(链条) T010102 Camshaft 凸轮轴 T010103 Connecting rod 连杆 T010104 Crank case 曲轴箱 T010105 Crank shaft 曲轴 T010106 Cylinder 汽缸 T010107 Cylinder gasket 汽缸垫片 T010108 Cylinder liner/ Cylinder sleeve 汽缸套 T010109 Cylinder block 汽缸体 T010110 Cylinder head 汽缸盖 T010111 Engine stopper 引擎脚 T010112 Fly wheel 飞轮 T010113 Piston 活塞 T010114 Piston pin 活塞销 T010115 Piston ring 活塞环 T010116 Pulley 皮带盘(滑轮组
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    Purealuminium纯铝 Purecupper纯铜 Rubbergraphiteboard橡胶石墨板 Springsteel弹簧钢 Stainlessacid-resistingsteel不锈耐酸钢 StainlessandGraphite不锈钢/石墨 Stainlesssteel不锈钢 SteelCastingiron碳素钢铸件 ShellTestPressure壳体试验压力 ServiceFluid工作介质
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    account 帐户 accretion 炉瘤 accurate die casting 精密压铸 acid converter 酸性转炉 acid lining cupola 酸性熔铁炉 acid open-hearth furnance 酸性平炉 activator 活化剂 acetylene 乙炔 adjustable spanner 活动扳手 aerator 松砂机 after service 售后服务 age hardening 时效硬化 ageing 老化处理 air hardening 气体硬化 airless plasting cleaning 离心喷光 air patenting 空气韧化 air permeability test 透气性试验 air set mold 常温自硬铸模 air vent valve 通气阀 all core molding 集合式铸模 alloy tool steel 合金工具钢 allround die hold
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    inter-cooling 增压中冷 inter-coolinglevel 中冷度 exhaust expansionratio through turbine 涡轮膨胀比 equivalent area ofturbine nozzle 涡轮当量喷嘴面积 surge 喘振 surge line 喘振线 superchargerspeed 增压器转速 supercharger outlettemperature 增压器出口温度 starting speed 起动转速 declared speed 标称转速 idling speed 最低空载转速 maximum no-loadspeed 最高空载转速 lowest continuesspeed with load 最低工作稳定转速 economic speed 经济转速 speed at maximumtorque 最大转矩转速 right-hand rotation 右转 left-handrotation 左转 ove
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    1.revocable L/C/irrevocable L/C可撤销信用证/不可撤销信用证   2.confirmed L/C/unconfirmed L/C 保兑信用证/不保兑信用证   3.sight L/C/usance L/C 即期信用证/远期信用证   4.transferable L/C(or)assignable L/C(or)transmissible L/C /untransferable L/C 可转让信用证/不可转让信用证   5.divisible L/C/undivisible L/C 可分割信用证/不可分割信用证   6.revolving L/C 循环信用证   7.L/C with T/T reimbursement clause 带电汇条款信用证   8.without recourse L/C/with recourse L/C 无追索权信用证/有追索权信
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    So Much In Love - All-4-One So Much In Love 爱中这么多 as we stroll along together 当我们在一起漫步时 holding hands walking all along 一直牵着手走在一起 so in love are we two 就这样,我俩在爱中 that we don't know what to do 我们不知道要做些什么 so in love (do so in love) 就这样在爱中(就这样做,在爱中) in a world of our own (do so in love) 在我们自己的世界里(就这样做,在爱中) as we walk by the sea together 当我们在海边一起散步时 under stars twinkling high above 高高在上眨着眼的繁星下 so in
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    请教几个语法问题 @我爱文史 I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, 'Do you speak English?' As I soon learnt, he was English himself!
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    原著书名:The giving tree 给予的树 作者:[美]Sheldon Alan Silverstein 谢尔顿.希尔弗斯坦 英文有声书:全 英文文本:全 中文文本:全 英汉对照:全 The giving tree 是个小故事,简单得在中国多被初中用作朗读、翻译、写读后感用。但这是国外读者最爱的故事之一,也就是这世界上绝大多数说英语的人都读过并且喜爱这个故事。因为简单而轻视的初学者们,你将因为自己的浮躁又一次失去了一次体验自己情感的机会。 The giving tree 通译作《爱心树》,我最早听
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    原著书名:The Hobbit 霍比特人 作者:J.R.R. Tolkien J.R.R托尔金 英文有声书:全 英文文本:全 中文文本:全 英汉对照:全 Chapter I An Unexpected Party第一节 不速之客 In a hole in the ground there lived ahobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozysmell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or toeat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort. 在地底洞穴中住着一名哈比人。这可不是那种又脏又臭又湿,长满了小虫,满是腐败气味的洞穴;但是,它也
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    这很可能不是一个语言的问题,很可能是个心理的问题。 @丶不说话会死君 您的麻烦是:读英语文章都还行,自己一开口就急,就说不好,每次都是这样,怎么办啊。还有救吗?我英语专业啊!???急急急 需要确认的几点是: 1、读英语文章都还行 您能否读一段200多个词发语音上来?大家都看看这个“还行”的评估是不是主观的。 我是坚信您没问题,但需要解决问题时每一个细节都要确定。 2、这种“自己一开口就急“是什么意思?如果自己在没
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    L. G. Alexander是《新概念英语》 的作者,欧盟语言级别划分标准的初创人之一,英语教学的权威语言学家。 上世纪70年代末在中国讲学时有人提出与楼主同样的问题时Alexander拒绝回答并告知:理解什么是定语从句最多是增加自己的语言学知识,对语言提高几乎没用。 定语从句和其它句子的不同就一句话对对人、事、物说明与解释,这个您自己已经有答案了呀?作用就同定语一样呀。 我喜欢楼主穿过的黑丝袜。I am fond of the black stockings that original poster wor
    zybwad 3-16
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    @毋庸置疑丶双鱼 你删的还是英语吧删的?这帮人不是成全我把话题都引到这里么?删帖的人不知什么目的,但肯定是成全了我 可是我感觉以后和外国人打交道的机会不大,我们就是个小城市,哪有外国人 工民建工程师都是自己这里。 劳务出口申请的,不是谁求着去的米国的。 小城市就小城市呗,有相应的涉外职业规划就好好把外语整好,没有就没必要强求。国人和集体感染病症一样,真下功夫去练外语的真没几个,但天天喊着学英语的人是铺天盖
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    What's you name? My name is lafaer.
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    原著书名:The lion,The witch and the wardrobe 作者:C.S.LEWIS 英文有声书:全 朗读者:Dr. Chrissi Hart 英文文本:全 中文文本:全 英汉对照:全 CHAPTER ONE第1章 LUCY LOOKS INTO A WARDROBE 露茜窥探衣橱 ONCE there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. This story is about something that happened to them when they were sent away from London during the war because of the air-raids. They were sent to the house of an old Professor who lived in the heart of the country, ten miles from the nearest railway station and two miles from
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    原著书名:《旧地重游》 Brideshead Revisited 作者:伊夫林·沃(Evelyn Waugh)[英国] 英文有声书:全 英文文本:全 中文文本:全 英汉对照:全 PROLOGUE BRIDESHEAD REVISITED WHEN I reached 'C' Company lines, whichwere at the top of the hill, I paused and looked back at the camp, just cominginto full view below me through the grey mist of early morning. We were leavingthat day. When we marched in, three months before, the pjace was under snow;now the first leaves of spring were unfolding. I had reflected then that,whatever s cenes of desolation l
    蚊大爷 3-3
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    Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree - Billy Gilman Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree Rockin' around the Christmas tree at theChristmas party hop, 在一个接一个的圣诞派对上围着圣诞树摇摆着 Mistletoe hung where you can see, 槲寄生悬挂在你能看见的地方 Every couple tries to stop, 每一对儿都尽力停下来 Rockin' around the Christmas tree, 围着圣诞树摇摆着 Let the Christmas spirit ring, 让圣诞气氛环绕 Later we'll have some pumpkin pie, andwe'll do some caroling. 一会儿我们吃些南瓜饼再整点儿圣诞颂歌 You will
    710957524 1-4
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    这里的老人们都看惯了这里的案例,绝大多数翻来覆去就是那几种常见的症状。但每个求助者都坚信自己是世界上有史以来最倒霉、最痛苦的人,你敢说不是,求助人立刻能和你急。 这不是什么医治者见多不怪成了铁石心肠,是干久了都接受了一个现实,都用不到督导再去解析了——,人类,从产生人类那天起,人类,就是一场悲剧。 以下是两千五百年前所罗门国王写的诗。中文没按《旧约》的通译,有些地方是我自己译的。作为新年贺词。助人的
    710957524 1-4
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    http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bn70K9L 原著书名:For Whom The Bell Tolls 作者:Ernest hemingway 英文有声书:全 英文文本:全 中文文本:全 英汉对照:全 1第一章 He lay flat on the brown, pine-needledfloor of the forest, his chin on his folded arms, and high overhead the windblew in the tops of the pine trees. The mountainside sloped gently where helay; but below it was steep and he could see the dark of the oiled road windingthrough the pass. There was a stream alongside the road and far down the pass hesaw a mill beside the stream and the falling water of the dam, w
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    But some people can’t tell where it hurts.They can’t calm down. They can’t ever stop howling.
    帝国外语 12-18
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    Jingle Bell Rock - Billy Gilman Jingle Bell Rock铃儿摇滚叮叮当 Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock铃儿叮当,铃儿叮当,铃儿叮当摇 Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring铃儿叮当摆,铃儿叮当鸣 Snowing and blowing up bushels of fun大雪飘飘还有那爆发出的多多欢笑 Now, the jingle hop has begun现在,已开始了叮当跳 Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock铃儿叮当,铃儿叮当,铃儿叮当摇(原唱为jingle bell twist铃儿叮当扭) Jingle bells chime in jingle bell time 铃儿叮当敲在铃儿叮当的时候 Dancing and
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    I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus - Lynn Anderson I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus 我见到妈咪在亲圣诞老人 Christmas toys all over the place圣诞节的玩具到处都是 little Johnny wears a funny smile on hisface小强尼的脸上挂着滑稽的笑容 Johnny has a secret and the secret he mustshare强尼有一个秘密,这个秘密必须要分享 He wants to tell somebody so he tells histeddy bear他要讲给一个人听,所以告诉了他的小布熊 I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus underneaththe mistletoelast night. 昨晚我看见妈咪在槲寄生下在亲圣诞老人 She didn

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