回复:台北故宫紧跟纽约步伐 博物馆虚拟化势不可挡?
这70000张照片全部能从线上免费下载,并附带着关于藏品历史的信息说明。此次行动是台北故宫“公开数据图片分享计划“(Open Data photo-sharing initiative)的一部分。据BBC报导,尽管现在全世界已有相当一部分艺术文化机构和博物馆向公众提供它们的电子化信息,但台北故宫依然是第一个在线上实施此项行动的拥有此等规模的中国艺术品收藏机构。
贴吧:淘古趣作者:tachikoma7 2017-08-22 11:22
Transition From BAS to BIoT Is Underway
But while the full BIoT has arrived, apart from demonstration projects, it is today restricted to a few applications where the BAS is not to
贴吧:建筑互联网作者:1叶1梦 2016-02-23 12:42
[SH]Capability Network Operation Innovation & Product Deve
Job descriptionAccenture has established a distributed management consulting model that provides specialized industry and functional expertise based in a network of prominent global locations, to help clients address their most pressing issues and pursue opportunities with greater flexibility and speed. Called the Capability Network, it consists of over 1,700 consulting professionals and complements our in-country teams to deliver cutting-edge expertise and measurable value to our clients. Rapidly expanding, the Capability Network is a highly strategic initiative designed to reinvent managemen
贴吧:accent作者:ibanzou 2014-08-13 09:15
[SH] Strategy Capability Network Learning Analyst
Job descriptionAccenture Strategy Capability Network Learning Instructional Design – Analyst Level Accenture has established a distributed management consulting model that provides specialized industry and functional expertise based in a network of prominent global locations, to help clients address their most pressing issues and pursue opportunities with greater flexibility and speed. Called the Capability Network, it consists of over 1,700 consulting professionals and complements our in-country teams to deliver cutting-edge expertise and measurable value to our clients. Rapidly expanding,
贴吧:accent作者:ibanzou 2014-08-12 17:55
[SH] CN Utility Consultant
Job descriptionBased in Shanghai or Beijing. @ Client sites overseas or in (China) Accenture has established a distributed management consulting model that provides specialized industry and functional expertise based in a network of prominent global locations, to help clients address their most pressing issues and pursue opportunities with greater flexibility and speed. Called the Capability Network, it consists of over 1,700 consulting professionals and complements our in-country teams to deliver cutting-edge expertise and measurable value to our clients. Rapidly expanding, the Capability Net
贴吧:accent作者:ibanzou 2014-08-12 10:29


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  • china initiative
  • ballotinitiative
  • self initiative
  • show initiative
  • data sharing
  • date_sharing
  • uninitiative
  • on initiative
  • key initiative
  • datestring
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  • initiative怎么记
  • initiative怎么翻译
  • initiative翻译
  • initiative词源
  • initiative音标
  • datashare
  • overbearing
  • sharing economy
  • databases
  • sharing
  • sharing的中文