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请帮忙看看 这几个句子意思一不一样 语法有没有问题?


英语菜鸟,对于语法有些搞不清楚,刚才看到一个短语 “think well of ”, 又想起多年前我叔叔和我聊天时说了这么一句话:" 你父亲对你评价很高”, 然后我就想把这事儿用英语表达于纸面,前后写了几个句子,有些晕了,我就是觉得别人读了会不会有歧义?逻辑上语法上通不通?时态没关系,我是为了练习而已,就多写了几个,主要想知道 语法 结构 和 逻辑上有没有问题? 能不能清楚地 毫无歧义地表达清楚?
Myuncle once said to me “Your father thinks well of you!”
Myuncle once said to me that my father thought well of me.
Myuncle once said to me that my father had told him he thought well of me!
Myuncle once said to me “Your father told me that he thought well of you.”
Myuncle once said to me “Your father have told me that he thinks well of you”

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      IP属地:广东来自Android客户端4楼2024-01-07 20:11