泰坦陨落2吧 关注:52,899贴子:509,398
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IP属地:广东来自Android客户端1楼2023-11-12 14:01回复
    首先,要明确的是,《泰坦陨落2》是一个第一人称射击游戏,不是真实模拟的战斗环境。游戏的剧情和角色设定是为了给玩家带来紧张刺激的游戏体验。关于铁驭这个角色的设定:1. 铁驭是一种高科技士兵,他们拥有先进的武器和技术装备,可以进行隐身、飞行等操作。这些技能和能力都是为了在战场上发挥最大作用而设计的。2. 在游戏中,每个铁驭都有自己独特的技能和能力组合,可以根据不同的任务需求进行定制。例如,库伯可以使用数据刀黑入机器人和使用各种武器,这是他的特殊能力之一。3. 关于你提到的负重跑后需要在规定时间内射击达几环以上及格的问题,这并不是《泰坦陨落2》中的特定训练要求或标准。虽然在一些军事小说或者电影中可能会看到类似的情节,但这并不适用于这款游戏的世界观和玩法设计上。4. 对于铁驭的训练和管理方面的事情也没有具体的描述或说明。《泰坦陨落2》主要关注于提供快节奏的第一人称射击体验,而不是深入探讨角色管理或军队组织等方面的细节。因此,你可以根据自己的喜好选择使用哪些能力和战术来对付敌人并完成任务目标即可。

    2楼2023-11-12 14:12
      Pilots are rated by a series of qualifications called "Certifications", similar to a modern-day driver's license. These certifications apply in both civilian and military roles, qualifying a Pilot for a specific occupation such as salvage, deep-space search and rescue, shipping, loading, construction or agriculture. However, by far the most highly-sought certification is the Combat Certification, a widely published series of tests that grade a Pilot's abilities.
      All Pilots, whether soldiers or civilians, must complete the Pilot Certification Training in order to operate a Titan and cannot establish a neural link unless they earn their certification or the Titan's emergency protocols engage should their respective Pilots die in combat and a replacement is required.
      Pilot Certification Training varies between both use and faction, but ultimately fall under the same basic training guidelines. Potential combat Pilots must first complete the Combat Training before going on to Titan Training, all of which takes place in simulated conditions.

      IP属地:河北3楼2023-11-12 14:31
        Combat Certification
        The Combat Certification is the hardest Certification for Pilots to acquire, taking years of training in both the operation of Titans and refinement of the skills of shooting, parkour and combat. Training can be completed or refined in a Simulation Pod. One such training program, widely available for Pilots of the IMC, and illegally available on the Black Market for the Frontier Militia is the Hammond Industries Pilot Combat Certification Simulator. Another, home-grown simulator for the Militia is the Pilot's Gauntlet used by Captain Tai Lastimosa and other Militia Pilots, who compete for the fastest time in a virtual parkour course that exercises almost all major pilot skills. It is also possible to network sim-pods together for multi-Pilot training sessions, with arenas such as War Games and Glitch based off the aforementioned simulations.
        At least one live-fire training ground exists for budding Pilots on the Frontier. Training Ground Whitehead on planet Gridiron has a failure rate of more than 98%. The IMC Dynamic Testing Facility also houses a number of testing facilities utilized by Pilots. In addition, the Coliseum, seemingly operated by Advocates, allows Pilots a chance to fight in an arena to earn money and prizes in the form of Advocate Gifts.
        A requirement of the IMC's notorious Pilot Selection Course is for a candidate to use an R97-CN SMG to shoot a 10 cm grouping at 25m in fully automatic fire after a 20 km run
        至少有一个实弹训练场是为边境上崭露头角的铁驭准备的。Gridiron星球上的Whitehead训练场的淘汰率超过98%。IMC动态测试设施也容纳了铁驭使用的许多测试设施。此外,训练场似乎由Advocates运营,铁驭有机会在竞技场上比赛,以Advocate Gifts的形式赚取金钱和奖品。
        IMC臭名昭著的铁驭选拔课程的一项要求是,候选人在跑了20公里后,必须使用R97-CN SMG在25米的距离使用全自动模式射击,子弹的间隔在10cm以内

        IP属地:河北4楼2023-11-12 14:40

          IP属地:北京来自iPhone客户端5楼2023-11-12 20:56

            IP属地:北京来自Android客户端6楼2023-11-13 17:08