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IP属地:北京1楼2023-01-05 00:10回复
    moment in the game." The team was divided into independent subgroups, each given a different area to develop: the village, the castle, the island. These teams worked separately before their work was brought together to see how each overhauled element worked with the others to create a holistic experience. "Our approach was quite granular," Hirabayashi explains. "Rather than saying, 'Oh, this is a bit that we struggled to make in the original due to technological limitations that we can now perfect, we took a hundred individual, small elements that make up the original gameplay experience, and remade and polished those building blocks." That might be the controls, the moving and aiming, the lighting of each scene: every single individual element has been considered.
    "We've developed the drama, specifically the interactions between characters"
    "Yes, this remake is very much the sum of many parts," Hirabayashi concludes.
    While attempting to remain true to the original game's strengths, the team has certainly not shied away from identifying its weaknesses, or at least pinpointing those areas most in need of a contemporary overhaul. "I discussed with the director [Yasuhiro Anpo] where we could improve things like the aiming, the movement of the character - the things that become barriers to entry for those used to how modern games play," Hirabayashi explains. This is still a game about managing resources; ammunition is limited. In every face-off you must decide whether to spare a bullet or make a lunge with a knife. And the sense of frustration when you miss a headshot is as keen as it was in 2005. But everything feels smoothed and contemporised. Aiming down the sights is no longer slow and twitchy. When it comes to missed shots or ammo overspends, there is no longer any doubt as to where the fault lies.
    The fundamental beats of Resident Evil 4's schlocky, B-movie storyline (all American hero visits home of primitive non-English-speaking farm folk to rescue President's daughter, codenamed 'Baby Eagle') are unlikely to change. But the team has evidently been eager to update the way in which that story is delivered. "Leon brings a certain kind of wit to the experience," Hirabayashi says. "We've developed the character drama, specifically the interactions between characters and their personalities. The original game was more 'gamey' in that sense: story scenes were mostly there to serve the pacing of the gameplay. Singleplayer story games have developed since then, so it's been important to integrate the storyline elements. We've tried to make sure that this remake feels like a thoroughly modern, story-based singleplayer experience in that sense."
    Naturally, working on a game that is so beloved, and which many consider to be the apex of the series, has not been without its pressures. "Yes, expectations are high," Hirabayashi says. "We feel a great deal of apprehension to see how our work goes down. But we have tried to have fun as we work on the game, too. This has been important to create the kind of atmosphere to help dispel that tension."
    Likewise, Resident Evil 4 is a game strongly associated with its widely admired original director, Shinji Mikami, whose absence on the project has, at times, been felt keenly. "It would have been nice to have him still be around to run things by," Hirabayashi admits. "But on the other hand, the team features many individuals who worked closely with Mikami." As well as director Yasuhiro Anpo, Jun Takeuchi has worked as executive producer, while Kazunori Kadoi, who worked on the original Resident Evil (he famously became the first member of staff to complete the game using only a knife), has provided additional oversight. "So while I miss Mikami," Hirabayashi says, "we have so many veterans working on the team that I'm sure that we'll be able to get by without him."

    IP属地:北京2楼2023-01-05 00:13

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