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自由电子康普顿散射(FEC)可能会产生宇宙膨胀的假象:光子在从遥远的源头到达我们的途中与大量自由电子相互作用(FEC)。FEC引起光子红移,光子束沿传播方向膨胀,产生宇宙膨胀错觉(FEC-cosmic model)。
《The expansion of the Universe may be an illusion created by Compton scattering of free electrons》预印本发表在Research Square预印本发布平台。如果该理论是正确的,宇宙学将被改写,宇宙大爆炸不复存在。
https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-223929/v3,DOI:10.21203 / rs.3.rs-223929 / v3

IP属地:安徽1楼2021-04-01 09:38回复
    Scientific Editor's Comments:EditorComments to the Author:This paper re-visits the idea of 'tired light', in this case due to Compton scattering, as the sources of the observed accelerated expansion of the Universe. While the idea of Compton scattering being a missing effect which may account for the currently observed discrepancy between low and high-redshift measurements of the Hubble parameter is interesting, the paper aims to replace any observed exponential expansion, indeed any expansion, with a static model and Compton scattering. The proposed model claims to account for some of the previous problems with Tired Light models. However, the status of the current Standard Model of Cosmology does not only rely only upon the expansion history, but a wide set of observations - BBN, galaxy distributions, the CMB, gravitational lensing, supernova, etc - which are all tied together in a consistent way through the model. While the paper proposes a neat argument which produces an effective exponential redshift it would only account for one observation, light from supernova, without addressing all the other successes of the Standard Model. Given this, the paper is not suitable for publication by MNRAS and should be Rejected.
    Date Sent: 05-Oct-2021【图片】

    IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端2楼2021-10-12 12:05

      IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端3楼2021-10-21 10:56
        哈勃参数的高精度测量使宇宙膨胀理论越来越混乱,这支持可能需要新物理学来解释不匹配的想法。宇宙学红移可能不仅与距离有关,还与其他因素有关。宇宙的膨胀可能只是一种幻觉。在实验室中已经观察到自由电子和低能光子的康普顿效应。本文提出一个理论:自由电子康普顿散射(FEC)产生宇宙指数膨胀的错觉:FEC使光子红移(FEC redshift),光子束沿传播方向膨胀,即红移因子为( 1 + z); 光束长度拉伸因子(超新星曲线的时间膨胀)为 (1 + z);光束体积的膨胀系数为(1+z)3,FEC不会模糊遥远的星系。否决“光疲劳”的原因在 FEC 中不成立。【图片】

        IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端5楼2021-11-13 17:22