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Dorothy: 我专程来这里瞻仰您这张美好的面庞, 您却说我“差不多”是常客?
Dorothy: I come here to see your charming face and you say I'm just “kind of" a regular?
Dorothy: 多么可耻,宝贝儿。多么可耻呀!
Dorothy: For shame, honey. For shame!
Jill: 我很抱歉……这样行吗。
Jill: I'm sorry... I guess.
Dorothy: 没有什么问题是一杯免费的饮料解决 不了的。
Dorothy: Nothing a free drink won't solve.
Jill: 我不会请客的。
Jill: Won't do.
Dorothy: 哈?你这是在**我胃口咯?
Dorothy: Huh? You playing hard to get?
Jill: ……
Jill: ...
Jill: 就算我想请你喝一杯,我们也已经被包场 整个周末了。
Jill: Even if I wanted to give you a drink, we're booked for the whole weekend.
Dorothy: 你不觉得自己至少应该在门外贴一张 通知书之类的吗?
Dorothy: Don't you think you should at least put a sign out front or something?
Jill: 嘿,我也是几分钟前才得知这件事的。
Jill: Hey, I only found out myself just a few minutes ago.
???: 如果你不介意的话,她可以用一张我的 票据。
???: She can have one of my tickets if you're okay with it.
Jill: 我完全不介意。
Jill: I see no problem.

IP属地:广西31楼2020-12-25 23:21

    Dorothy: 哦,你真是太善良了!如果你至少有 40%是有机体的话,我还是情愿为你打折的。
    Dorothy: Oh, you're so sweet! If you were at least 40% organic, I would give you a discount.
    ???: 打折
    ????: Discount?
    Jill: 你没必要了解详情的。
    Jill: You don't need to know.
    Dorothy: 对了,是谁把你们包下来的?这家伙 吗?
    Dorothy: So, who booked you? This guy?
    Jill: Seifar玩具公司。
    Jill: The Seifar Toy Company.
    Dorothy: 他们是干什么的?
    Dorothy: What do they do?
    ???: 我们……呃……他们制造狗玩具。
    ???: We... um... They create dog toys.
    Dorothy: 哦,真可爱。
    Dorothy: Oh, lovely.
    Jill: 它还是由狗经营的。
    Jill: It's also run by dogs.
    Dorothy: 哦,别开那种玩笑啦。
    Dorothy: Oh, don't joke like that.

    IP属地:广西32楼2020-12-25 23:21

      Jill: 你觉得我会开那种玩笑吗?
      Jill: You think I'd kid about something like that?
      Dorothy: ……
      Dorothy: ...
      Dorothy: ……你—你的意思是,如果我现在回 头的话,我就会看—看—看到狗吗?
      Dorothy: ...y-you mean that if I turn around I'd s-s-see dogs?
      Jill: 是啊,你进门的时候就没看到他们吗?
      Jill: Yeah, didn't you see them when you came in?
      Dorothy: 我—我—我进门的时候只顾着望向吧 台了!
      Dorothy: I-I-I just entered without looking anywhere else but the bar!
      ???: 你看起来很不安。
      ???: You look troubled.
      Dorothy: 我—我并不是特别喜欢狗,客户想做 后入式我都要额外加价的……
      Dorothy: I-I'm not too much of a dog p-p-person, I even charge extra if my clients want it doggy style...
      ???: 后入……
      ????: Doggy...?
      Jill: 你没必要了解那些的。
      Jill: You don't need to know.
      Dorothy: 那我就拿了这张票留着下周一用。我 先—先走了……
      Dorothy: I'm gonna take this ticket and trade it in next Monday. I'm leaving right n-now...
      Jill: 但到时候那张票就过期了。
      Jill: The ticket would've expired by then though.
      ???: 她看上去像是那种无论如何都会让你信 守诺言的姑娘。
      ???: She looks like the kind of girl that will hold you to your promise regardless.
      Jill: 真有那么明显吗?
      Jill: Is it that obvious?
      ???: 好了,我要去外面召集出租车了。祝工 作愉快,调酒师。晚安。
      ???: Well, I have to gather the cabs outside. Keep it up, bartender. Good night.

      IP属地:广西33楼2020-12-25 23:21

        Jill: 好,也祝你工作愉快。晚安。有空再来。
        Jill: Yeah, you too. Good night. Come again.
        ???: 好啦,诸位,今晚就到此为止吧。各位 还要回各自的狗窝呢。
        ???: All right, sirs. The night's over. You have kennels you need to return to!
        Dana: 都搞定了?
        Dana: All done?
        Jill: 是啊。
        Jill: Yeah.
        Jill: Boss,你是怎么做到被一群狗包场的?
        Jill: Boss, how do you end up being booked by dogs?
        Dana: 我原本就认识其中的几条狗。
        Dana: I know some dogs myself.
        Jill: 嗯……
        Jill: Huh...
        Jill: 你还说过我们整个周末都被包场了,对吧?
        Jill: And you told me we're booked the whole weekend, right?
        Dana: 没错。
        Dana: That's right.
        Jill: ……
        Jill: ...

        IP属地:广西34楼2020-12-25 23:21

          Dana: 请忍一忍吧,毕竟我们都在尽自己的一份力呢。
          Dana: Please bear with it, we're all doing our part after all.
          Jill: 您说了算,您说了算……
          Jill: Yeah, yeah...
          Jill: 好吧,我该下班回家了。再见。
          Jill: Well, I gotta go for today. Bye.
          Dana: 保重。
          Dana: Take care.
          Dana: 路上小心。
          Dana: Take care.

          IP属地:广西35楼2020-12-25 23:21


            IP属地:广西36楼2020-12-25 23:26
                 序幕第二天:12.10 星期六————

              IP属地:广西37楼2020-12-26 20:15
                Jill: 晚上好。
                Jill: G'evening.
                Dana: 今天是伺候狗的第二天。你准备好了吗?!
                Dana: Day 2 of serving dogs. Are you ready?!
                Jill: 没有。
                Jill: No.
                Dana: 振作起来!
                Dana: Cheer up!
                Jill: 不要。
                Jill: No.
                Dana: 那种态度并不会让你的工作变简单的。
                Dana: That attitude won't make things easier for yourself.
                Jill: 伺候狗也不会让日子好过一点的。
                Jill: Serving dogs won't ease things either.
                Jill: 你收到Gil的消息了吗?
                Jill: Have you heard anything from Gil?
                Dana: 没有,但无论他在什么地方,应该都能找 到乐子吧。
                Dana: Nope, but he should be having fun wherever he is.
                Dana: 还有,你知道我们还有飞镖吗?
                Dana: Also, did you know we had darts?
                Jill: 是的,我知道。
                Jill: Yeah, I did.

                IP属地:广西38楼2020-12-26 20:15

                  Dana: 为什么你不告诉我呢?!
                  Dana: Why didn't you tell me?!
                  Jill: 因为那种事不需要说也会假设存在的。
                  Jill: Because that's the kind of stuff you should just assume.
                  Jill: 每个标靶都通常会附带一组飞镖。
                  Jill: A target board usually comes with a set of darts.
                  Jill: 你喜欢飞镖吗,Boss?
                  Jill: Do you like darts, Boss?
                  Dana: 不是特别喜欢,但既然这样,我就欠某人 一次道歉了。
                  Dana: Not particularly, but now I owe an apology to someone.
                  Jill: ……?
                  Jill: ...?
                  Dana: 不多说了,如果你有什么需要就叫我。
                  Dana: Anyway, call me if you need anything.
                  Jill: 好—好的。
                  Jill: S-Sure.
                  Jill: 好吧,那就……
                  Jill: Well, then...
                  Jill: 调制饮料,改变人生。
                  Jill: Time to mix drinks and change lives.

                  IP属地:广西39楼2020-12-26 20:15

                    Betty: 哦,嘿。请给我来一大杯啤酒(Beer)好吗?
                    Betty: Oh, hey. Can I have a big Beer, please?
                    Jill: (谢天谢地,是人类。)
                    Jill: (Thank god, a human.)
                    Jill: 没问题。马上就好。
                    Jill: Sure. Coming right up.
                    Jill: 请用。
                    Jill: Here.
                    Betty: 谢谢你。
                    Betty: Thank you.
                    Jill: 请用。
                    Jill: Here.
                    Betty: 这不是我点过的大杯,但无所谓了……
                    Betty: This isn't big like I asked for, but whatever...
                    Jill: 请用。
                    Jill: Here.
                    Betty: 你确定自己知道什么是啤酒吗?
                    Betty: You sure you know what a beer is?
                    Jill: 抱歉,我刚才走神了。
                    Jill: Sorry, I'm out of my groove.

                    IP属地:广西40楼2020-12-26 20:16

                      Jill: 我能打听一下你在为这些狗做什么吗,这 位小姐……呃……
                      Jill: May I ask what do you do for these dogs, Miss... um...
                      Betty: Beatrice,但大家都叫我Betty。
                      Betty: Beatrice, but everyone calls me Betty.
                      Betty: 你为什么需要知道那种事?
                      Betty: And why do you need to know that?
                      Jill: 如果你也曾被迫和一群狗共处一整天的话, 你也会对走进店门的人类感到好奇的。
                      Jill: If you've been stuck with dogs all day, you'd also be curious when a human walks in.
                      Betty: 有道理。我是他们的兽医。
                      Betty: Fair enough. I'm their veterinarian.
                      Jill: 他们都是你的病号?
                      Jill: They're all your clients?
                      Betty: 是啊,我是负责全公司的兽医。
                      Betty: Yeah, company-issued vet.
                      Betty: 你看,我有自己的办公室,但位置就在 他们的公司大楼里。
                      Betty: I mean, I have my own office, but it's in their building.

                      IP属地:广西41楼2020-12-26 20:16

                        Jill: 也就是说,你是位有手艺的兽医……
                        Jill: So you're Betty the Ve-...
                        Betty: 哦,别扯那个。
                        Betty: Oh, cram it.
                        Jill: ……
                        Jill: ...
                        Betty: 抱歉,我现在可没心情玩双关语。
                        Betty: Sorry, not in the mood for puns right now.
                        Jill: 我会……牢记于心的。
                        Jill: I'll... keep it in mind.
                        Jill: 除了双关语之外,我还有什么需要对你避 开不提的事吗?
                        Jill: Anything else I might need to avoid bringing up around you besides puns?
                        Betty: 人体增强,但那个话题原本就很难被塞 进对话里。
                        Betty: Enhancements, but that's harder to shove into the conversation in the first place.
                        Jill: 我记下了。
                        Jill: Noted.

                        IP属地:广西42楼2020-12-26 20:16

                          Jill: 但你为什么会反对人体增强呢?
                          Jill: What do you have against enhancements anyway?
                          Betty: 它们不自然!它们的存在违背了人类进 化的理念!
                          Betty: They're unnatural! They go against the very idea of human evolution.
                          Jill: 嗯……
                          Jill: Hm...
                          Jill: 但毕竟存在着人类不通过增强就无法逾越 的……界限。
                          Jill: But there's a certain... wall that humans can't cross without enhancements.
                          Jill: 也不是说一旦更换某些肢体或器官,人类 就能自然而然地成为某些领域的专家。
                          Jill: It's not like having something replaced will automatically make you an expert in things.
                          Jill: 比起那些,人体增强更有可能导致能力倒 退,直到当事人能够适应。
                          Jill: If anything, getting an enhancement sets you back until you get used to it.
                          Betty: 没错,但它还是在理论上让很多事情变 得太简单了。
                          Betty: Yeah, but it just makes things too easy on paper.
                          Betty: 任何有钱人都能通过更换身体部件来解 决问题。
                          Betty: Anyone with money can replace their body parts and call it a day.
                          Betty: 但是……你说得有道理。技能并不会随 着增强部件一起植入。至少暂时还做不到。
                          Betty: But... you have a point. Skill doesn't ship with enhancements. At least, not yet.
                          Betty: 抱歉刚才发了脾气,我与人体增强有过 ……不愉快的过去。
                          Betty: Sorry for the outburst, I have... my story with enhancements.

                          IP属地:广西43楼2020-12-26 20:16

                            Jill: 哦,我并不介意。这可比伺候那群会说话 的狗有意思多了。
                            Jill: Oh, I don't mind. It's way more entertaining than serving drinks to TALKING DOGS.
                            Jill: *清嗓子* 抱歉。
                            Jill: *ahem* Sorry.
                            Betty: 嘿嘿嘿……
                            Betty: Heheh...
                            Jill: 话说回来,那毕竟是我当前的工作。你还 想再来一杯吗?
                            Jill: Speaking of which, that's my job right now. Do you want another drink?
                            Betty: 暂时不用了。
                            Betty: I'm fine for now.
                            Jill: 需要什么的话随时叫我。
                            Jill: Call me if you need anything.
                            Betty: 好的。
                            Betty: Sure.
                            Wyrm Frigger: 嘿,你瞧见一个红点了吗?
                            Wyrm Frigger: Hey, have you seen a red dot?
                            Jill: 我也算是见识过不少了,但你要找一个红 点?我今天可没见过那种东西。
                            Jill: I've seen many things in my life, but a red dot? Not today, no.
                            Wyrm Frigger: 你有什么红色的饮料吗?
                            Wyrm Frigger: Do you have any red drinks?
                            Jill: 红色的饮料?
                            Jill: Red drinks?
                            Wyrm Frigger: 是啊,那饮料可能会知道什么消 息!
                            Wyrm Frigger: Yeah, the drink might know something!

                            IP属地:广西44楼2020-12-26 20:16

                              Jill: 好—好的……
                              Jill: R-Right...
                              Jill: 请用。
                              Jill: Here.
                              Wyrm Frigger: 多谢!
                              Wyrm Frigger: Thanks!
                              Wyrm Frigger: 给我听好了,臭小子。你要是不 肯交代那个红点跑哪儿去了,我就把你给喝了!
                              Wyrm Frigger: Okay, punk. Hear me out. You're gonna tell me where that red dot went or I'll drink you!
                              Wyrm Frigger: 我可不是在吓唬你!我可真会把 你喝掉的!
                              Wyrm Frigger: I'm not bluffing! I'll drink you all up!
                              Jill: 请用。
                              Jill: Here.
                              Wyrm Frigger: 这可不是红的!
                              Wyrm Frigger: This isn't red!
                              Jill: 你能看到红色吗?
                              Jill: Can you see red?
                              Wyrm Frigger: 我能闻到红色!
                              Wyrm Frigger: I can SMELL red!
                              Wyrm Frigger: 你把那个红点藏起来了,对吧?!
                              Wyrm Frigger: You're hiding the dot, aren't you?!
                              Jill: ……
                              Jill: ...
                              Jill: 哦看呐!在那儿!
                              Jill: Oh look! Over there!
                              Wyrm Frigger: 哪儿?!
                              Wyrm Frigger: WHERE?!
                              Jill: ……
                              Jill: ...

                              IP属地:广西45楼2020-12-26 20:16