古德里安吧 关注:112,804贴子:3,390,017



#All twelve German guns were surrendered to the South African Union Defence Force (UDF) at Khorab in July 1915 and were brought to South Africa as trophies. At this juncture it came to light that light artillery pieces were needed for the UDF’s campaign in German East Africa and of the twelve, six pieces in better condition were selected and sent to fight against their former owners. In German East Africa they were used until 1917, when they were withdrawn due to poor condition and returned to South Africa.
#Fortunately, possibly due to their small size, all twelve guns have survived although most are not in a very good condition. It is thought that they were originally painted in a sand colour when delivered to the Schutztruppen, but most now sport other colour schemes. Their current locations are as follow:

IP属地:广东来自Android客户端19楼2018-08-11 11:31
    #Nr. 1 South African National Museum of Military History, Saxonwold, Johannesburg (ex Durban)
    #Nr. 2 Bloemfontein Law Courts
    #Nr. 3 Was seen at the Alte Feste, Windhoek, Namibia in the early 1970's, it has since been reported to be at the Museum of Military Technology ("Wehrtechnische Studiensammlung") in Koblenz, Germany
    #Nr. 4 Union Buildings, Pretoria
    #Nr. 5 The View, Transvaal Scottish HQ, Parktown, Johannesburg
    #Nr. 6 Union Buildings, Pretoria
    #Nr. 7 Imperial War Museum, London, United Kingdom
    #Nr. 8 Bethal Museum
    #Nr. 9 Bloemfontein Law Courts
    #Nr. 10 Union Buildings, Pretoria
    #Nr. 11 Warrior's Gate MOTH Shellhole, Durban
    #Nr. 12 Ermelo War Memorial

    IP属地:广东来自Android客户端20楼2018-08-11 11:32
      To conclude this brief survey, it can be stated that these guns were "state of the art" pieces when introduced in the early 1900's and represent an important milestone in Twentieth Century artillery development. An up to date breech mechanism, advanced recoil system and a well thought out carriage ensured that they stood out above other mountain artillery of the period. They might not have been as large or as powerful as the field artillery of the day, but used within their original role they would have been exceptional weapons.

      IP属地:广东来自Android客户端21楼2018-08-11 11:32
        7,5 cm Ehrhardt model 1908 mountain guns (German: 7,5 cm Gebirgskanone L/17 M.08, or short: 7,5 cm Geb L/17 M.08),莱茵金属艾哈德(埃尔哈特)1908山炮的性能数据
        Barrel Length:127.5cm
        Depression/elevation with folded trail:-7 to 38.5 degrees
        Depression/elevation with extended trail:-7 to 30 degrees
        Traverse:2.5 degrees (left and right)
        Weight in firing position:529 kg
        Weight of projectile:5.3 kg
        Muzzle velocity:300 m/sec
        Maximum Range:5,750 m

        IP属地:广东来自Android客户端22楼2018-08-11 11:35
          Chamberlain P. & Gander T. Infantry, Mountain and Airborne Guns (World War 2 Fact Files) Macdonald and Janes's, London, 1975
          Hall D. D. German Guns of World War I in South Africa S A Military History Journal, Vol. 3 No. 2, December 1974
          L'ange G. Urgent Imperial Service South African Forces in German South West Africa 1914 - 1915 Ashanti Publishing, Pretoria, 1991
          Monick S. Dan Pienaar Gun Park Launches Museum into 21 st Century Militaria 22/2, 1992
          Many thanks also to the SANDF Archives and the South African National Museum of Military History Library for their assistance.
          Please contact me here if you have more information or photos on this topic, especially if you have photos of the other surviving Schutztruppe Mountain Guns.

          IP属地:广东来自Android客户端23楼2018-08-11 11:36
            萊因金屬公司制造的Ehrhardt 7.5 cm Model 1904型75毫米山炮

            IP属地:广东来自Android客户端26楼2018-08-11 11:44
              原始版本莱茵金属的Ehrhardt 艾哈德山砲
              该款山炮的可摺式砲架十分特殊,但是它沒有驻锄之類的擋板可以插入土中~~但是Ehrhardt 山砲有38度仰角很可能國外學者類推適用罷了

              IP属地:广东来自Android客户端27楼2018-08-11 11:47

                IP属地:山东来自Android客户端30楼2022-02-19 19:59
                  根据档案的记载与信件的内容,我们可以得知,大概在1906年,Ehrhardt(艾哈德)从莱茵金属的驻日本顾问那里得知了日本人在测试新炮的消息,于是主动联系了日本人,询问他们需不需要在造炮方面给予帮助。于是乎,莱茵金属公司与日本当时的火炮研制之间便建立了千丝万缕的联系。加之这个时间(1906年)与日本人之后设计试制四一式山炮相当接近,那么四一式的炮盾、炮架结构在后期与Ehrhardt 7.5 cm Model 1904山炮极为相似这一表面现象似乎也就得到了解释。

                  IP属地:广东来自Android客户端31楼2024-09-16 11:48

                    IP属地:广东来自Android客户端32楼2024-09-16 11:48