阿塔尼斯吧 关注:181贴子:311
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My brethren, hear me, for there is little time left. All that remains of our race, our civilization, are those that stand beside you now. Trust in each other. Strike as one will. Let our last stand burn a memory so bright we will be remembered forever. En taro Tassadar!
——The elect of God of Xel'Naga , protoss archbishop,protoss executive, five fireball monotheism leader class figures Artanis says.
我的同胞们,听我说,我们的时间不多了,摆在你们面前的是这个种族和文明在战火中存留下来的一切!信任彼此,凝聚意志,让这最后一战永垂不朽,我们将永远被铭记,En taro Tassadar!(向塔萨达致敬!)

来自Android客户端1楼2015-02-25 09:24回复