夜雨寒楼吧 关注:147贴子:22,989



来自iPad1楼2015-01-28 15:37回复
    Does it mean "lame" here? Please see below. Thank you.
    The tightrope walker began to make his way across the chasm. Halfway across, he stopped and staggered. All of a sudden, a colorful and clad clown appeared behind him, stridently crying out: Go on, haltfoot! Go on, lazybones, interloper, sallow-face! ----lest I tickle thee with my heel!

    来自iPad3楼2015-01-28 15:41

      IP属地:中国香港4楼2015-01-28 21:49
        你的lame是专指crippled吧,我无多想,就直接理解成停止的脚(步)。如果是大字母的Haltfoot, 你就不追究了吧....

        IP属地:澳大利亚5楼2015-01-29 17:16
          A new study, BankingMoving Forward, by information services specialist Experian found that half46% fear identity theft online while 60% ofsmartphone users said they had no malware protection on their devices, leavingthem vulnerable to hacking by cyber fraudsters.

          IP属地:澳大利亚8楼2015-02-12 13:00

            IP属地:澳大利亚10楼2015-02-14 17:35
              翻译诗When You Are Old by William Butler Yeast, 要看看吗?

              IP属地:澳大利亚12楼2015-02-19 19:10
                花了下午数小时,把One Child给读完。为了里面提到的The Little Prince 的对白而心情沉重。一直排斥TLP, 觉得沉闷,可忽然间又体会书中言语与思绪。我大约是长大了,但暂时缓不过来,不会去读TLP, 怕心碎。

                IP属地:澳大利亚13楼2015-03-01 17:08
                  以你向来会acknowledge 收到我的函件的习惯,我忍不住想问可有收到3月1日的两条msg.

                  IP属地:澳大利亚14楼2015-03-15 14:27
                    Aesthetic movement 怎么解释?
                    我所了解是艺术不带statement, 纯是一件美丽的观赏品。
                    可作业又要我联系上Oscar Wilde short stories 的 moral issue. 不是说无statement, 那为何又说moral issue 重要呢?

                    IP属地:澳大利亚15楼2015-03-20 14:28
                      我又细细读,对aesthetic movement 一知半解但应该可以写出它的特点。就是想不通Oscar 鄙视人们讲moral, 可作业要我讲Oscar 故事moral issues的重要性。我暂想不到如何解这冲突,大阻碍,会影响全文内容统一性。
                      我要去喝杯草提提神。- -

                      IP属地:澳大利亚16楼2015-03-20 15:40
                        Imagine you are OW. A panel of book critics is compiling a list of the Top 50 Moral Stories of All Time. You have to speak to them about your text and justify why they should include it in the list.
                        老师要求2个故事,主题是identify three features of your text in order to persuade your readers to see the importance of your perspective of your chosen moral issue(s)
                        我选symbolism, synesthesia and dialectic . 我是顾虑了AM.
                        我最大问题是我的moral issue 是什么。
                        我企图溶合AM理论在内:equality and compassion promote the pursuing of beauty with pure pleasure.
                        已写至一半,然后觉得 乱了,不知该不该把AM theory 当成moral issue.

                        IP属地:澳大利亚17楼2015-03-20 20:37
                          不知度娘可通过否?2800 words for 3-4 minutes speech. 词穷,重复用。有些ambitious , 同学多数会谈一般的寓意,我觉得AM对OW影响深,必会影响他的观点而不只是写作风格。帮我看看错处,我流着鼻涕写完,要再去吃药了。

                          IP属地:澳大利亚18楼2015-03-21 13:49
                            Over the course of my life, I’ve come to realise that whilst people are pursuing the civilisation of a modern society, values like love, acceptance, compassion and equality are slowly losing their place. As a supporter of the Aesthetic Movement, I strongly believe that beauty should be appreciated with pure pleasure without the implication of moral and society issues. Thus I always bear this thought in mind when I pen my work. I used symbolism, synaesthesia and contrast in my works to motivate my readers to realise that only through equality of wealth and lots of humanity, then we can seek the true beauty that life holds.

                            IP属地:澳大利亚19楼2015-03-21 13:50
                              With some deep consideration, I’ve decided to put forward “The Happy Prince” and “The Birthday of the Infanta” to be enlisted in the Top 50 Moral Stories of All Time. These are two tales of heartbreak; the Prince was heartbroken when he lost the life of his beloved Sparrow and the Dwarf was heartbroken when he lost the respect of his beloved Infanta. These are the two tales of sorrow that were brought forward by the inequality of society and the lack of humanity.

                              IP属地:澳大利亚20楼2015-03-21 13:50