帕齐尼吧 关注:691贴子:8,555
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半年合同就要到期 未来不知道在哪里..
(家兔拿去换Destro, 罗马不感兴趣)

1楼2015-01-09 17:16回复
    AC Milan News @Milanello
    Pazzini has told Galliani that he wants to stay at Milan for the rest of the season (until his contract expires in June).

    2楼2015-01-11 18:07
      Gazzetta believes that replacement will not come in the form of Rossoneri striker Giampaolo Pazzini, with the Italian international unwilling to leave, preferring instead to try to prove himself for Milan.
      That could be a problem, as the paper believes that unless Pazzini leaves, Milan will be unable to afford to sign another striker.
      -不走的话 估计接下来半年没什么好日子过..

      3楼2015-01-12 18:02