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回复:【2015】我们所看到的现在 是他们永远看不到的未来


2015希望家人平平安安 都不要出什么事

35楼2015-01-03 00:46
    我也是醉了 强迫症心塞

    37楼2015-01-03 04:17

      来自Android客户端38楼2015-01-03 10:16

        39楼2015-01-04 11:04

          40楼2015-01-04 11:05

            41楼2015-01-04 11:05
              Should we cloning?
              Most people are only child in the family, clone let you have a twin. Artificial cloning is the process of producing similar populations of genetically identical individuals that occurs in nature. Person by cloning will have the same genes, looks like as you. However, if all things in the world have become the same, it would be very frightening. Many people argue about cloning. In my opinion, we should not clone because cloning has high failure rate, it’s easy to spread out the disease and bad for the society.
              Artificial cloning is not good for human because it has high failure rate. In the fact, use somatic cell nuclear transfer to cloning is inefficient. The success rate ranges from 0.1 percent to 3 percent, which means that for every 1000 tries, you will have 970 tries are failure. Cloning is not that easy. For example, Dolly is the only outcome of the experiment 277 times. As research, we can know from 277 cell fusions, 29 early embryos developed and were implanted into 13 surrogate mothers. However, only one pregnancy went to full terms, and the 6.6 kg Finn Dorset lamb 6LLS (alias Dolly) was born after 148 days. The process is very complicacy. Also, when you want to cloning something, you need to speed at least than $50,000. It is very expensive. If you cloning failure, you will lost the money which means that for you spend money, you get nothing.
              Another reason why we should not clone is the clone is easy to spread out the disease. Individual produced by cloning inherit everything they have, include the same genes, the same disease, a disease that can destroy entire populations produced by cloning. For example, you can imagine that if a herd is the same clone product, not a serious virus could destroy the country's livestock. The cloning will let disease spread out easier. If the disease spread out, it is hard to control.
              Last reason why we should not clone is bad for the society and the world will be monotonous and have upheaval. If everyone in the world is look like same as you, what do you think? I will feel very strange and terrible. Also, when people cloning, they want to cloning something advantage. So after many years, master of Earth will become human which is made by cloning. Aside these some bad people will make use of cloning to commit a crime. If a person who commits a crime is cloning from you, so your gene, fingerprint, and faces are the same. The police can’t know who are criminal. Artificial cloning is bad for the society.
              Someone may think the artificial cloning is benefit to human because it can help infertile couple have children. However, a man who cloning by someone infertile, he will not have fertility too. If everyone who infertile is chooses cloning to have a baby, the world will have many cloning people. Furthermore, your baby will have same gene and face as you, he/she will be next you. In additional, cloning just can choose one person of couple, the baby will not have the trait from another one. Also, if you want a baby, you can choose another method, such as artificial insemination and test tube baby. Another reason why people might think the artificial cloning is benefit to human because scientists can clone organs for organ transfer. However, cloning people have their thinking and personality too. If they give their organs to patient, they will die too. So, it is very ruthless for them. Therefore, we should not clone.
              There is some reason for why we should not clone. First, cloning has high failure rate. Second, it’s easy to spread out the disease. Third, it is bad for the society. We need to remember a sentence, “To make the science for the benefit of mankind, and not become a scourge.”

              42楼2015-01-06 11:49
                ↑ ↑ ↑
                花两个小时写的我也是醉了 老师深深地恶意

                43楼2015-01-06 11:51

                  44楼2015-01-06 11:52

                    45楼2015-01-06 11:54
                      不过高中居然放假比初中多 1月放8天2月放8天4月放8天!!简直不敢相信

                      46楼2015-01-06 11:57

                        47楼2015-01-06 12:07

                          48楼2015-01-06 12:36

                            49楼2015-01-08 10:24
                              每天都会睡一会再起来做作业 真是个不好的习惯

                              50楼2015-01-08 10:24