naati吧 关注:99贴子:162



问:In future和in the future这两个说法,可以通用吗?
答:不可以。In future是「以后」、「由现在起」的意思,in the future则是「将来」。例如:
(1)You must get to school on time in future(你以后上学必须准时)。
(2)I will go there sometime in the future(将来我会去那里)。

IP属地:澳大利亚来自Android客户端1楼2014-09-05 20:37回复
    (1)How is our daily life changed by the Internet?
    (2)How are our daily lives changed by the Internet?(互联网怎么改变了我们的日常生活?)
    (1)He leads a life of ease(他生活闲适)。
    (2)They enjoy the life of the city(他们喜欢城市生活)。
    How has the Internet changed our daily lives?

    IP属地:澳大利亚来自Android客户端2楼2014-09-05 20:39
      答:主张抄中文解释,因为中文解释往往较为简洁明白。例如caterpillar一字,英文解释是a small creature like a worm with legs, that develops into a butterfly or moth,中文解释简明得多:毛虫。

      IP属地:澳大利亚来自Android客户端3楼2014-09-05 20:45
          答:要查字源,最好找大型字典,例如New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary以及Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary。中型字典如《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》等,一般没有字源注释,唯一例外的,据所知,是《牛津简明英汉双解词典》(Concise Oxford English-Chinese Dictionary),例如该词典fop(纨絝子弟)字条下有注:17th c: perhaps from earlier fop "fool",即「始见于十七世纪,或出自较早之fop(蠢人)一字」。

        IP属地:澳大利亚来自Android客户端4楼2014-09-05 20:49
            During World War Ⅱ, private pig-owning became a popular activity in the United Kingdom as the meat ration dwindled. By the middle of the war, it was officially estimated that there were 6,900 pig clubs throughout the country, many of them run by policemen and firemen. Most pigs were reared on allotments or in back gardens, but some had more unlikely homes, such as the drained swimming pool of a bombed-out London club. A young woman from Catford recalled how she and some friends had each taken a 5-shilling stake in a pig being fed at their local fire station: "How we watched those pigs and gladly paid our money when it came round to Christmas and we were given permission to kill them. I don't think pork has tasted the same since."
            第二次世界大战期间,英国肉类配给渐减,私人养猪遂告流行。据官方估计,战争中期,全国有六千九百个养猪会,其中不少由警员和消防员经营。养猪场所多是租来的公地或后花园,但也有些场所颇为出人意料,例如伦敦一个遭炸毁的俱乐部,其泳池排水之后,辟作养猪场。 一个少女忆述当时她在卡福特区,和朋友各投资五先令在一只当地消防局饲养的猪身上:「我们怀着期待的心情,看着那些猪长大,到了圣诞节,获准杀猪,就高高兴兴付钱。此后的猪肉,哪有这么美味。」

          IP属地:澳大利亚来自Android客户端5楼2014-09-05 20:54
              On 6 June 1944, when the Allies invaded Western Europe, there was fierce fighting. But back in Britain everywhere fell strangely quiet. It was as if the whole country had upped and gone across the Channel to settle with Hitler once and for all.
              A worker in an aircraft factory recalled how she heard the news. She was attending a lunchtime concert in the canteen. "Suddenly the Managing Director came on to the stage. 'Ladies and gentlemen,' he said quietly, 'we have landed in France.' There was a stunned silence, then a quavering solitary voice started to sing 'Land of Hope and Glory'. In a moment everyone had joined in a great crescendo of sound. Some of the women whose sons and husbands were in the forces were singing with the tears streaming down their faces. Then we went back to work - for victory."

            IP属地:澳大利亚来自Android客户端6楼2014-09-05 20:57
                Every time I listen to Development Secretary Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor speak in English I immediately think of retired chief secretary Anson Chan Fang On-sang. The reason is that they both speak English in exactly the same way. They even sound very much alike. I heard Lam on an English-language radio station recently saying there would be no permanent amnesty for owners of village houses in the New Territories that have illegal structures. For a split second I thought the person speaking was Anson Chan. It quickly dawned on me that since Chan was no longer an official she would not be discussing the government’s policy on illegal structures.
                每次我听发展局局长林郑月娥说英语,总马上想起已退休的前政务司司长陈方安生,因为她们说英语时,遣词造句如出一辙,听起来甚至十分相像。最近我在英语电台节目听到林郑月娥的访问,她说新界僭建村屋的业主不会享有永久的特赦(amnesty)。一刹那(split second),我以为说话的人是陈方安生,但我很快明白(dawned on me)过来,陈太已退休,她不会谈论政府在僭建问题上的施政方针。

              IP属地:澳大利亚来自Android客户端7楼2014-09-05 21:00
                另一个官员喜欢说的过时(archaic)习语是be that as it may。那意思是即使你认同对方的说话是真,但你仍拒绝改变想法。如果太太跟你说,梁振英受人爱戴,你同意她的说话,但仍然不喜欢他,你可回答说:「即使如此(be that as it may),我仍然不喜欢他(Be that as it may, I still don*t like him. )。」但这样说是没需要的,你可简单地说:「但我仍然不喜欢他(But I still don*t like him.)。」

                IP属地:澳大利亚9楼2014-09-05 21:08
                    问:「躺在床上」是 to lie in bed还是 to lie on bed?
                    答: In bed(在床上)是成语, in不可改为 on。但是,假如 bed之前有 a、 the等限定词( determiner),则用 in、 on都可以,例如:
                  ( 1) He was( lying) in bed(他睡在床上)。
                  ( 2) He was lying lazily in/ on his bed(他懒懒的躺在床上)。

                  IP属地:澳大利亚来自Android客户端11楼2014-09-08 20:22
                      问:查字典, tears(眼泪)一字总是用 in带出,但我见过 That joke made me laugh with tears这样的句子, with tears和 in tears是不是通用的?
                      答:说「哭泣」,英文是 in tears,例如: I found the child in tears(我见到那孩子在哭泣)。这一句的 in不可改为 with。
                      读者示下那一句,我不知道是什么意思。假如是「那笑话使我笑出眼泪」,英文可说 The joke made me laugh till tears came( to my eyes);假如是「那笑话使我破涕为笑」,则可说 The joke made me laugh through my tears。
                      此外,你会看到 Her eyes brimmed/ filled with tears(她眼泪盈眶)这说法,但那 with是和 brim或 fill连用;你还会看到 She stood with tears in her eyes(她站在那,眼睛含泪)这样的句子,但那 with只是用来带出某种情况的,也不是和 tears连用,以下是两个类似例子:
                    ( 1) She stood with a surprised expression in her eyes(她站在那裏,眼睛流露出惊讶神情)。
                    ( 2) He walked to and fro, with a sad look on his face(他来回踱步,一脸忧郁)。

                    IP属地:澳大利亚来自Android客户端12楼2014-09-08 20:25

                      IP属地:澳大利亚来自Android客户端13楼2014-09-09 18:02
                        最恐怖的翻译之一,是首席执行官。CEO 竟然被逐个字生硬地翻译出来,还竟然如此流行。
                        其实CEO 比较恰当的翻译是行政总裁。中国几千年来喜欢做官,对官字过份迷恋,所以看见 officer 就生硬地套上一个官字。Marketing officer, customer service officer 等等这些职业全部都不是官。

                        IP属地:澳大利亚来自Android客户端14楼2014-09-09 18:08
                          正确的中文表达,不应该含有任何英语,除了极个别的情况之外,例如谈及维生素 ABCD 的时候可以提及英语字母。有一次看中央台新闻,竟然提及 B计划,显然这是英语 Plan B 的生硬的中文翻译。
                          其实这个中文是 第二套方案。
                          另外,说中文的时候提NBA应该是不合适的,应该叫美国职业篮球联赛。 不过习惯了长期在叫的话就成为了广泛被接受了。

                          IP属地:澳大利亚来自Android客户端15楼2014-09-09 21:29

                            IP属地:澳大利亚来自Android客户端16楼2014-09-10 18:57
                              关于繁体字,多说两句。越来越多顾客在微信联系我们,有些顾客是爱用繁体字的,包括90后的顾客。 有一次特意问一个用繁体字的顾客,问他为什么爱用繁体字,他说很好看,说这才是本来的中文字

                              IP属地:澳大利亚来自Android客户端17楼2014-09-10 19:00