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【Love Papa】Stellan Skarsgård on Films, Family Friendsh


一楼 度娘hhh

1楼2014-02-15 18:08回复
    终于有英文的采访了 喜不自禁啊
    来源 http://observer.com/2014/02/stellan-skarsgard-on-films-family-and-friendship/#ixzz2tDerHiwx
    Stellan Skarsgård on Films, Family and Friendship
    BERLIN, Germany — The unusually mild winter here in Berlin (45 degrees and sunny) has been downright balmy compared with New York’s frozen February. But onscreen at the Berlinale Palast, Hans Petter Moland’s hilariously dark competition entry, In Order of Disappearance, has been representing Scandinavia’s arctic blasts with aplomb. Chock full of one cold-hearted murder after another (wryly and meticulously marked by tombstone-like graphic cards throughout the film), this ridiculously entertaining Nordic noir follows the vengeful exploits of mourning blue-collar father Nils Dickman (Stellan Skarsgård) as he tracks down the string of drug dealers responsible for his son’s death.
    What makes the film so wildly eccentric is the kaleidoscope of oddball touches: Dickman’s Sisyphian vocation requires that he constantly plow the highways with a snowblower truck. The drug kingpin he is hunting down is named The Count, a nattily-attired vegan criminal scion prone to bratty outbursts. The Count’s henchmen are secretly gay lovers. The local cops are squeamish about blood. And the tonal changes are impressive, veering from domestic drama to action thriller to outright farce.

    2楼2014-02-15 18:10
      He even admits to using them for material—but compensating them for it, too. “From my second son Gustav, I bought one of his complaints for 200 kroner. He was complaining that he was a middle child—he wasn’t the beloved first child and he wasn’t the cute little youngest child. So I said, can I use that same wording in a film? And he said yeah. So I bought it from him. And I used it in a silly fucking comedy.”
      Why bother with Method acting when you can just look at children? “You got to continue to be playing like a fucking child,” he says. “And I’m not very pretentious about what I’m doing. It’s not a big fucking mystery.”
      Skarsgård is also here at the Berlinale as a part of Lars von Trier’s director’s cut of Nymphomaniac: Part 1, in which he plays a man who listens to a sex fiend (Charlotte Gainsbourg) talking about her problems. (Sorry, folks: Skarsgård only has scenes with Gainsbourg, so no juicy stories about working with Shia LaBoeuf.)

      4楼2014-02-15 18:12
        Curiously enough, the role mirrors one he played 40 years ago, in the 1973 sexploitation flick Anita: Swedish Nymphet. “I haven’t talked to Lars about it,” he says. “It was basically the same role: I was sitting listening to this nymphomaniac talking about her problems.” And Lars never mentioned it? Seems strange. “I don’t know,” shrugs Skarsgård. “I don’t know what weird movies he’s been watching.”
        The actor was very happy, though, with the audience reaction to Nymphomaniac. “They laughed and then went silent,” he says about the drastic tonal changes in that film as well. “They were with the film. I was really happy about it. A film doesn’t exist until it meets its audience.”
        Read more at http://observer.com/2014/02/stellan-skarsgard-on-films-family-and-friendship/#ixzz2tNtJZWWw
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        5楼2014-02-15 18:12

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