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学校的工作机会!Paid work opportunity!


The College of Science and Engineering is conducting a telephone campaign aimed at PGT Engineering students starting in January 2014. The aim is to answer any questions they may have and provide information to make their transition to the University as easy as possible. We are trying to match students country to country wherever possible so for this reason we are looking for 4 students primarily from India, Nigeria, Pakistan and China.
If you are happy to help and available for 2 hours training from 3-5pm on Monday 18th November and on Wednesday 20th November (hours yet to be confirmed but can be flexible) then please email Katherine.Henderson#glasgow.ac.uk

IP属地:福建1楼2013-11-15 10:47回复
    有晚些的培训吗? 22号才final。

    来自Android客户端2楼2013-11-16 06:11