养兔纸的女青年吧 关注:1,306贴子:27,808



1楼2012-12-30 23:17回复

    2楼2012-12-30 23:19
      In general,pet rabbits do not need baths. It may be necessary to bathe your rabbit when he gets excessively dirty. If dirt, urine, feces, or another foreign body is on your rabbit, so much that it can't be groomed out with spot treatment alone, then one should remove the putrid substance with a bath. The goal is to bathe your rabbit in a quick and kind manner as to not stress him out. You should also bath rabbits to get rid of loose hair.

      3楼2012-12-30 23:21
        - Bathing is stressful on the rabbit. Only bathe what is needed and avoid soaking the entire body. Only wash the places that need it.
        - You will get wet. Wear light clothing or a swimsuit.
        - Also make sure not to get soap in your bunny's eyes. It aggravates them.
        Things You’ll need
        - Towels
        - A Hand Towel
        - A bathtub
        - Rabbit Shampoo
        - Never forget the treats for when he/her is being good

        4楼2012-12-30 23:23
          1. Gather your supplies. Have more than enough towels (including a hand towel
          specifically) within reach along with hand towels and rabbit shampoo. Not human
          shampoo or soap!
          2. Fill the bathtub 1-2 inches deep with lukewarm water. (a towel in the bottom of the tub gives something for bunny to grip when standing in a slick tub.
          3. Step into the tub, safely carrying the rabbit. Lower yourself and hold the rabbit in your lap. Make sure he is calm.
          4. With your hands, work water into the needed areas. Avoid soaking the head or getting water in the ears, eyes and nose. (To wash the head and face gently dab or rub it with a damp towel)If the rabbit panics and tries to climb to dry land, try
          wrapping him in the hand towel. Be careful to keep the head above water.
          5. If the water alone is impossible to clean the rabbit, lather a small amount of rabbit shampoo into the coat. Rabbit shampoo can be found at pet supply stores in the small animals section, don't use human soap, it causes dryness to the skin and fur.
          6. If soap was used, turn on the faucet and run water, of the same temperature, over the rabbit, if your rabbit is frightened by the noise of the water coming from the faucet, try filling a cup or pickle jar with warm water ready ahead of time for rinsing.
          7. When finished, wrap your rabbit up in a towel and take time to towel and blow dry him/her in a box. Be sure that your rabbit is completely dry before returning
          him to an outdoor hutch, let bunny groom him/herself and keep inside for a couple of hours if cold whatsoever outside. Remember the treat after washing your bunny/bunnies.

          5楼2012-12-30 23:25

            7楼2012-12-30 23:28

              8楼2012-12-30 23:29

                9楼2012-12-30 23:30
                  Although no direct scientific link between dietary calcium and an excess amount of calcium excreted in the urine has been proven, many veterinarians are advising clients whose rabbits have urinary/bladder problems to decrease the amount of calcium in their rabbit's diet.
                  Calcium is an important mineral for bone growth and maintenance, nerve and muscle function, and blood clotting. However the minimum daily requirement for calcium of a medium sized rabbit is about 510 milligrams. This amount of calcium is contained in less than two ounces of commercial pellets or 1 cup of turnip greens. The percentage of calcium in alfalfa and clover hay is 2-5 X the amount needed for an adult nonbreeding rabbit. Grass hays have a much lower amount of calcium, less than half the amount found in alfalfa and clover hay. Commercial pellets provides more than enough calcium for the average house rabbit and could cause a persistently elevated ("high normal") level of calcium in the blood. If the amount of calcium excreted in the urine becomes too high, problems may develop.1
                  Calcium metabolism appears to be less complex in rabbits than in many mammals. For rabbits choosing a lower calcium diet can be as simple as knowing the amount of calcium contained in each food item to determine if it should be restricted or eliminated.
                  Alfalfa hay is extremely high in calcium and should be replaced with lower cal-cium hays such as timothy or oat hay. Fruits are low in calcium but high in sugar and should make up a very small part of the diet. Root vegetables such as carrots and radishes are low in calcium. Most greens are comparatively high in calcium but they are also a very important component of a healthy rabbit diet and should not be eliminated. Broccoli flowers and stem, cilantro, dark leaf lettuce, watercress, Brussels sprouts, celery leaves, cabbage, and endive are good choices when trying to reduce dietary calcium. Turnip greens, broccoli leaves, mustard greens, kale, and collards greens should be restricted or eliminated depending on the severity of the problem.
                  苜蓿含钙量较高,文章中也推荐提摩西和燕麦, 还有一种grass hays的含钙量相对较低(这草我也有给我家mo混着吃,不过还是提摩西为主)
                  文章来源 http://www.rabbit.org/journal/3-5/calcium.html
                  "Lowering Blood Calcium" Compiled by Kathleen Wilsbach, PhD

                  11楼2012-12-30 23:44
                    6 mg Peppers, sweet
                    10 mg Alfalfa sprouts
                    15 mg Pumpkin leaves
                    16 mg Coriander (cilantro)
                    18 mg Chard, Swiss
                    19 mg Radish seed sprouts
                    20 mg Lettuce, Romaine (per 100g serving)
                    20 mg Squash, zucchini
                    21 mg Jerusalem artichoke
                    24 mg Pumpkin
                    26 mg Endive
                    26 mg Squash, summer
                    28 mg Asparagus
                    28 mg Cauliflower
                    28 mg Purslane
                    28 mg Radishes
                    30 mg Carrots
                    30 mg Egglant
                    32 mg Arugula
                    32 mg Cabbage
                    32 mg New Zealand spinach
                    34 mg Kohlrabi
                    38 mg Lettuce, looseleaf
                    39 mg Turnips
                    40 mg Cress, garden
                    40 mg Watercress
                    42 mg Broccoli
                    44 mg Celery
                    46 mg Beet greens
                    56 mg Spinach
                    58 mg Mustard greens
                    59 mg Dock
                    62 mg Peas, edible pod
                    65 mg Rutabagas
                    68 mg Celeriac
                    74 mg Chinese cabbage
                    78 mg Parsley
                    82 mg Borage
                    82 mg Okra
                    94 mg Kale
                    103 mg Dandelion greens
                    105 mg Turnip greens
                    137 mg Kale, Scotch
                    180 mg Chicory greens
                    218 mg Collards
                    309 mg Lambsquarter
                    315 mg Mustard spinach
                    per 1 cup serving, unless otherwise noted
                    Sources United States Department of Agriculture, Human Nutrition Information Service, Agriculture Handbook Number 8-11, "Composition of Foods: Vegetables and Vegetable Products." Revised August 1984. These are values representative for vegetables collected from across the country; precise values will vary somewhat between regions.

                    12楼2012-12-30 23:46

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