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    關於Krypton一劇的~ Geek Vibes Interview with ‘KRYPTON’ Actor Emmett J Scanlan Exclusive: We have had the honor and privilege of speaking with some great talent in our short time and some of those past guests have been Krypton’s Cameron Cuffe and Wallis Day. Season 2 opens on June 12 and joining the cast this season is actor Emmett J Scanlan who is set to play classic DC character Lobo. We had a chance to sit down with Emmett for a terrific one on one interview as we see what we can expect on the upcoming sophmore season of Krypton.
    weasel_out 9-26
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    關於Krypton一劇的~ Krypton's Emmett Scanlan Gives Insight on a New Look at Lobo The second season of Krypton is coming in just over a month, and the series has an embarrassment of riches when it comes to dangerous and powerful villains. Given that the story centers around Seg-El, Superman's grandfather who lived on Krypton before its destruction and does not have powers, that is a dangerous sitaution. The whole thing is made even more dangerous by the introduction of Lobo, a powerful, unstable, and violent bounty hunter known for comically over-the-top levels of brutality and vulg
    weasel_out 9-25
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    那是為inside soap awards拉票的專題特輯,這期是輪到hollyoaks劇組
    weasel_out 8-22
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    來源: denofgeek Lore Season 2: Emmett Scanlan Talks Historical Horror Lore Season 2 arrives on October 19. One of its stars, Emmett Scanlan, shares what it’s like to portray a serial killer. The only thing less expected than a TV show adapted from a podcast is a second season of a TV show adapted from a podcast. And yet, here is Lore Season 2, Amazon Prime's second go-around of the adaptation of Aaron Mahnke's horror podcast. Like the podcast it was inspired by, Lore takes true creepy stories from history, including the develoment of lobotomies and the tragically grim story of vamp
    weasel_out 10-21
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    來源: StevenBradyHay @ twitter
    weasel_out 10-18
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    来源: thebookofman BOM Questionnaire: Emmett Scanlan Killer questions for the Irish actor Emmett Scanlan, currently in 'Butterfly' and 'Women on the Verge' Warning: becoming friends with this guy may expose you to some expert pranks. What can we see you in next? Right now I’m in ‘Lore’ which is an Amazon Prime series. I play William Burke, Scotland’s most infamous serial killer, then there’s the incredible Sharon Horgan and her new show called ‘Women On The Verge’. I play a right dickhead in that one. And finally, the beautiful ‘Butterfly’ for ITV. Which is
    weasel_out 10-17
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    是关於Women On The Verge的访谈,这剧明晚播~ 来源: comedy co uk Emmett Scanlan interview How did you get the job? Well I'll tell you a funny story actually. My agent rang me up and said, "Scan, Sharon Horgan is doing a new..." and before she could even finish her sentence I said, "I'm in." And she goes, "I don't have the scripts," I said, "I don't give a shit, it's Sharon Horgan, I'm in." Because that's how much I love her. I think she's an extraordinary woman. Just so clever at what she does. And then the aud
    weasel_out 10-11
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    都是關於Safe,兩篇都比較短,於是放在一起吧~ 來源: Express co uk Safe: Michael C Hall’s Netflix series holds 'dark secrets', reveals Emmett J Scanlan SAFE has landed on Netflix and is based on the work of Harlan Coben. One star of the show has opened duff about you should make this new series your next one to binge in the coming days. Fast forward a year and his life is flipped upside down again once Tom’s daughter goes missing. He sets about uncovering the dark series of the people closest to him - with dire consequences for all. The drama is set in a gated com
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    主要談論safe、butterfly、近5年來的工作~ Interview by Rob Carnevale
    weasel_out 5-17
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    主要談safe、butterfly,還有提到in the flesh,他還是很可惜沒有第三季~另外,他還談了一下試鏡的經歷~
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    來源:empathist tumblr
    fjfu132536 11-10
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    kieron登上了一間精神健康服務中心發行的春季季刊封面,入面也有他的訪談,麻煩點圖放大來看啊~ 他參與並幫助宣傳該中心的"大杯茶"運動~這運動致力透過茶會進行互相分享交流,幫助飽受精神病折磨的人解開心心結,消除他們的病恥感~ 而這個訪問kieron以自身的性向為例子,帶出他希望這個世界沒有人需要因為生而不同而有所羞恥感的信息~ 其實談到自身的部分,很多以前的訪問也有差不多的內容,但有一點我個人覺得比較有意思的是,雖
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    原址: 主要是談論人工受孕的事~ INTERVIEW: Hollyoaks' Kieron Richardson on his handsome hubby and their 'complicated' surrogacy journey 'It's tested us, and proven how much we want to be parents' Hollyoaks’ Kieron Richardson has opened up on his journey to fatherhood, admitting he’s glad the surrogacy process is ‘complicated’ because it proves how much he and his partner want to be parents. The star, who married h
    weasel_out 5-24
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    愛爾蘭的雜誌~我仍未看> <有空再看看有沒有什麼新消息=v=~
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    GAY TIMES对现在HOLLYOAKS中扮演GAY的演员们进行的采访。其中KIERON和ROSS在生活中是GAY,而JAMES是直男,PARRY属性不明,应该是直男。
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    终於有文字版 T^T 主要是谈hiv的~ 不过杂志问了一下kieron的婚姻生活~ kieron说有趣的是,他们的关系感觉没有什麼不同,除了他们现在戴了婚戒~他觉得唯一不同的是,现在他看著carl,他会想"天呐,你永远都是我的了",他觉得这有点像有了拥有权~ 来源: 推特proudofkieron 来源: qxmagazine With sex education still failing to deliver the meaningful, accurate education students need, TV shows like Hollyoaks are having to plug the gap, acting as conduits for getting vital information across to young people.
    weasel_out 7-21
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    这个应该是宗教网站,原访谈的对象还有扮演耶稣和伯多禄的演员,可是我只贴emmett的部分~ 原址: “A.D.” cast members talk about bringing the epic story of the Early Church to NBC EMMETT J. SCANLAN (SAUL/PAUL) JWK: How did you prepare to play Saul/Paul and, doing your research, what surprised you most about him? EMMETT J. SCANLAN: It’s interesting because when you do a job like this you do as much study
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    是去酒吧的PA活动~kieron被问到在ste的故事中,想改变些什麼,他就回答说希望leah是ste亲生的... Q&A WITH HOLLYOAKS’ KIERON RICHARDSON: “IF I COULD CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT STE’S STORY…” Kieron Richardson is the award winning actor playing gay character Ste Hay on Hollyoaks, he is a radio presenter at Gaydio and this week he is coming to Climax! We had a chat with the very gorgeous superstar, who is gay in real life, and found out among other things what kind of underwear he wears… CLIMAX ONLINE: Hi Kieron, we’re really looking forward to meeting you
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    这里提到patrick's day......不过已知emmett在那客串的戏份是被cut了 T^T~ em说他演不了浪漫爱情剧的主角,因为他的脸像熔掉了的回收垃圾桶orz...... 来源: Emmett Scanlan: 'I can't be a romantic lead ... my face is like a melted wheelie bin' Life couldn’t be better for Emmett Scanlan right now. The former Hollyoaks actor has just been named ‘one to watch’ by Variety, is filming a new biblical epic and he’
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    这个访问比其他的都短,除了提到emmett要演漫画人物jim corrigan的确感受到压力之外,没有什麼是其他访问没说到的=v=" 来源: www zap2it com Yes, Emmett Scanlan feels the pressure of bringing 'Constantine's' Jim Corrigan to life In case you were wondering, inhabiting a popular comic book character is intimidating no matter who you are or how much the casting directors liked you. Emmett Scanlan, who joins NBC's "Constantine" Firday (Nov. 21) as the DC Comics cop Jim Corrigan (and, eventually, the Spectre), tells Zap2it on set w
    weasel_out 11-23
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    是关於constantine的角色访问~ emmett在入面提到,jim是家暴的受害者,有一个暴力的爸爸...... 话说brendan、simon到jim,父子关系都有问题 orz...... 来源: EMMETT J. SCANLAN SEEKS JUSTICE AS JIM CORRIGAN IN "CONSTANTINE" John Constantine needs help. As unholy forces continue rise against mankind, the titular mage's allies are few and far between, but tonight's episode, "Danse Vaudou," could change all that with the introduction of a new player: Jim Corrigan. Comic book readers
    weasel_out 11-23
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    真的很喜欢ds的soap editor daniel每次给emmett做的访问~=v= 果然由粉丝做的访问,都会非常靠谱 XDDDDD emmett的答案还是一如既往的有纹有路> < 太长了,於是不详翻了,主要都是谈及他的工作,constantine、in the flesh、atlantis、A.D.、hollyoaks、the fall等等~ constantine他应该暂时只有3集,第5、第13和最后一集~ in the flesh第三季仍然没有人知道任何确实的消息~ atlantis估计他在下年才出场了 orz A.D.是claire先入剧组的,然后导演再看他的片段,邀请他为saul一角试镜,后
    weasel_out 11-23
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    这是足球队曼联的官方月刊,emmett在入面提到1990年,即他11岁的时候,和他爸爸一样成了曼联的球迷~ 详细访问点最后一张图放大看~ 来源:emmettscanlan tumblr
    weasel_out 6-29
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    基本上没有什麼新料~ 不过发现那货每一次被问到从brendan一角开始,被观众视为sex symbol/sex god的时候,总是如此不好意思=.=||||||| 还有就是虽然他很自豪(爽死那marvel狂迷了吧=.=),他不想大家太关注他参与guardians of the galaxy的事 XD 来源:emmettscanlan tumblr
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    在第一集播完之后,emmett和luke(kieren),在推特回答粉丝提交的问题=V= emmettscanlan tumblr整理了emmett的回答,我只是搬运过来=V= 迟些有空会翻翻~如果亲们有空,也欢迎帮忙补一下啊> <
    weasel_out 5-12
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    有空再简单说说,不过其实挺短~现在家中有很多人不太方便> <~开个网页都鬼鬼祟祟...orz 不过最后一段...XD 用emmett说过kieron的话,"shameless, you're absolutely shameless" XDDD... 来源:proudofkieron 来源:MaleCelebsUK
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    是esf tumblr主对emmett和导演toby的独家访问=v= 相关帖子: 来源:emmettscanlan tumblr Personal Appearance has its first screening this month and after filming wrapped I was fortunate enough to grab an interview with Emmett about filming, his character Eoin and his thoughts on fame. What can you tell us about your character Eoin? Eoin is a soap star who despite having the whole world at his fingertips, manages to snort, fuck and drink his way into a depression. The movie picks up on our tragic character at a point of surrender, a man who has give
    weasel_out 11-10
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    只节录和kieron/ste有关的部分~ 我还挺期待ste和他们的互动=v=~ho真的太缺sam这种真的有能力的警------察了 XD 看了lizzie的访问,感觉bryan之前说将他们当重心家庭的话不是空谈...吧... 来源:ds Can Sam and Ste get along? "The interesting thing about Sam and Ste was that their first meeting was pretty horrific, so she could easily write him off. But we have to remember that Sam and Danny had pretty rough starts in life. Because of that, Danny has become a teacher and wants to reach out to troubled children, so that he can put them in a better p
    weasel_out 10-23
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    XDDDDD 非常诚实的访问~ 一楼给百度,不知为什麼发新贴用不了粗体字= =||||||
    weasel_out 10-19

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会员: 胡子有毒

目录: 电视剧